Globalization is a phenomenon of the last decades of the twentieth century and early twenty-first century that has hang global issues, national and even individual. Uninterrupted process of this phenomenon almost all macro and micro elements in different levels of human society is subject to change. On this basis, the article mentioned that the first analysis the concept of globalization, bed time, the definitions of globalization, schools and related approaches deal with this phenomenon. Following the concepts of cultural- media imperialism scrutinized scientific and theoretical debate and then the author deals with the link between globalization and imperialism cultural- media imperialism. According to this the globalization and imperialism (cultural- media) are considered as international consistent and aligned concepts that are moving in a common direction. And it's aim is to expand and export values, beliefs and priorities of the dominant countries life style in the world to conquer public opinion to other countries. These concepts are two sides of the same coin that move in the direction of assimilation, integration of other cultures and their aim is to undermine local cultures and their transformation into the global culture. At the end of this article, the author in response to the international multiple challenges of the 21st century in the world system proposed this suggestion that Today, in the new informational and communication era, the globalization process requires restructuring and rearranging according to cultural diversity and plurality and local and regional communities; So that each of these cultures as an actor can play the role of their culture in the global and international arena and also had have the ability to provide continuous transfer and deliver of its intellectual and cultural capital to other cultures.