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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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    2 (87)
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This experiment was carried out in order to study the effect of Ionophore anticoccidial drugs (salinomycin, maduramycin and their combination) and the comparison of those effects on the performance, carcass characteristics and concentration of some minerals of serum in broiler chicks. This experiment was included four treatments: 1) basal diet, 2) basal diet with 60 mg/kg salinomycin, 3) basal diet with 5 mg/kg maduramycin and 4) basal diet with 30 mg/kg salinomycin plus 2.5 mg/kg maduramycin. For this experiment, we considered 272 one-day-old commercial broiler chicks from the Ross -308. These chicks were used in 16 sub groups containing 17 chicks per sub group in complete randomized design. The rations of chicks during the experimental period (1-56 days) were based on the corn-soybean meal diet. The results showed that, the group receiving combined drugs, reduced the body weight at the whole raising period and the ages of 42 and 56 days old (p<0.05), while there was not any significant difference of weight gain in those groups that received Salinomycin and Maduramycin. Feed intake was reduced at the age of 42 day old in those group receiving combined drugs (p<0.05), while there was not any significant difference in the experimental groups, considering the feed intake at the ages of 21 and 56 days old, and the whole raising period. Feed conversion ratio was significantly reduced in the group receiving Salinomycin (p<0.05).The mortality percentage was not affected by the experimental treatments. Also, the results showed that there was a significant effect of the kind of drug being used, on the percentage of abdominal fat and the amount of calcium in blood serum (p<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (87)
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In this research, we investigated the effects of medicinal plants, prebiotic and probiotic as alternatives to antibiotics on the growth performance, immune response and blood cholesterol in broilers. A total of 288 one- day-old broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were randomly assigned to 6 treatments and replicated 4 times with 12 chicks per pen in a completely randomize design experiment in 6 wk. Diet 1 was a negative control containing no antibiotics or growth promoters (NC). Diet 2 was the positive control consisting of NC plus an antibiotic (15 ppm Virginiamycin). Diet 3 was NC and a blend of medicinal plants (450 ppm Digestarom). Diet 4 was NC to which probiotic (100 ppm Protexin) was added. Diet 5 was NC plus prebiotic (0.1 % Immunowall). Diet 6 was NC plus a combination of probiotic (100 ppm Protexin) and prebiotic (0.1 % Immunowall). The mortality rate and survival percentage were determined daily. Body weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were measured weekly. Immune response against sheep red blood cells (SRBC) and blood cholesterol were measured in d 27 and 41. Body weight gain in the starter and grower period, feed intake in neither of periods, FCR in the grower period, bursa fabricius and spleen relative weight, primary immune response against SRBC were unaffected by dietary supplementation of experimental treatments. The FCR was significantly improved during the starter period in broilers fed antibiotic and medicinal plants, and during total period in broiler fed antibiotic and prebiotic as compared to broilers receiving other treatments. Feeding prebiotic increased secondary immune response against SRBC compared with antibiotic group. Serum total cholesterol in d 27 and 41 was significantly increased in broilers supplemented with antibiotic as compared to other groups. The results demonstrated that addition of the prebiotic to the feed as well as antibiotic had a significant effect on FCR at 42 days of age and might be used as suitable alternative to antibiotic.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (87)
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To determine gastrointestinal parasites of pet dogs of Urmia this study was carried out in a peroid of 14 months form April 2005 to June 2006. Two hundered and six fecal samples i.e; 169 and 37 samples from male and female dogs respectively, were collected from small animal’s clinics of Urmia city. The dogs were studeied in two age groups of £6 months and>6 months included number of 60 and 146 respectively. The results indicated that 71 (34.46%) of the specimens have been infected at least by one parasite. The parasites were identified as follows: Giardia and Cryptosporidium 6 (2.6%), Hook worm and Toxacara spp 6 (2.91%) and Hook worm, Toxacara spp, Isospora spp 27 (13.1%), 20 (9.7%) and 3 (1.45%), respectively. In this survey 2 (0.97%) were infected to cestoda. Majority of the dog owners (82.2%) were not found to be aware of the potential risk of canine parasites to human health and their knowledge were found unsatisfactory.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (87)
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The aim of this study was to evaluate aflatoxin contamination in feed and milk in dairy farm in Kermanshah. Alfalfa, corn silage and milk samples from 9 industrial and semi industrial dairy farms were collected during 2 months. Blood samples were collected via tail venipuncture from 10 % of dairy cows in each farm for biochemical and hematological parameters. Aflatoxin contamination in feeds and milk samples was detected by ELISA technique. Aflatoxin contamination in alfalfa samples of small, medium and big dairy farm were: 12.4, 10.3 and 11.2microgram per kilogram respectively. There was no significant difference between contaminated alfalfa samples in dairy farms (P>0/05), However a significant difference was observed by time in contaminated alfalfa samples (p<0.01). The mean aflatoxin M1 in milk samples were 37.8, 29.7 and 34.9 nanogram/liter respectively. In this study the aflatoxin concentrations (AFM1) in 33 % of the milk samples of dairy farm in Kermanshah were greater than the maximum tolerance limit or about of European regulation (50 ppt) and in 67 % of the milk samples were below the limit of EU regulation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1390

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    2 (87)
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In order to study the effect of different levels of b-mannanase enzyme on the performance, blood parameters and carcass characteristics of broiler chicks (Arbor acres), an experiment was conducted with 240 checks (44.6 grams average weight) under a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 replications and 12 checks per each replicate. b-mannanase enzyme with the levels of zero (T1 control), 0.035 (T2), 0.05 (T3) and 0.075 (T4) percent were added to 4 experimental diets on the basis of maize-soybean meal for the periods of starter (7-21 days), grower (21-42 days) and total period of feeding system. Daily feed intake (g/check/day), daily live weight gain (g/ check/day), feed conversion ratio (FCR), blood parameters including glucose, calcium and phosphorous (mg/dl) during all periods of feeding system, percent body weight uniformity and carcass characteristics (%) at the end of feeding period, were measured. The results showed that addition of b-mannanase enzyme to experimental diets have increased daily live weight gain and improved FCR of all treatments containing b-mannanase significantly (p<0.05) with respect to control during grower and total period of feeding system. But daily feed intake, blood parameters (glucose, calcium and phosphorous), body weight uniformity, and carcass characteristics as dressing percentage, % thigh, % breast, % liver, % gizzard, and % of total luminal tract of broilers did not affect by different levels of enzymes (p>0.05). Therefore, use of minimum of 0.035 % of b-mannanase would increase daily live weight gain and improves FCR of broilers in grower and total period of feeding system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (87)
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The poultry Industry has been outbreak with an intricate problem called coccidiosis from the beginning and undoubted coccidiosis is one of the most widespread poultry diseases especially among breeder herds and ancestor. So the interest in alternative methods for the control of coccidiosis has been dramatically increased in recent years, and it is necessary to look for methods which are adaptable, safer and cheaper than chemicals. In this study for the first time in Iran effect of anticoccidial effects of powder of Echinacea on experimental coccidiosis caused by E. tenella was carried out. In this study, to evaluate the effects of Echinacea’s powder on fecal oocyst shedding and body weight gain of coccidi-infected broiler chickens, 120 one day old Ross 308 broiler chicks were randomly assigned to six treatments. Each treatment contained 20 chickens. Treatments 1 and 3 were fed diets supplemented with 0.1% of Echinacea and Treatments 2 and 4 were fed diets supplemented with 0.5%. Groups 1, 2 three weeks and 3, 4 six weeks were feed with diet supplemented with Echinacea and treatments 5 and 6 were designated as positive and negative control, received no Echinacea. Chickens in treatment 1, 2 and 3, 4 were inoculated with a suspension containing 200 micro liter of Eimeria tenella orally. Frequency of excreted oocyst obtained from feces samples during 7-13 days post -challenged was carried out. Body weight, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio were evaluated on days 7, 14, 21 and 42. The results revealed that Echinacea decreased oocyst per gram of feces significantly in 7-13 days post inoculation and improved production performance in coccidian infected broiler chicks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (87)
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In this study 121 prescapular, prefemoral and popliteal lymph node of male healthy camel from Mashhad abattoir were collected. After collecting of specimens factors such as: Length, width, thickness, weight, volume and density of each lymph node were measured by caliper device. All factors were analyzed and compared using Excel program. It was revealed that, normal dimensions of right prescapular lymph node (Length, width and thickness) were 9.18±1.39, 3.57±1.06, 2.09±0.38, left prescapular lymph node 9.27±1.56, 3.27±0.93, 2.32±0.69, right prefemoral lymph node 9.51±2.86, 3.9±0.61, 2.71±0.47, left prefemoral lymph node 8.13±2.72, 3.36±0.27, 2.3±0.45, right popliteal lymph node 4.31±0.61, 3.27±0.44, 2.27±0.5 and left popliteal lymph node 4.62±0.51, 3.33±0.63, 2.35±0.58. Maximum length (9.51±2.86), width (3.9±0.61) and thickness (2.71±0.47) were observed in right prefemoral lymph node. Minimum length (4.31±0.61), width (3.27±0.44) and thickness (2.09±0.38) were observed in right popliteal, right prefemoral and right prescapular lymph node. Minimum volume (15.07±6.15) and density (1.02±0.24) were observed in right popliteal and right prefemoral lymph node.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2465

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (87)
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To study the parasitic infection of Turkmen horses in this region, faecal and blood samples collected from 46 randomly selected Turkmen horses (about 10% of population: 30 male and 16 female). Faecal egg counts (Clayton lane method), faecal culture and modified Knott test were performed. No microfilaria was observed in blood samples. Nematode eggs (Cyathostominae) were found in 26 faecal samples (0-650 eggs/gr, 62.121.43). No significant differences were found between infected and uninfested horses in age. Also, there were no significant correlation between age and the intensity of infection. No significant difference, in the intensity of infection, was found between treated and untreated groups. But a significant in sex horses (P=0.046).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (87)
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IDiarrhea is known as the current and economic disease among new born calves. It is characterized by dehydration, loss of macro-minerals, weakness, recumbency and death. In calves diarrhea with different etiology, loss of liquid and electrolytes are the principle signs and the cause of death too. Therefore, determination of the amounts of liquid and mainly electrolytes depletion is important in the prognosis of disease. For this reason fecal, blood and milk consumption samples from 34 diarrheic and 10 healthy calves were collected to investigate, 1) The fecal pH, specific gravity (SG), protein, dry matter (DM) and hematocrit (PCV), 2) The macro-mineral concentrations in samples and comparison between diarrheic and healthy calves, 3) The interrelationships among macro-minerals in fecal, blood and milk samples, and finally 4) the sequence and importance of macro-minerals leave by diarrheic feces in Urmia, Iran. Mean PCV in diarrheic calves was higher than healthy calves (P<0.01). Mean DM (P<0.01), protein (P<0.01) and pH in diarrheic calves were lower than healthy calves. Mean SG of feces in diarrheic calves was 1.015 and DM in diarrheic calves was 2.46 times less than healthy calves. Mean serum macro-mineral concentrations in diarrheic calves was less than healthy calves (P<0.05). There was no different in milk serum macro-mineral concentrations between diarrheic and healthy calves. The highest and lowest percent of fecal K and Na was found in diarrheic calves, respectively. Mean comparison of the fecal and milk serum macro-mineral concentrations between diarrheic and healthy calves were also different (P<0.05). The minimum values were found in diarrheic calves and the maximum in healthy calves. The results of correlations between serum and fecal macro-minerals in diarrheic calves were lower than in healthy calves. There was no correlations between fecal and milk serum macro-minerals in diarrheic and healthy calves. Fecal and blood Na showed correlation with the majority of macro-minerals. Thus, it is concluded that fecal excretion of macro-minerals mainly Na in diarrheic calves is remain important and must be compensate together with fluid therapy in diarrheic calves.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (87)
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Hydatidosis is caused by the larval stage (metacestode) of the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus. The disease has a worldwide distribution and Iran is in the hyperendemic region. In the present study, the efficacy of Dot-ELISA and PCR tests for detecting hydatid cysts was investigated. Blood samples and samples from liver and lung were collected from a number of 256 cattle and 132 water buffaloes. Soluble antigen was obtained from hydatid cyst fluids (HCFs) and protoscolices (Px) using concentration and sonication procedures. Anti HCFs and Px were provided from rabbits immunized with soluble antigens. For molecular analysis, DNA was extracted from tissue samples and a 688 bp fragment of nda1 gene was amplified. Necropsy findings indicated that lung and liver hydatid cyst infection was 18.4% for cattle and 8.3% for water buffaloes. Results of Dot-ELISA test showed that 22.7% of cattle and 11.8% of water buffaloes were seropositive for hydatid cysts. Infection rate using molecular detection were 26.1% in cattle and 14.3% in water buffaloes. Using necropsy findings as gold standard test, sensitivity and specificity of Dot-ELISA was 81.01% and 95% for cattle, respectively. Whereas sensitivity and specificity was 77.12% and 96.32% for water buffaloes. Sensitivity and specifity of PCR test was 97.4% and 99.4% for examined cattle while these indexes were 91.2% and 99% for examined water buffaloes. Data analysis showed that there is no significant difference between these two technique (P<0.05). Based on result of this study, Dot-ELISA technique can be considered as one of the useful methods in the screening of hydatid cyst in cattle and water buffalo.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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