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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Topics related to archeology and cultural heritage have contributed little to the country's school system. This small contribution is also presented as an oral tradition that led to fade these themes and the lack of interest among students has been developed. Intelligent use of technology in schools and information and communication technology (ICT) training system that provides a visual context for the educational system can make a big impact on archaeological place in the educational system of pre-academic grades. This study aimed to compare the factors affecting the attitude of students entering the archaeology to smart and normal school curriculum and deals with examine some factors and their impact on archaeological topics Login to view schools and students Khorramabad in Lorestan province. Research method is descriptive survey. Questionnaire is used to collect data for smart and normal school students. With regard to the target population of high school students in the city of Khorramabad that over 20,587 people in the three branches of theoretical, technical and professional work and knowledge are, Sample included 380 students in high school (smart and normal) were considered, In total, 430 questionnaires were distributed to the data, 400 questionnaires were used for analysis. The results showed that the funds rate, affect motivation and positive attitude are in training entry archaeology to normal school curriculum and cultural and financial resources, equipment and infrastructure and education are factors affecting positive attitude toward the entrance to the archaeological content in smart schools.

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The aim of the current study was to identify the relation between parental styles and aggression and anxiety of pre-school children in Alborz province, Fardis city. The sample comprised 60 children, studying in pre-school grade, with their mothers and teachers. Applied tools included Bamurind’s Parenting Style, Vahedi's children Aggression, and Spence's Children Anxiety Questionnaires. The data were analyzed using SPPS 21 and LISREL8. 8software. to examine the effects of predicting variables on independent variable, step-by-step regression was used. Significance levels for investigating the hypothesis were considered a=0.01and a=0.05. Results showed that indulgent style, with direction coefficient of -0.19, predicated aggression, while, authoritative style, with direction coefficient of 0.25, could predict anxiety. These findings confirmed the study hypothesizes. In other words, a relationship was revealed between parenting styles and aggression and anxiety of pre-school children.

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In the present age, the world of communication and information, connecting to Internet Universal Network has become a vital principle. Using the Internet creates links between different levels of national, regional and global. Technological and communication revolution is among the factors that increasingly weaker the authority of governments. Over the past few years, Islamic countries, like other developing countries to the world of computers and the Internet and then cyberspace was entered and the phenomenon of social networking and blogging have become familiar. Role and effect of mass media and the Internet, especially social networks like Facebook and Twitter in the recent developments in the Middle East and North Africa and rapid spread of these developments is undeniable. it must be said that the major difference between computer networks with more traditional media such as radio, television and the press is in the two-way or multi-way of communication. According to the purpose of research and in terms of methods, is descriptive research - analysis. The results showed that generally the social networks played a role in the movement of the Egyptian people, but we should not exaggerate the role of the Internet in the assessment because they on targeted only a tool for communication and speed up its.

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The subject matter of this study is “social trust” and explanation of its aspects and its measure and differences in various levels of “trust” in students of Islamic Azad University. The importance of this study resulted from current condition of Iran university and over of 4million students in educational high institutions and formation of indexes such as development of universal centers, extension of urbanization, development of new area of preoccupation, attendance of rural students in urban university, intense population changes, alteration in categorical structure and also wide economical-social changes and therefore increase of engagement with people out of family and etc. thus need to assessment of social trust in various levels and aspects is important.Statistical society include all male and female students in Tehran Azad University. 385 male and female students from Islamic Azad University selected as sample group. In order to summarizing, description and presentation of information, tables of frequency distribution and descriptive indexes (such as mean, standard deviation, maximum and minimum) was used. Moreover in order to examine the hypothesis, independent t test was used.The results show high level of social trust in all of students. Also there was no significant differences between male and female students- opposite of previous studies that indicate differences and low level of social trust in this two groups- that emphasize that current young Iranian society, rather than past, trustworthy look at social, interpersonal and gregarious relationship and display more trust to various structures in psychic- mental, social, political, cultural area of Iran society.

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In many developed countries the retail banking has been engaged with the use of social networks such as face book, you tube, etc so that the banks will be able to communicate with the bulk of their customers who are mainly from the digital generation in a tangible space to this generation which is the virtual world.The importance of virtual environments such as second life has been so remarkable that we confront the creation and introduction the new currencies like linden dollar, bit coin, etc which have challenged the common currencies in the world. In this article three impacts regarding the opportunity of entering to the world of social media are being discussed that might be fruitful for the banks willing to change and involving the virtual areas desired by the digital generation. The use and gratification theory is being considered in this article and the author tries to adapt the theory to the opportunity of utilizing the social media in banking services. The goal of the research is reaching the customers of digital generation. Does the use of social media cause the reaching to digital generation customers? Does this use reduce the cost of finding new customers? Does it regain the confidence of digital generation customers? The research method is explorative dealing with library studies on social media and providing bank services considering the use and gratification theory. The findings show that using social media in providing bank services to the digital generation customers will lead to reaching these customers, reducing costs, and regaining the confidence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This study aimed to examine the effects of stress and psychological pressure on reporters in Tehran. Population in all 5 news reporter Dana Press, wave, Khabar Online, stamped and formed the Anna. The sample size of 250 subjects who were selected through stratified random sampling. Data analysis using regression, analysis of variance and t test for independent groups was performed. The occupational stress could predict job performance reporters in relation to others, and thus the effects of job stress was not significant in the regression equation (p<0.05).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The emergence of social networks in the modern world a unique opportunity for the groups that has no chance of being media is provided. Birth thousands of blogs, social networks and user centered media, Iranians before communicating and expressing their cultural and ethnic concerns is strong. Due to the diversity of ethnic, racial, cultural and unique country that has a lot of potential to have a presence in cyberspace. Over the past few years with the advent of social networking Iranian ethnic group has the ability to display a unique opportunity for what it did not provide Ahead of you is an effort to explore ways of representing the Iranian ethnic group in Facebook. Researcher uses content analysis to examine the contents of ethnic media in this regard. The results showed that the expression of cultural notions of Iranian ethnic group in the media.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The cultural construction of gender identity would lead to the development of personal and social thoughts and ideas regarding the appropriate behaviors for men and women in different conditions. Hence, the gender identity is a function of social conditions and the individual self-image according to the ideals and resources that the society or the individual construct for the self. The introduction and development of new communication-information technologies and the cyber space have encouraged the researchers to examine the role of these technologies in changing the unwritten rules and regulations dominating human interactions and how they view their gender. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the potential relationship between different patterns of using cyber-space and the gender identities of the users. To this purpose, the present study which is conducted through cross-sectional survey as the method and questionnaires as the instrument. This study investigates 260 users from 15 to 25 years old, selected through quota sampling from Kashan, Iran. The results of this study indicated that there is a positive and significant relationship between the history of the users and the time that they spend using the Internet weekly and their gender identity. However, this relationship was different for men and women with regard to the patterns of using Internet (such as entertaining or social purposes). The results revealed that the gender identity of the women who mainly searched the Internet for scientific information was stronger than the men. In addition, using the cyber space for entertaining purposes such as chatting, playing games, and pastime reduces the sense of belonging to one's gender. This might be resulted from the specific characteristics of interaction in cyber space (pace, anonymity, …..) that create a the same environment for all users which is devoid of the necessities caused by gender identity construction.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Outdoor publicities are widespread media texts which target all group and class of people in a society. Because of this, through designing public massages in frame of moral recommendations, dominant cultural discourse of political power try to use capability of these media texts in order to establishing official values and beliefs in the mind of majority of people. In fact, influence of political power's interests in public institution like municipalities tend to make neutral space of urban trafficking more Ideological.Main objective of this research is to analyze manners of serving "cultural myths" in a specific case of outdoor publicities in Tehran. To achieve this goal, after choosing outdoor publicity Collection named “War, Work, till Victory…” as a case study, we analyze and evaluate practicing rhetoric of moral outdoor publicities in order to produce and reproduce of cultural myths trough semiotics methodology.Results shown in case study of this research, combination of various signal elements in forms of deferent designing techniques of outdoor publicities applied to reproducing such cultural myths which connected to religious-political values of Islamic revolution, resistance and social continuity on this values and transcends of spiritual approach in social life. Finally, goal-oriented designing of structural elements synthetics of the text in moral outdoor publicities, can be served for producing a discourse based on native and national values in order to establishing cultural myths.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Tourism phenomenon as a social phenomenon is one of the world industries that improve the situations for finding jobs. The tourism industry is considered the biggest and most renowned in the world. Many countries have this dynamic industry as the main source of income, employment, private sector development and infrastructure development. The tourism industry today is so important in economic and social development that economists also call that the invisible export. From the industrial age to the information age that is the golden age of the information societies we are faced with change. Given the huge potential of tourism and numerous technical facilities, technical and human resources are abundant in Iran and opportunities resulting from this wave of change in information technology changes our tourism. In this article the role of all domestic media that are highly specialized in the field of transport are focused on the development of the tourism industry is examined and given the relatively small population that had the media, the results of lack of visual appeal and characteristics of active media outlets suggest that the result shows the audience of the media and the impact on the audience that cause less tourism in Iran.

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