There are different processes to form new words in every language, including compounding, derivation, inflection, etc. In compounding, two lexical stems form a compound. In derivation and inflection, new words are coined by affixation or some phonetic changes. This kind of affixation is applied on the simple or compound stem. Here our compound stem is a bound compound stem, consisting of a noun and a verb, which has verbal category (v), due to the feature ‘Percolation principles’ in Lieber (1983). This bound compound verbal stem is the base of many derivations and inflections.According to lexeme-based morphology/ LBM (Aronoff, 1994), every productive word formation process is applied on a lexeme or its stem in order to build a new word. A stem in Aronff 's frame of mind is a sound form in morphology/ morphological spell-out. Indeed, affixation is applied on this stem separate from its function (semantics and syntax) in word formation rules. This is the core of Separation Hypothesis. So, in LBM, morphophonological representations act separately from syntactico-semantic representations. We study stem and affixes within this frame. Without the assumption of the existence of the bound compound verbal stem, many derivations are not possible. Many affixes can attach this stem paradigmatically, and so various new words are formed based on a bound compound verbal stem. Indeed, replacing affixes in the final position of verbal compounds increases the productivity of word formation processes.