The subject matter of this study is “social trust” and explanation of its aspects and its measure and differences in various levels of “trust” in students of Islamic Azad University. The importance of this study resulted from current condition of Iran university and over of 4million students in educational high institutions and formation of indexes such as development of universal centers, extension of urbanization, development of new area of preoccupation, attendance of rural students in urban university, intense population changes, alteration in categorical structure and also wide economical-social changes and therefore increase of engagement with people out of family and etc. thus need to assessment of social trust in various levels and aspects is important.Statistical society include all male and female students in Tehran Azad University. 385 male and female students from Islamic Azad University selected as sample group. In order to summarizing, description and presentation of information, tables of frequency distribution and descriptive indexes (such as mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum) was used. Moreover in order to examine the hypothesis, independent t test was used.The results show high level of social trust in all of students. Also there was no significant differences between male and female students- opposite of previous studies that indicate differences and low level of social trust in this two groups- that emphasize that current young Iranian society, rather than past, trustworthy look at social, interpersonal and gregarious relationship and display more trust to various structures in psychic- mental, social, political, cultural area of Iran society.