Background: One of the duties of universities was to empower students in a variety of fields, including understanding and research about the future which could be influenced by the quality of their learning experiences and creativity. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the quality of learning experiences and creativity with the growth of future- study ability among students in Islamic Azad University in Sari.Methods: The research method was correlation.370 persons were selected as a sample from 10527 students in the academic year of 2016-2017 according to Chocran formula. The sampling was done randomly. Data was collected by standard the quality of Newman's learning experiences (1990), Torrance's creativity (1990), and the prospect of future study by Parsa et al. (2011) questionnaires that their validity were confirmed by related experts. To assess the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha was calculated. Data were analyzed using KS, Pearson and Regression tests.Finding: The results showed that 68% of the variance in the ability of futures study was explained by the quality of learning and creativity experiences. And the quality of learning experiences with the beta coefficient of b=0.725 has the greatest relationship with development of student future study ability. Correlation between the dimensions of library and computer resources (r=0.601), content and value of the courses (r=0.729), learning flexibility (r=0.502), the quality of formal and informal relations between the student's professor (R=0.659) was confirmed with development of student future study ability with Sig<0.5. Fluid (r =.168), flexibility (r=0.733), initiative (r=0.38), expansion (r=0.614), with development of student future study ability with Sig<0.5 Confirmed.Conclusion: Learning experiences and their dimensions include library and computer resources, the content and value of the courses, the learning flexibility and the quality of the formal and informal relationships of the student's professor, as well as creativity and its dimensions including fluidity, flexibility, initiative and expansion had meaningful and positive relationship with development of student futures study ability.