Project finance investments are a key backbone for a wide range of sustainable and bankable new infrastructures; being long term investments, they are highly exposed to inflation risk, which in Public Private Partners hips is mostly borne by the private counterpart and its backing lenders. Prompt monitoring and resilient contractual designed as inflation risk detection, man Project finance investments are a key backbone for a wide range of sustainable and bankable new infrastructures; being long term investments, they are highly exposed to inflation risk, which in Public Private Partners hips is mostly borne by the private counterpart and its backing lenders Prompt monitoring and resilient contractual designed as inflation risk detection, management and mitigation, together with proper and flexible financial modelling, alleviating its potentially is erupting impact, especially if unpredictable or chronically enduring. Inflation risk periodically emerges as an extreme-albeit hardly perceived-event, to which infrastructural investments especially in developing countries are particularly vulnerable, creating disrupting agency costs among different take holders. An increasingly wide target audience of both practitioners and academics is interested in the precocious detection, assessment and management of this relevant interdisciplinary problem, so as to find resilient solutions able to mitigate its potentially devastating systemic repercussion segment and mitigation, together with proper and flexible financial modelling, alleviating its potentially disrupting impact, especially if unpredictable or chronically enduring. Inflation risk periodically emerges as an extreme hardly perceived-event, to which infrastructural investments especially in developing countries are particularly vulnerable, creating disrupting agency costs among different take holders. An increasingly wide target audience of both practitioners and academics is interested in the precocious detection, assessment and management of this relevant interdisciplinary problem, so as to find resilient solutions able to mitigate its potentially devastating systemic repercussions.