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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of positive psychotherapy based on belief to good on signs and symptoms of depression in people with subclinical depression. According to this, a single subject multiple baselines with follow up phase will be conducted. The first, three people with sign and symptom of depression were chosen from a Center of Psychology and Counseling in Tehran by purposeful sampling. Participants attended from 3 to7 week baseline phase. Within base line stage (3-7 weeks) therapy phase (8 weekly) and follow up step (4 month after treatment), patient fill out Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II), Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression-17, and Orientations of happiness. Treatment conducted in 8 sessions of 45 minutes. At the end of treatment, participants showed decreasing trend in beck depression scores (75%) and Hamilton depression scores (85%). Also results showed improving trends in pleasure (84%), engagement (70%) and meaning (215%) subscales. These results remain during follow up phase. It seems that positive psychotherapy based on belief to good is a short-term effective treatment for decreasing negative components in recovering the persons with subclinical depression.

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Attention Deficit/ Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), as a neurodevelopmental disorder, accompanied not only with some special behavioral symptoms, but also deficits in cognitive functioning. Current research aimed to compare the effectiveness in improving executive functions (EF) in children with ADHD of cognitive-motor rehabilitation (CMR) and drug therapy approaches. This was a semi-experimental study with post-test and follow-up assessments, comparing three groups in a single-blind design. 48 ADHD children were selected using criterion sampling, matched for ADHD severity, and randomly assigned to either cognitive-motor rehabilitation (n= 16), drug therapy (n= 16) and active control (n=16) groups. All the participants were tested by Stroop color-word, Tower of London (TOL), Wechsler Coding tests, and a 3 sub-scale short-form of the WISC-R tests, and their parents rated them on child syndrome inventory-4 (CSI-4). The data were analyzed using MANOVA and paired t-tests with Bonferroni corrections as post hoc tests. CMR showed effective and enduring effects on the participants' performance on EF components including response inhibition, planning, and speed processing and only the improvements in speed processing returned significantly to lower levels at follow-up. In addition, despite the better performance of CMR group compared to drug therapy group, the changes were not statistically significant. Altogether, the results indicate that CMR is an effective approach in the treatment of ADHD, and it can be used as a complementary technique to drug therapy.

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View 2181

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The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness and sustainability socio-educational inoculation program with Islamic teachings approach with the Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) on risk taking students. The research of method was experimental method by the design of pretest-posttest with two experimental groups and the control group. The sample was 54 students with risky behavior selected by random cluster sampling. The scale of measuring was risky behaviors (Zadeh Mohammadi et al.). The results of analysis of covariance indicated a meaningful decrease in mean risk taking scores for both groups, and Toki test results indicated a significant difference between two groups. Also, the paired T test indicated that the effect of education of Socio-Educational inoculation program with Islamic teachings approach is stable for six months. This sustainability was not established the Stress Inoculation Training. Findings indicate that that can be considered both the Socio-Educational inoculation program with Islamic teachings approach and the Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) as options for reducing Risk taking students, but was more effective sustainability in the Socio-Educational inoculation program with Islamic teachings approach.

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View 1306

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PTSD and depression are most prevalent disorders in traumatic events. This research studies reducing symptoms of PTSD and comorbid depression through narrative exposure therapy (NET). NET incorporated many of exposure elements with additional focus of clearly documenting the atrocities endured. 24 betrayed women with PTSD and depression were randomized in experiment and control groups. Participants were clinically interviewed and filled out impact of event scale-revised (IES-R) and Beck Depression inventory (BDI) for three times; once before and once after 8 sessions of experiment group’s therapy. Third time was three months after therapy. Data were analyzed using repeated measures variances analysis. PTSD and its two parameters (intrusion & hyperarousal) significantly reduce in experiment group, immediately after therapy and in three months follow up. Depression also reduces significantly immediately after therapy and continues to reduce three months after therapy. According to this study, NET is beneficial therapy for PTSD even in social fields. NET successfulness in Iranian culture is ascribed to narrative aspect of NET. This study endorses that extra-marital relationship causes PTSD in victims.

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View 2720

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Adolescence is one of the important periods of development. Difficulty in coping, emotional regulation and can lead to anxiety disorders. The purpose of this research was the prediction of anxiety-related emotional disorders in adolescences based on emotion regulation, coping strategies and symptoms of borderline personality disorder. Method was descriptive and predictive. Population was the students of middle and high schools in Touyserkan, 2014-2015 that 331 were selected in categorized sampling method. Examinees answered Cross & John Emotion Regulation, Endler & Parker Coping Strategies, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) and Anxiety-Related Emotional Disorders questionnaires. Data were analyzed by Multivariable Regression method. Data analyze showed that emotion regulation, coping strategies and symptoms of borderline personality disorder can predict anxiety-related emotional disorders (P < 0.05). Also, a significant correlation between emotion regulation and symptoms of anxiety-related emotional disorders, coping strategies with symptoms of anxiety-related emotional disorders, and symptoms of borderline personality disorder with symptoms of anxiety-related emotional disorders (P<0.05) was obtained. Thus, it is concluded that emotion regulation, type of coping of adolescences and the rate of emerge of borderline personality disorder symptoms have important role in appearance of symptoms of anxiety-related emotional disorders; and appearance or lack of such disorders can be predicted based on psychological features that mentioned.

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View 2682

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Anger and its experience in the environment of school is one of the common emotions of adolescence that has been always attended by psychologists based on Tangney theory, shame appearances before anger. So, the goal of this research was the examination of the effectiveness of shame management training in reducing female adolescents' anger in the environment of school; so non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was used for achieving this goal. Hence, students of two female public middle schools in Tabriz were chosen by multistage-cluster random sampling method and screened. Finally, 30 students from every school were selected by purposeful random sampling and results of Multidimensional School Anger Inventory. Every school consisted of two groups. The schools were randomly designed for experimental and control groups, and correspondingly received educational package and placebo. Results of One-way analysis of covariance, after examination of its presumptions, indicated that intervention was effective (F=11.04, P<0.01).

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View 1258

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Sensory and semantic information processing are two important factors in determining behavioral reactions. The aim of the current study was to compare of sensory and semantic information processing between borderline personality disorder people and normal ones. The descriptive study was causal-comparative (ex post facto) in design and the statistical population of the current study comprised of people who had registered to obtain services from the Psychiatric Center of Iran. The purposive sampling approach was adopted and thirty patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and thirty healthy controls were included in the study. Sensory and semantic information processing were assessed with Brown Adult Sensory Profile Questionnaire (BASPQ) and Osgood Semantic Differentiation Questionnaire (OSDQ). MANOVA test was applied to analyze data. The study's results were that individuals with BPD displayed significant differences in components of sensory sensitivity and sensation avoiding and all components of the semantic processing (life's component) (p<0.05). The study's conclusions were that while BPD involves deficits in sensory sensitivity and sensation avoiding. Furthermore, relative to healthy controls, BPD patients assess live more potency, more agitated, more dangerous and more negative. These findings were discussed.

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View 1296

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Nowadays, with the transition of the societies from traditional and community oriented to modernity and individualism there is a noticeable increase in the marriage age (especially among women) and the desire to select partner singly. On the other hand, we are seeing an increase on the dissatisfaction, conflict, lack of commitment, divorce, and generally decrease of marital quality which damages the body of family and society. In this paper, we study the effects of partner-selection patterns, marriage age, and age differences between the spouses on the marital quality of married women in Tehran. The research's method is causal -comparative. The population is selected from married women in Tehran, Iran. The total number of the participants is 400 which were selected by Non-probability sampling method by visiting public parks in Tehran, Iran. They responded to marital quality questionnaire, revised version (RDAS), and questions to evaluate the marriage age, partner selection method, and the age differences with their spouses. From the important observations we noted that it is statistically significant that girls who are forced to get married and who get married in teenage age shave lower marital quality compared others. Also, it was shown that couples’ age difference deos not have a statistically significant influence on the marital quality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 5250

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Due to the dramatic rise in divorce rate in recent years, many scholars have attempted to unravel the factors involved in this increasing phenomenon. The present paper aimed at a qualitative phenomenological study of the divorce contexts in the city of Rasht. In so doing, 25 divorced people who were selected through purposeful sampling were included in the study. Semi-structured interviews were used to collect data. The collected data were analyzed through thematic analysis. The data analysis showed 9 sub-themes which were merged into the four main themes, namely, large, medium, small and interactive themes. These findings indicate that the phenomenon of divorce is systemic in its aspects, its factors are cyclical, and there are structural relations among its contexts. It is concluded that these systemic quality, cyclical factors and structural relations should be taken into consideration for prevention programs, counseling and crisis interventions.

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