In this study 121 prescapular, prefemoral and popliteal lymph node of male healthy camel from Mashhad abattoir were collected. After collecting of specimens factors such as: Length, width, thickness, weight, volume and density of each lymph node were measured by caliper device. All factors were analyzed and compared using Excel program. It was revealed that, normal dimensions of right prescapular lymph node (Length, width and thickness) were 9.18±1.39, 3.57±1.06, 2.09±0.38, left prescapular lymph node 9.27±1.56, 3.27±0.93, 2.32±0.69, right prefemoral lymph node 9.51±2.86, 3.9±0.61, 2.71±0.47, left prefemoral lymph node 8.13±2.72, 3.36±0.27, 2.3±0.45, right popliteal lymph node 4.31±0.61, 3.27±0.44, 2.27±0.5 and left popliteal lymph node 4.62±0.51, 3.33±0.63, 2.35±0.58. Maximum length (9.51±2.86), width (3.9±0.61) and thickness (2.71±0.47) were observed in right prefemoral lymph node. Minimum length (4.31±0.61), width (3.27±0.44) and thickness (2.09±0.38) were observed in right popliteal, right prefemoral and right prescapular lymph node. Minimum volume (15.07±6.15) and density (1.02±0.24) were observed in right popliteal and right prefemoral lymph node.