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this study wants to understand how many the students enjoys of Iran's radio networks. Available resources in the study are initiated. Audience theories are used in the research. Theoretical framework for research involves the usage and gratification theory and function theory of media. The dependent variable is the enjoyment of radio networks. Amount of leisure time, time, location, and satisfaction of the radio network are independent variables. Research method is Survey. Data is collected by questionnaire. Statistical Society of Research is the students who study in the field of social communications at Azad University Central Tehran and the East.Sample size is obtained 204 by Cochran formula and sampling method is probable. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS software The results show that:- there is significant correlation Between use of radio and satisfaction levels of radio programs. The higher rate of use of radio is also more satisfaction from radio programs and vice versa.- There is no significant correlation between amount of using the radio and Amount of leisure time.- There is no significant difference between of beloved content and amount of using the radio.- There is significant difference between gender and favorite content.- There is no significant difference between location where the person listens to the radio and the amount of using the radio.- There is significant difference between time when the person listens to the radio and the amount of using the radio.

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Mass media are means that make mass communication possible to handle its duties. Through the exchange of information and opinions, mass media can play a significant role in shaping the world public opinion. Accordingly, we can say that in today's world, they (human beings) trapped in a world of communication and information with different information and communication tools which moved them to its predetermined goals. Today we live in an age of communication. An era characterized by an attempt to have a general belief. Advertising is a tool in the hands of media industries' owner which can have a positive impact on the audiences. It is clear that advertising and promotion have rooted in the human social life. This is an act that seller or producer tries to inform potential buyer from its production. One should say that this could have done by various methods.

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Today, organizations in developed countries with strategic use of information and communication technologies in their territory are in motion. The public relations agency in any one of the most fundamental and most important organizational units in order to inform and strong bridge between the staff and the external environment play a role. Methods In this descriptive study (survey) and made it through the first questionnaire was to determine the reliability and validity, data were collected by members of the population and due to being descriptive study using Afzaramary (spss) were analyzed and data are presented in two parts. This is the first part of descriptive statistics about the frequency and percentage of gender, marital status, education level, discipline, organizational, training and... The subjects depicted in the form of tables and forms and views in the second part of the sample are presented in the form of statistical tables. The resulting information is summarized at the end of the seven research studies and assumptions made about the final results of each test, the hypothesis has been proposed. information do not enjoy. However, the results of research indicates that this is inadequate training in Islamic Azad University, and if this training must be provided with a more appropriate approach would have a greater role in enterprise development. Further use of information technology (Internet) can enhance productivity in the Islamic Azad University and the education level of quality and quantity is more resistant to the growth and development of employees will decrease proportionally.

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the purpose of this research is to examine consumer’s behavior after watching TV propaganda, so that know how much these propaganda can encourage the viewer to buy.statistical population were Tehran urban households and the sample size was 342 this study, it is try to collect data by questionnaire.this research examines the role and effect of TV propaganda on consuming behavior of viewer in regard to results of questionnaire and statistical analyses.results indicated product familiarity influence on its purchasing. Also, TV propaganda influence on seeking a certain product. Most of addressees considered time of propagation broadcasting, its music and comic theme of propagation as factors which attract most attention.

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The purpose of this thesis is to examine post-modern communication mechanisms in the Alzheimer's film.Postmodernism theories of Michel Foucault, Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, Jean Baudrillard, Frederic Jmysvn and ... Is studied.Concepts and major themes of postmodern cinema are extracted from them. This research method is quantitative and qualitative content analysis. The analysis unit in this study is film scenes; Included 64 movies scene. Sampling method is census. The obtained data were analyzed through SPSS software. The results of them are explained in the descriptive tables. According to the results, "The use of post-modern themes" in this film has been analyzed.The most striking feature of movie that close it to post-modern are:"no response audience's mental conflict", "seem to typical character", "break in the meta-narrative," "different understanding of love," "illustrate concepts like love and hate in the form of images," "confusion of meaning.”, "the possibility of different perceptions of the stage by the audience," "the silence" and "understanding the existence”.

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One of the most important functions of media in democratic societies is "transparency" and "accountability". Transparency is required objectivity and lack of secrecy, accountability means the recognition of right of access by citizens to information and awareness of how the parts of government fulfill their agency tasks and acceptance of their right of supervision on institutions and state organizations. In relationship between media and public opinion, sometimes the media and sometimes, the latter is superior to another. When the performance of public opinion is absolute and passive, a correct impression of environment never been gained, because, the media acts as a professional. Therefore, this function always is transferred from one to another, sometimes public and sometimes the media is preferred. In this study, tendency to acceptance-oriented attitude is more than critical-oriented approach to transparency of information sources. The explicit news from the media is associated with consequences of media. Namely, the positive outcomes of design will be more reflect. So, the attitude will be more harmony-oriented and acceptance-oriented. But, if public opinion don’t observe transparency in media, the attitude will be critical. In this time, conclusions will be made by the public opinion and the media will refuse of it.

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The present research was aimed at Examining the amount and factors of young Tehran inhabitants’ trust in BBC Persian news. Today television channels have to broadcast latest world news in different and new methods in order to survive and keep their audience. So BBC Persian news is concentrated on news broadcast and tries to meet the needs of its audience as quickly as possible. The method of this study was survey. The sample population included 401 18- 35 year-old young adults from Tehran. Sampling method was random sampling. The results show that among the examined TV channels BBC Persian has the most audience. Also the results indicate that high speed of news broadcasting, giving correct news, and responding to the information needs of the audience are among the functions of BBC Persian that subjects have rated as good and very good. Approximately more than half of young adults have rated BBC Persian's function in neutrality, avoiding censorship and broadcasting contradicted news, and rendering exact analyses as good and very good. Regarding access to sources of news and gathering information, the subjects rated BBC Persian first and IRINN TV, VOA, and Manoto TV next respectively and it shows that the amount of young adults’ trust in BBC Persian news is more than other examined TV channels.

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the purpose of this study to compare the challenges and opportunities of journalist women with women who are not journalist in the field of communication. The main theories in this research include social theory, information theory, the knowledge gap and the theory of job satisfaction. Job satisfaction, job security, job promotion, information and Internet access, as well as the rights and benefits are the most important variables in this study. This is a survey method. Data is collected through a questionnaire. The study population consisted of journalist women with women who are not journalist in the field of communication in Tehran. And sample size is 138. Half of them are journalist and the others are not. Sampling method is quota sampling. And data analysis was performed using SPSS software. The results shows: - Information and Internet access for journalists and non-journalists is almost identical.- Non-journalists’ job satisfaction is higher than journalists.- Non-journalists are more satisfied with career benefits than journalists.- Non-journalists are more satisfy with their salaries than journalists.- Non-journalists have more possibilities for career promotion.- There is no significant difference between the journalist's job securities compared with the non-journalists.

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Social networks consist of people that linked together by special ties. Each Social network has a culture in own communication. Understanding the structure and function of these networks will help many users search their own networks. And to achieve. their goals of these networks Web-based services are online social networks in general.Online services are sites which people share their, ideas and Favorites in a word, content with other pair. Flixster is a social movie site allowing users to share movie ratings, discover new movies, learn about movies, and meet others with similar taste in movies. Fotki is a digital photo sharing, video sharing and media social network website and web service suite; it is one of the world's largest social networking sites.

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Since the media reflect cultural opinions, information and different knowledge available in every community, therefore we are enabled to understand cultural & social components including cultural interactional circumstances among communities.Interactions amid developing countries specifically interactions among neighboring countries located in the region or geographical area may maintain cultural entities, safeguarding the borders and national sovereigns and contribute manpower and economic income.The current paper applies content analysis methodology, meanwhile the Research approach is inferential modality, moreover it uses both theme & evaluation techniques. The unit of analysis composes of broadcasting or message, therefore the control is newspapers of Islamic Republic of Iran.The research has shown that Iran, s greatLg depends on the positive factor of neighborhood and historical and cuIturaI in tegration in choosin g, anaIgsig and inter preting the facts about Tajikistan, Iran, sem phasis on historicaIand cuItaraI orogin is shown by pubIishong positive caturaI views about Tajikistan.

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Objective: The objective of this study was to review the role of national media in controlling Tehran’s water supply crisis of 1380. Since no river can be found near Tehran and the water has to be supplied from miles away, Tehran’s Water and Wastewater Engineering Company encountered a serious water crisis in 1380. The most important factors leading to this problem were constant droughts, overpopulation, inconsiderately increased water usage and particularly the imbalance between consumption rate and the amount of resources available. However, comprehensive management and structured planning combined with cooperation and collaboration with the media (specially the national media) resulted in a proper interest and awareness among the public. Hence, the audience readily sided with the plans presented and as a result the crisis became under control.Background: The role of mass media in people’s lives is quite considerable and important. Their function and behavioral pattern as a whole are determined by the needs of the society, which makes them accountable for the needs and expectations of the audience.A number of studies have been carried out regarding water supply crises: 1- “Water crisis, the major challenge of the Middle East in the 21st century” by Mustafa Noorigohar from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. The focus of this study has been the water crisis in the Middle East through library research. The overall results show that water crisis is quite a serious problem throughout the region. However, its causes and intensity or weaknesses were not the same in different countries and regions of the area. As a result, the current trend -that is likely to persist in the future- is a critical and complex situation that has made the water supply an increasingly disputable issue which can justify hostility and war in one of the world’s most armed and strategically sensitive regions.2-“The water crisis in the middle East, with an emphasis on Iran’s water resources” by Sorayya Dejbankhan from Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. This study has tried to find the origins of the water crisis in the region and has considered the effects of regional movements regarding water supply for presenting solutions and approaches through regional collaborations. This study has been carried out through library research as well.However, no study has considered the role of national media in controlling water crises. This study has focused on this phenomenon regarding Tehran’s water crisis of 1380.Methodology: The method used, from the viewpoint of applied objectives and the method of implementation, was through surveying. It was correlative regarding the method of implement and questionnaires were used for gathering information. The statistical population in this study was consisted of all of the communication and media experts from Iran Broadcasting College. The statistical research has been done through descriptive and inferential levels.Results and findings: By using the Pearson’s test it was revealed that there is a statistically significant correlation between 4 independent variables (the national media) and controlling Tehran’s water crisis. In other words, the existence of a relationship between these variables (press round tables, news conferences, preparing reports and news and subtitling the programs) and controlling Tehran’s water crisis has been confirmed.

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This article study effect media on corruption control in public administration. Teransparency and independence of the velocity components in the media news in the report are considered. Descriptive-surrvey research method and questionnaive data were collected The statistical publications are in the public administration students. Data analysis by SPSS software. The research finding show a direct relationship between media and corruption control.

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In this study, researcher examined the rate of correct news writing principles between four numerous Tehran morning newspapers.The main objective of this study is the rate of correct use of principles in news writing between national newspapers, which for this purpose, seven hypotheses are discussed.96 No of 4 the daily news papers as the, "Iran", "Hamshahri", "Mardom Salari" and "Arman Ravabet Omomi" at the year of 1389 are forming our statistical Sampling in this study.our sampling in this research is The first 12 months of the year were divided into four seasons And the division of this seasons is the first season, first month, fourth week, the second season, the second month, second week, the third season, the third month, and the third week of the fourth season, the first month.Content analysis method to study and perform with the way the questionnaire is reversed.According to the results of all their hypotheses were confirmed. Thus, The type and nature of the news, the newsoriented content, argent Content, news values, here is a significant relationship between Subject choice and headlines.We can therefore conclude that, despite Attempts in the past two decades, efforts to train journalists in the country seem to affect the quality of newsppers and professional principles not correct or is low.

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Media-ized politics refers to the way in which professional communicators now script the performances and appearance of politicians. Politicians and their professional support staff (public builders, spin doctors, and hype makers) in Western democracies now use the mass media to manufacture consent. The result is that politics has become a secondhand mediated reality for most people because they do not encounter politics in a direct manner that involves active participation. Instead passive mass audiences now encounter mediated politics via the media. By the turn of the century, Media-ized politics results to declining voter turnouts, a growing cynicism towards the political process and the growth of constituencies clearly alienated from the mainstream political process.

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