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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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یکی از پی آمدهای پرشمار و گوناگون انقلاب صنعتی جابجایی گسترده ی جمعیت از روستاها به شهرها و گسترش شهرنشینی در بیشتر مناطق جهان بود. این حرکت نخست در کشورهایی که از همان آغاز به جریان صنعتی شدن پیوستند به آرامی شروع شد و نزدیک به یکصد و پنجاه سال به درازا کشید. در بستر زمانی درازمدت این حرکت و جمعیت نسبتا اندکی که همه ساله بر جمعیت شهرها افزوده می شد، فرصتی کافی در اختیار برنامه ریزان و دست اندرکاران امور شهری قرار داد تا بتوانند برای پاسخگویی به نیازهای تازه واردان چاره ها بیندیشند و راه هایی بیابند که دشواری ها و نابسامانی هایی ویرانگر در پی این جابجایی ها پدید نیاید.

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The present research which is a sociological study of the relationship between social trust and human communication among families of the city of Tehran has been done in the years 1393 to 1395. The theoretical approach of the research was inspired by the ideas of Giddens and Bourdieu. The method of study was a combination of documentary and survey method. Using Cochran formula, 384 subjects were selected as the sample of study via a multistage cluster sampling technique and the questionnaire was distributed among them. The results showed that there was a significant relationship among all aspects of social trust and all aspects of human communications. A change of one in the size of the standard deviation in the variable of generalized trust caused 0.336 standard deviations change in the functioning dimension of human communication, 0.512 standard deviations change in score of interactive dimension of human communication and 0.456 standard deviations change in score of structure dimension of human communication.

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This study was done to examine the effects of place of residence on music preferences of high school students in the cities of Shiraz and Qaemieh. Study's sample consisted of 710 high school students in Shiraz and and Qaemieh. Research method was survey and sampling method was cluster and random. The data was gathered via a researcher-made questionnaire and was analyzed using the SPSS software. Descriptive finding showed that outside-made Iranian popular music, domestic Iranian popular music, Iranian rap music, non-western foreign music, western music, Iranian traditional music, eclectic Iranian music, religious music and Iranian folk music are musical categories that high school students prefer in these cities. Inferential findings showed that city of residence was significantly related to differences in preference of religious music, Iranian tribal folk music, western music and nonwestern foreign music. Religious music had a relationship with urban region of people’s residence. Therefore it can be said that the city and the urban region of people's residence influences the formation of different pattern of student’s music preference.

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In the city of Tehran, like western cities, urban development in its recent forms, was based upon surplus capital, but this surplus capital was not the result of production growth and financial activities of the private sector, instead it was the result of rising international price of oil and financial activities of the government. Taking the opportunity of rising oil prices, the Pahlavi government started capitalism and industrial development and as a result of this approach, Tehran changed into a modern city with great stores, vast financial institutions, cultural centers, and entertainment clubs. The traditional middle classes and left-wing intellectuals were the main opposition forces of that kind of development and found this dependency on western capitalism to be against Islamic principles. The working class and the people who inhabited southern parts of Tehran joined the revolution in the last months and became a very important revolutionary force. The city was not just the place in which the revolution took place, but it was something that revolutionary forces were determined to obtain their rights from. With the spread of revolution, opposition forces started to destroy the urban elements which were against the Islamic principles or represented westernization or royal aristocracy. Applying a historical and documentary method, this article tries to study the class forces of revolution. A revolution in which revolutionaries want their right to the city. The concept of "right to the city" is a key concept in David Harvey's literature and means that citizens should have the right to choose the kind of city they want to inhabit.

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Food away from home (FAFH), as part of dietary experiences, given its economic, social, and cultural dimensions in modern urban life, has become one of the more interesting and important areas of the sociology of health and nutrition. The present study, utilizing a survey method, aimed at investigating the impact of economic capital, social status, and some background variables on the amount of FAFH. The study has been done among the residents of Tabriz city who were 15 years and over, of whom 409 have been chosen as the study sample, using stratified sampling technique (among 10 urban zones). The data were analyzed by the utilization of the SPSS and Lisrel statistical packages. According to bivariate findings, significant relationships exist between economic capital (positively), social status (positively), and age (negatively) and FAFH consumption. Furthermore, marital status (in favor of non-married) and sex (in favor of men) have created significant differences regarding FAFH. According to the results of Path analysis, among the three variables with significant effects, economic capital has been identified as the most important variable affecting FAFH, and sex and marital status of the respondent stand subsequently, in this regard. Independent variables accounted for 19 percent of the variations in FAFH consumption.

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Although urbanism is one of the most important indicators of welfare and socio- economic development, but its rapid growth can decrease per capita access to social and economic resources and therefore can lower the quality of life in urban areas. Given the importance of the quality of life in urban areas, this research using a survey technique and a questionnaire, examines the relationship between social support and satisfaction with quality of life in the city of Kermanshah. Research population consisted of all the residents of Kermanshah who were over 18 years old, of which 384 residents were selected as the sample. SPSS software and Smart PLS were used for statistical analyses. The results indicate that there is a significant positive correlation between social support and quality of life, and that its components, (i.e. evaluative support, informational support, emotional support and instrumental support) were also significantly related to the quality of urban life; so, all hypotheses are confirmed. The results of structural equation modeling (Smart PLS) also showed that social support in general, explained0.50 of the variance of satisfaction with the quality of urban life. Given the values of the coefficient of determination, it could be said that the average effect size is estimated to be at the medium level (0.25).

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This study investigates the opinions of the people of Kermanshah about the speed and increase of crime, and the effects of formal sanctions on it. In this regard, the role of the police was considered to be a (formal) crime-preventing variable. The ideas of Giddens provided the theoretical framework of the study. Questionnaires and interviews were used in the gathering of data. The research population consisted of all the residents who are more than 18 years of age in the city of Kermanshah, of which 300 persons were randomly chosen. The results showed that car robbery had the highest frequency. That means that 197 persons or about 65 percentages of responders believed that car theft was very prevalent. Illegitimate affairs, collective fights, being hit by unknown persons, and accidents followed next. The correlation coefficients for variables abnormality (r= 0.485), social supervision (r=-0.512) and police presence (r= -0.44) were meaningful. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the degree of social supervision, social abnormality, and police supervision entered the regression equation and could explain about 0.50 of the variance of the dependent variable. The results indicated that police supervision decreases crimes, and increases in social abnormality increase social crimes.

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The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of new social networks in the legal aspect of identity of young citizens which included civil, political and cultural dimensions. Using the techniques of interviews and questionnaires, and a stratified sampling technique, needed data were collected from a sample of 372 subjects in the city of Tabriz who were 16- to 18 -year-old. Cronbach's alpha for reliability was 0.912. The results showed that the utilization of new social network by the youth ranged from less than 1 hour to more than 6 hours a day. Citizenship identity of young in the legal aspect was at the moderate level, and a difference was observed among men and women in the amount and type of usage. A difference was also observed between youths' level of education and their type of usage and their citizenship identity. Amount of usage was moderately but significantly and negatively related to civic and political aspects and significantly and positively related to cultural and legal aspects of citizenship identity. Furthermore, amount and type of usage also affected legal aspect of citizenship identity.

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