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Mythological hero as one of the components of ancient mythology has a significant role in shaping the evolution of the myth’s story. Heroes play a major role in Firdausi’s Shahname (Epic of the Kings) in which the most of the stories in this epic has been borrowed from ancient mythological tales. This paper is based on Joseph Campbell the metamorphosis in which heroes in the Shahnameh are examined in terms of Campbell’s Hero’s metamorphosis or change including: The first human being and the hero, the hero infancy, the fighter hero, the lover hero, the dictator empire, the saver hero, and the departure of hero. Results show that metamorphosis or change of epic heroes in Shahname is compatible with Campbell’s theory to some extent, although; it does not match in some points like the lives of heroes which are not depicted from beginning to end. So, not whole life of the hero but some parts of it can be adapted to Campbell's model.

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One of the bases to evaluate the syncretism of scholars who used their own initiative and innate talent to particular expansion and innovation in the style of Persian poetry is considering the views and opinions of such scholars in the subject of the dignity and venerability of speech and eloquence. Such scholars present their views and opinions in their syncretism and works in the subject. This can provide new view and more and better understanding with their thoughts and works based on the literary criticism in their era. It is because the scholar descriptions about poesy and perfect speech and the definitions introduced for the compare the speech and eloquence along with their recommendations and guidance declares the criteria to make comparison between perfect speech and poor one and also to recognize capable poet. In fact, this actuality indicates the principal norms of criticism in Persian literary and approves that in spite of some claims; literary criticism has primeval background and Persian poems used to criticism long ago and this was an advantage of Persian literary. Hakim Nasir Khusraw Qbadyany is one of the well-known orators with a individual style of Persian poetry who has been able to create a new movement and a great development of Persian poetry, by relying on the strength of his poetic and authoritative talent and based on a new view at the subject of language and its relation to human and existence, achieved foremost changes in cognitive and literary structure to create poets and orators. He created a special style of poetry to look at poetry altitude and the objective of eloquence that famous poets such as Sanai, Nizami, Rumi and Attar continued his style to make progress on the status of oratory. This study aimed to evaluate the ideas and beliefs of Nasir Khusraw at the subjects of poet, speech, poesy and eloquence in term of explanations, descriptions and his recommendations in these regards in different point of views and to introduce the principal norms of literary criticism in his opinion.

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The realism school is one of the most essential schools of art established in the middle of nineteenth century in France and developed rapidly. The abstaining of romantic imagination and inspiration and paying attention to the reality of external world was the most essential elements of this school which attracted the poets, authors and artists. Accompanied with the constitutionalist’s activities in Iran, the poets and authors who tried to display the external realities and degeneration and retardation of the country applied this artistic insight, almost imperfectly, and they also employed it for revolutionary purposes. The age of constitution should be counted as the important moment of dragging the Persian poetry to the private life of people and the problems of society and in general total inclination to the realism. Among the poets, Abolghaasem-e-Laahuti, by intense tendency to the left proceeding, pays attention to the country’s circumstances. This paper tries to investigate Laahuti’s poetry to find the realistic elements in his poetry.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Simultaneous with constitutionism and the change of political and social conditions, some changes occurred in literature too. In addition to this, the COUP of Mordad 28th, 1332 had also great impact on the evolution of Persian's new poem.Qoqnoos by Nima(1316) is considered as the birth of Persian's New poem. Jaraqqe is the first Persian New poem which is composed by Manoocher Ashtiani 1324. This paper aims to investigate the poets and their tendencies between 20s to 50s, study Moteahed poets, in 30s, discuss the meaning of death as the common notion during this period and finally analyze some social and political factors like invasion, war, coup, and guerrilla uprising in the poem of this period. At last, we have dealt with the poetic and social life and image in Naderpoor's works of art, as the representation of their different social and artistic periods from the beginning of 20s till the end of his life. The result of such on investigation is as follows: political and social issues the coup of Mordad 28th, the holding of society for Iranian writers, and some other factors have had great impression on the literature during these three dacades. The other relevant issues are various poetic streams moderates and traditionalists along with Nima's poems, romantic and social poets inside the community of the composers of Persian's new poem, and the three different literal period in Iran from 1320s are among some of their tendencies.

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The letter writing, which is the most ancient techniques of writing prose and order, and sometimes of mixed poetry and prose, is seen on the Persian language. Letter writing in the footsteps of a long history goes back to the Achaemenid Empire era. The oldest traces of letter writing to the Pahlavi language is the small paper “Letter Writing Regulations” and “Tannasor” is the most important surviving texts from the era of Sassanid Ardashir. Iranian court writers do not showed considerable interest to the letter writing technique. These letters was written in Pahlavi language until 78 AH, then, initially the language turned to Arabic and afterwards the Persian became the dominant media gradually. This paper tries to separate these periods and to name famous teachers of each period. Also, the background of letter writing in Iran from pre-Islamic period up to the beginning of sixth century was examined in descriptive form.

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Sixth century is one of the most glorious periods in Persian literature. This glory in literature paved the way for a special style of rhetoric which is later called religious poetry. One of the most famous poets of this period is Nezami Ghaznavi, whose style followed by other poets after him. Nezami’s poem is highly technical wreathed by vast scope of knowledge and skills of the poet. We can see the reflection of Islamic science in Nezam’s poetry. He also makes use of his full familiarity with juridical science in providing figures of speech, creative imagination and multiple form and style. In this paper, we have tried to explore this influence of Islamic juridical issues on Nezam’s poetry.

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Art and such literature, especially the story which are part of the imagination, cannot be without judgment, verve and style. Apparently empirical and conjectural encounter with artwork and story is inevitable. Reading of stories or fiction is fits with the experience and Initiative of artist.Trying to achieve art & literary talent especially in the story is the most important experience in reading and creating stories, basically the teleological of art and story is the same, On this basis this article has been tried based on empiricist theories, "David Hume, and emphasis on the views and experiences of the famous Iranian and non Iranian writers, this trend can be explained by imaginary encounter.Philosophical principles that "Hume “has imposed for understand and art criticism, Including the of art story, are very simple, But in practice, especially for novelist are difficult, onerous and sometimes impossible. In explaining these ideas, arguments and experiences thinkers and writers such as Robert Scholes," "William Faulkner", "Graham Greene", "H Golshiri" and "" Najaf daryabandari "" Mario Vargas Llosa … is presented in this paper.

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The short story of ‘Adab-e Safar’ is one of the most influential stories of the story collection of ‘Tam-e Baroot’. This work, on account of its narrative style, symbolic atmosphere and the fact that it reflects the conflicting thoughts of a woman who is not protected from the social damage of the war, is capable of being reviewed in perspective of contemporary literary theories, such as structuralism. This article, along with a general look into the narrative elements of ‘Adab-e Safar’, will analyze its structure from the view of Barthes’s codes concept. These codes consist of proairetic, hermeneutic, connotative, cultural or referential, symbolic and semantic codes. In proairetic codes, the axioms of Greimas and its three principles, i.e. performative, convergent and divergent; are exploited. This articles, based on the theories of Barthes and Greimas, presents clear proofs that the sort stories of the Holy War are technically and structurally qualified. The method used for this research is descriptive analytical one, and through note taking from various tomes the instances are analyzed in the story.

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The song literally means wisdom and fresh originated from Avestan root “Teoroneh.” This word is a general term referred to the types or forms of poetry and music, especially, quatrains and “fahlaviat”. According to the ancient origins of the song, the most ancient Persian poetry is found in this genre. Composed by Zoroaster which is recorded in the "GATT", songs are considered as the first of Iranians literary glimmer. The present study is a descriptive analysis of songs by focusing on the definition of speech, rhymes and features that songwriter applied in the constitution epoch of Iran. This paper reviews music, language and theme which can be found in songs of that period. In the eighth and ninth centuries AH the term ballad was used interchangeably with lyrics and song while it was referred as composing the music. Later, the term song was referred to words in music and singing. Song, of the tenth century onwards, refers to the poem accompanied with music containing prosodic weight and sometimes it has, more or less, rhyme. One of its most striking features of song is its aptitude of being composed. Song has been frequently consistent with prosodic lyrics until Safavid period. Song in its modern form is a reward or product of Constitutional Revolution in Iran. It has a simple and intimate language and its themes are usually popular, folk and emotional.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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