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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


جنتا شاپیر

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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جنتا شاپیر

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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جنتا شاپیر

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1552

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Background: This study aimed to determine the total mercury (T-Hg) concentration in the common Carp muscles (Cyprinus carpio) fish species and surface water where they are collected.Methods: The fish and water samples were collected from Azadegan Aquaculture complex in Khuzestan, Iran during November of 2011 and the concentration of T-Hg was determined by Direct Mercury Analyzer-80.Results: The mean T-Hg concentration in Cyprinus carpio was 0.52±0.25 mg T-Hg/kg for wet weight fish tissue. Average T-Hg concentrations for water sample from tree point of the pond were 2.10±0.001 mg/kg, 2.12±0.003 mg/kg and 2.11±0.08 mg/kg correspondingly.Conclusion: The results demonstrated that the levels of T-Hg in fish tissues were lower than water samples which is below the standards for human health screening levels proposed by the WHO, FDA and EPA (for water samples) and that bioaccumulation of mercury did not occur in fish in this aquaculture complex.

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Background: The aim of current research was to investigate the relationship of alexithymia with loneliness and comparison of them in male and female students.Methods: A sample of 280 students (145 girls and 135 boys) were selected through multistage cluster sampling method and then were assessed by the Torento Alexithymia Scale and the Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale. Collected data were analyzed by multiple regression, correlation methods and multivariation.Results: The results indicated that alexithymia and dimensions of it (difficulty identifying feelings, difficulty describing feelings and externally oriented thinking) with loneliness have a significant correlation. Multiple regression analysis showed that three dimensions of alexithymia (difficulty identifying feeling, externally oriented thinking and difficulty describing feeling) can predict loneliness in the meaningful manner. Morevere, There was a significant discrepancy between male and female students in loneliness and alexithymia.Conclusion: Alexithymia and dimensions of it (difficulty identifying feelings, difficulty describing feelings and externally oriented thinking) with loneliness have a significant correlation.

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View 1575

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Background: Diarrhea causes 4% of all deaths and 5% of health loss lead to disability world-wide. Shiga-toxin-producing Escherichia coli can cause mild watery diarrhea to more serious complications from hemorrhagic colitis, and hemolytic uremic syndrome to even death. Present study was conducted to detect E. coli carrying Shiga toxin genes (stx1 and stx2) in E. coli isolated from patients with diarrhea in Hajar Hospital, Shahrekord, Iran.Methods: A total of 110 E. coli isolates collected from patients with diarrhea in 2011 were evaluated to investigate stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes by multiplex PCR.Results: The rate of stx1 and eaeA -positive E. coli isolates were 2.7% (3/110) and 1.8% (2/110), respectively. However, stx2 gene was not found in any isolate, eaeA was not also present in stx1 -positive E. coli isolates. Virulence Genes were not found in E. coli isolated from Women. The most antibiotic resistance rates of isolated virulence genes-positive E. coli were to Ampicillin and Trimethoprim and lowest antibiotic resistance was observed against Gentamicin and Chloramphenicol.Conclusion: The present study indicates that other infectious agents may play major role in the cause of diarrhea in the tested samples, especially in the women. Further studies on the causes of diarrhea are recommended.

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Background: The dose distribution plays an importance role in the commercial treatment planning algorithm; therefore, a patient-independent model is needed to calculate the modulated profile.Methods: A general formula has been proposed to calculate the profiles for any field shape in the wedged and non-wedged, blocked and non-blocked fields under symmetry and asymmetry photon beam conditions. Percentage depth doses (PDDs) are measured for a large number of square fields for both energies, and 45o wedge. Accessing the accuracy of the model for profile prediction, several measurements were carried out for some special treatment fields.Results: Comparison between measurements and calculation showed that using the  g-index in the range of 3% error in the low dose gradient region and a 3mm isodose shift in the penumbra region.Conclusion: This analytical approach provides a general fast and accurate algorithm to calculate dose distribution for any treatment field in conventional radiotherapy.

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View 1284

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Background: This study was performed comparing the degree of extrinsic dental stain removal for three dentifrices: (1) an Iranian (2) commercially available whitening dentifrice and (3) commercially Regular.Methods: A total of 75 participants were contribute into the study and stratified into 3 groups and randomly assigned to use one of the three dentifrices. Participants were instructed to brush their teeth twice daily (morning and night) for 2 minutes with their assigned dentifrice and available toothbrush. Stain area and intensity was assessed using a modification of the Lobene indexin the beginning of study, 4 and 6 weeks intervals.Collected data analyzed using Kruskal Walis and BonFerroni method.Results: A total of 75 patients were contributed in this study.Iranian whitening toothpaste and commercially were more effective than control toothpaste in removal of stain from all sites. There was no significant difference between two groups of commercially and Iranian dentifrice.Conclusion: This study showed that Iranian and commercially whitening dentifrice had a significant effect on reducing tooth staining.

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View 752

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Background: Quality of life characterization is as people perception to the social, psychological and physical illness on their daily life. The study purpose was to evaluate the relationship of female quality of life and their coverage type for nursing and midwife student.Methods: A descriptive - cross sectional analytical study was carried out on 186 nursing and midwifery students from Qazvin University of Medical Sciences using a questionnaire WHOQOL BREF.Results: The average Results showed that the average life quality of students was 13.97 for constituents. Physical realm and territories had the highest average of 14.91 along with the psychological, social and environmental mean of 13.91, 13.29 and 13.27 respectively. The highest correlation value was the amount 0.631 of physical and psychological realms. Others were later positively correlated with each other for psychological and environmental essentials of nursing students in areas with higher significant than average life quality (p<0.05).Conclusion: Using quality of life can be learned from students in areas with low average. Accurate knowledge to students in the use of appropriate coverage and benefits of information covering will help the community's health.

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Background: The psychiatric clerkship quality maybe one of the effective factors on students' attitude toward psychiatry. The present study was aimed to investigate the effect on the attitude of the people involved in the psychiatric clerkship education of medical students toward psychiatry.Methods: A total of 103 Medical students of Ahwaz Jondishapur University who entered psychiatric clerkship between spring 2007 and spring 2010 were assigned to study. Participants completed a demographic form and an attitude towards psychiatry questionnaire. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and Spearman and Kendall correlation coefficient.Results: Considering psychiatry as a future career, the rate of interest for attitude towards psychiatry and attitude towards the effect of clerkship components improved, after the clerkship. There were significant positive correlation between the factors such as personal, familial or patient-care-related experiences and attitude toward psychiatry (p=0.03) and interest in pursue psychiatry as a field (p=0.04). There was also positive correlation between attitude toward psychiatry and interest in psychiatry as a field (p=0.02). A significant negative correlation was observed between the influence of factors such as Medical students, Attending physicians in other disciplines, Residents in other disciplines and Close familiarity with a psychiatrist and attitude toward psychiatry clerkship (p<0.05).Conclusion: The extracted results concluded that psychiatry clerkship changed the students’ attitude towards a more realistic attitude; moreover there was an increase in the number of students who wished to select psychiatry field for their future career.

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View 1037

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Background: This study has been conducted with the purpose of investigation and comparison between the attachment styles and mothers of child rearing in ordinal elementary students and the elementary students with learning disorder in the city of Tabas.Methods: The current study has been carried out in causal comparative (reason-comparative) way. Mothers of 30 ordinal students and 30 mothers of students with learning disorder were selected with the consideration of research purpose and multi-level sample methodology. Data was collected using questionnaire of attachment styles of Hazen and Shiver, and the questionnaire of child rearing styles of Bamerind have been implemented. The obtained data have been analysed in statistical Multivariate Analysis of Variance.Results: the results of the study indicated that in two secure and unsecure styles of ambivalent attachments between two groups of ordinal students and the students of learning disorder, there is a significant difference. There is a significant difference in two styles of easy-going and confident child rearing between two groups of ordinal and learning-disorder students as well.Conclusion: the results of the study shows that the secure attachment style of ordinal mothers and the unsecure attachment style of ambivalent mothers of learning disorder were high.Besides, the mothers of ordinal group in confident child-rearing style and the mothers of learning disorder group in easy-going child rearing style have obtained high scores. In summary it can be claimed that in training and counseling of families and these children, the psychological factors of mothers should be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2158

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ackground: The higher education system is a dynamic system, with both quantitative and qualitative. Servqual model is one of the models through which the gap between customer expectations and perceptions are trying to be measured the quality of services. This study examined students’ perceptions and expectations contents gaps from Qazvin University of Medical Sciences using servqual model which was conducted in 2011.Methods: A cross sectional study was developed among Health and paramedical students to evaluate educational services quality. A total of 256 students from second year and higher education were participated in this research from Qazvin University of Medical Sciences. A valid and reliable questionnaire was developed to measure the quality gap in 5 dimensions of service, and proved to be valid and reliable using for data collection. The data of this study was analyzed and described statistically using SPSS software. The statistical methods were used descriptive statistics and analytical tests (ANOVA and Friedman test) delete please.Results: According to findings there was a negative quality gap in all five aspects of educational services. The smallest gap with mean of -5.71 belonged to tangibility dimension and the largest gap belonged to responsibility dimension with mean of -9.71. There was statistically a significant difference in the quality gap between five dimensions of educational services.Conclusion: According to the result of the current study, the need to reduce or eliminate the shortcomings of existing planning, review of processes, gain competitive advantage in providing educational services, in this university is essential.

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Background: Penetrating eye injury is a cause of endophthalmitis. Incidence and prognosis of it depends on potential risk factors. Identifying these risk factors and reducing their effects can improve prognosis. Thus this study was designed to identify the incident of post traumatic endophthalmitis and its risk factors.Methods: This study retrospectively reviewed the records of 154 patients with penetrating eye injuries who were admitted to Imam Khomeini Hospital from 2010 to 2011 and underwent repair operation. Incidence of endophthalmitis and possible risk factors such as sex, age, time interval between the accident and primary repair, location of trauma and intraocular foreign body were evaluated and compared.Results: In this study, the incidence of culture positive post-traumatic endophthalmitis was 3.9%. The delay of repair more than 12 hours and post traumatic endophthalmitis was statistically significant (P=0.029). Also poor visual acuity prior to primary repair was associated with higher rate of post traumatic endophthalmitis (P=0.00). In our study, sex, age, intraocular foreign body and location of trauma had no statistically significant relationship with post traumatic endophthalmitis.Conclusion: Incidence of post traumatic endophthalmitis is significant. By reducing delay of primary repair and special consideration such as prophylactic intravitreal antibiotic injection to high risk cases including low visual acuity on admission can help to improve the prognosis.

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Background: Diseases and statuses born diseases or injuries that directly resulted to the death and/or participate in create death included for causes of death. The research proposed to determine causes of death and death certificate connection.Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in 2010. A total of 111 death certificates documented by hospital physicians for cases that hospitalized after first 24 hour and died in Aboozar Hospital in 2009 and March-September 2010. Collected data instrument was checklist that researchers designed according to library-based study and death certificate recommended by WHO and National Organization for Civil Registration of Iran. Data collection was carried out by researchers using hospital medical records for death certificates. Descriptive statistics methods was developed to determine mortality by coding guidelines and rules of WHO for causes death and death certificate to analyze data through Excel softwareResult: The research documented that the most rate of death was direct causes with % 85/58 and the most correlation was between direct and intermediate causes with %49.55.Conclusion: It was concluded that the causes of death were not fully recorded in Aboozar Hospital and death causes were not correctly documented in Hospital Medical Record Center.

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