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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In order to investigate the relation of self-efficacy with mental health and academic achievement of girl students, 209 test subjects were selected from among the first grade girl students of Tabriz by using multi- stage cluster sampling. The selected samples were tested with general self- efficacy scale (GSES) and general health questionnaire (GHQ28). The students average points in the third grade of junior high school were considered as the citeria for academic achievement. The research method was correlation. Pearson s correlation coefficient and enter regression test were used in order to analyze the data. The results idicated that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and Mental health, of girl students. In addition, the results showed that there is a significant relationship between self-efficacy and academic achievement of girl students.

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Nowadays because of the changes in social and economic conditions, the number of working women has dramatically increased. Employment of married women influences the quality of the relationship between the couples, their rearing styles and different aspects of their lives. Thus, in this study, we have compared marital satisfaction of mono career couples with dual career couples with the consideration of their general health. The method of this study was comparative and ex post facto, which was done on two groups- 40 dual career couples and 40 mono career couples. They were selected by random cluster sampling from among the inhabitants of Damghan city. The selected couples had been married for at least 2 years and had children. Marital satisfaction Questionnaire and General Health Questionnaire were used for collecting data. Two-way analysis of covariance test and one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) were used to analyze data. General health (as covariate) was found to have a significant effect on marital satisfaction (P<0.001). In dual career couples, marital satisfaction of women was more than their husbands. Furthermore, working women in comparison with non-working women had more marital satisfaction. In mono career couples, there was no difference between marital satisfaction of men and their wives. Marital satisfaction in men who had non-working wives was more than men who had working wives. Many factors are effective on marital satisfaction. Employment of women is one of them that can increase the marital satisfaction if both wives and husbands observe some principles and conditions.

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The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between attachment styles (secure, avoidance, anxiety) and attitude toward marriage among the undergraduate students of Tehran University. The study is an applied research of correlation type. Based on statistical criteria, 388 persons were selected as the sample. After discarding the failed questionnaires, we analyzed 377 sheets. In order to collect data, we used Collins and Reads questionnaire of adult attachment, including eighteen questions of Likert scaling test, and premarriage inventory (PMI), including forty – five Yes/ No questions. Descriptive statistics (abundance, ratio, percentage, average, chart …) were used for data analysis, and inferential statistics (correlation and regression) were applied in order to test the research questions. The results indicated that there is a significant relationship between secure attachment style and attitude towards marriage, and that attitude toward marriage can be predicated by attachment score. However, there is no significant relationship between avoidance attachment style and anxiety attachment style with attitude toward marriage. In addition, there is no significant relationship between anxiety attachment style and attitude toward conflict resolution. But there is a meaningful relationship between secure attachment style and avoidance attachment style with attitude toward conflict resolution.

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View 3366

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Anomie means normlessness conditions, moral emptiness, norms abeyance and anarchy. It is one of the social problems resulting from transient periods in every society. Of course, the young age of our country’s population enhances its importance. In this research, feeling of anomie is surveyed as the dependent variable through surveying independent variables - individual factors (age, gender, marital status, socio-economie status). The theories of sociologists such as Durkheim and Merton have been used in the research.The research is a survey and a sample of 385 students has been chosen by stratified random sampling. Pearsons correlation coefficient, T-test, and ANOVA have been used for the testing of the hypotheses. The research findings indicate that the amount of feeling of anomie in the students is higher than average (Average score 55.61 with standard deviation of 13.45). A significant difference in the feeling of anomie was not seen among the students of different age groups, gender and marital status. However, a significant relationship was seen between the feeling of anomie and the students socio- economic status.

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Participation is one of the important issues in the studies of humanities and social sciences due to its relation with development, democracy, and modern government. Social Participation in social plannings and decision makings. Voluntary participation in social plannings and decision-makings.Value system is a guide to human behavior as well as a determing factor of the performance of the performers. Due to the existence of suitable student potentials and females immense willingness to contribute in decisionmakings and to participate in plannings and policy-makings, recognizing the system of values, its relation with the students’ social participation in existing suitable capacity of the students community, high willingness to participation in decision making, and participation in planning and policymaking are very important. The present study attempts to answer these basic question: 1) which aspects of the system of values is associated with social participation? 2) Are there any differences between the value system and social participation of male and female students? In the present research, the relation between the value system and social participation of the students of Miandoab payam Noor University has been studied. The sample size is 382‚obtained by using Cochrans formula. The research is a survey, and the data collection tool is a guestionnaire. The six dimension value system is taken from Alport’s value theo In this study, the sample size is accomplished by Kokran formula. Collecting the data, questionnaire is used and the method is survey. The achieved result from statistical tests including t- test and Pearson correlation coefficient for examining the relations between students social participation and value system that there is significant difference between variables like Sociological value, political value, Religious value, scientific value with social participation, whereas; there is no significant relation between, economical value and art value whit social participation. The male and female students differe in terms of values and social participation.

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The aim of the current study was to Comparison of academic functioning based on identity achievement among athletic girl student of Shabestar Islamic Azad University. The population of this research was the all students of Islamic Azad University of Shabestar. Among them 320 athletes were selected by cluster sampling. Those athletes who were cooperate in individual or team sport at least the past year under coach and continuously.Data were gathered using Identity Status Questionnaire. Data were analyzed with ANOVA. Results show that about 19 percent of students have achievement identity status and 27 percent of them have diffusion status.There is a significant difference (p<0.001) in academic functioning, between achievement status and other there statuses. In other words they have high function than other groups and the students who had diffusion status, have poor academic functioning.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of choice theory training through group learning method on the marital intimacy of women.The research procedure was quasi -experimental with pre-test and post-test design and control group. The statistical population included the women who referred to one of the health centers of Region 7 in Tehran, 24 of whom were randomly placed in the experimental and control groups. The dependent variable in this study consisted of marital intimacy which was assessed by Marital Intimacy Scale. The independent variable included the concepts of Choice Theory, which were taught to the experimental group in 7 sessions. The Covariance Analysis was used for testing the hypotheses.After the pre-test score were adjusted, significant differences were found between the two groups (F(1, 21)=38.350, P˂0.05 Partial2=0.647). The adjusted mean scores showed that marital intimacy in the experimental group, compared with that of the control group, increased after implementing the independent variable. The results indicated that reduction of wifes control on the husband, less frequent use of destructive controlling habits, paying more attention to self - controlling behavior, use of kindness, giving awareness to their spouses about the in intensity of their needs and creating the feeling of responsibility individuals in order to satisfy their needs can have a key role in creating and improving intimate relationships.

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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between attachment styles and degree of marriage instability among the married females and males. The study was a survey research and the statistical population included all the married staff of Shahid Beheshti University. The sample group included 150 (87 male, 63 female) that were selected by available sampling method. The assessment instruments were “Hazan and Shaver Adult Attachment Style” questionnaire (1987) and Index of Marriage Instability of Edwards et al (1987).The data were analyzed by using the one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the post-hoc Scheffe test. The result of analysis of variance revealed that there was a significant difference between the styles of attachment and degree of marriage instability. The result of post experimental analysis of Scheffe indicated that there was a significant difference in the mean of marriage instability between secure attachment style and anxious attachment style (P<0.05). In this study there was not a significant difference in the mean of marriage instability between avoidant attachment style and mutual anxious attachment style as well as secure attachment style and avoidance attachment style. Regarding the results of this study‚ we cannot point that those who have a secure attachment style rather than those who have an avoidance attachment style experience more stability in their marriage. This result may help in predicting and solving marriage issues.

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