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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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A mystical text has always benefited from the simplest linguistic means to transfer its message and simultaneously has been considered as one of the most attractive Persian prose types in all ages. Jaami's prose in all of his didactic and mystical writings benefits from the Persian prose and is full of archaism, delicacy, craftsmanship, and mastery. The prose style of the thesis'' Robaiyat's explanation on Pantheism "contains all features. In this paper after a short glance at Jaami's biography, the thesis is introduced and then prose style during Jaami's era is briefly discussed. In the next step the most outstanding of Jaami's style such as zeugma, archaism, brevity, and noun adjective agreement are analyzed. In the end a thorough conclusion is conducted.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hakim Abu Moein Naser Khosrow Ghobadiyani Balkhi poet, and philosopher of fifth century in all his prose and verse writings sees man as the macrocosm. In his view man is made up of two components: body and soul. Soul is the living, wise ,and immortal, and body is its mortal part. Soul has some levels among which superego is superior and guardian to all. In his writings Naser khosrow refers to levels of soul both with Persian and Arabic terms. This paper is an attempt to analyze the levels of soul in his prose and verse.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Indirect references add to the depth and magnitude of a work and will highlight its beauty and freshness. Ironic style contains beauty of speech and is beneficial, benefits that cannot be achieved through direct speech. This research is an attempt to explore the representation of irony in prophet's speech hoping that we might depict a part of his rhetorical power. Meanwhile, we try to answer the following questions: what is the significance of irony in prophet's view? How did he employ it? Why did he use it? To do so we have selected some of his speeches with ironic implications and referred to some source books such as Almojazat Alnabaviyate by Sharif Razi and tried to render further explanations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research is an attempt to discuss the intention in choosing Arabic language as the best living language and the most perfect among Semitic languages to introduce Islam and reveal the Glorious Book of Allah through a survey of the views of the experts in Semitic languages and their branches, speakers, different stages of development and their relationships with each other. The article also studies the elements which distinguish Arabic from other Semitic languages, such as its principles, inflections, lexical variety, and manners of discourse, and give it the power to express the most subtle and delicate issues. Moreover, the article shows the reason of the merits of Arabic language which distinguish it from other languages and make it the most perfect among Semitic languages in content and form, to be finally the medium of the Book of the Exalted Allah and the speeches of His Prophet, peace be upon him and his household. Thus, it has gained the place of honor above all other languages. The article finally attempts to indicate that seeing the survival of Arabic language and the extinction of others the choice of Arabic as the most perfect language to introduce the most perfect religion has not been accidental or without the prior intention of the Most Wise Legislator.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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There are different reasons and arguments about the burying alive of girls. And these differences among the arguments of interpreters and historians make the reader to ponder about them. Furthermore, these differences show that the burying alive of girls can have other reasons from what has been stated or these reasons are included in those stated. However, by studying the roots of this tradition among Ignorant Arabs (Jahili Arabs) and analyzing it through semiology, the reasons of this tradition has been revealed, and the obstacles to the understanding of it has been removed. The semiological approach shows that there are lots of signifiers that need signified more than what has been stated. Those signifiers have linked religion and religious beliefs. The thing that is clear is that to kill human beings and victimize them for the gods has existed among former religions and nations. Semiological analysis and their equivalents show that there is a strong connection between the victimization of human beings among former nations, and the victimization of boys for gods among Jahili Arabs, and the burying of girls. And this connection links tradition to religion and beliefs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Pioneer dramatists faced problems in the Orient during the nineteenth century with regard to theater function in the Levant, Iran and Ottoman Turkey; emphasizing the need for a theater in their countries. They did not only regard theater as entertainment, but also considered it beyond entertainment, which has other functions. Pioneer dramatists in the Levant believe in the benefits of the art of theater and wrote articles about it and its benefits for society. They considered it to be one of the best literary and artistic genres. Theater offers great services to the country's progress and transcendent entertaining. In their view, the theater can contribute to refining complexions and repair souls and enlighten minds and fight tunnel vision. Theater is blessed as massage to communities. Albeit theater is considered entertainment art, but supporters believe that it is one of the best means of entertainment and leisure where it benefits society, makes the public more stylish and develops social morality as well as entertainment dimension to him. Therefore they defended the theater as a good art for people and should be stuck to.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Stylistics is a new science which analyzes the structure of composed lyrics based on the three layers: vocal, syntax and rhetorical. In this study with descriptive analytic method and the frame work of stylistics the researchers try to study the elegy Later in Paradise composed by Suad Sabah one of the pioneers of contemporary on the death of his beloved son Mobarak. The three levels mentioned will be analyzed in this poem to examine the link between melancholy and style. The main result of the application of this theory in analysis his elegy shows that there is a strong association between the sentiment elegy and style of poets. And sentimental grief has a direct impact on poet his.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper attempts to examine Bayazid's thoughts according to his shathiyat1 and research in Sufi and mystical people and clear-sighted persons who are highlighted in Islamic mysticism history about foregoing subject In the first meeting of the sunlight of Tabriz (Shams-e-Tabrizi) and young teacher of Balkh (Mowlavi) in Quniyeh. A question caused commotion in Mowlavi's thought. This question has two halves, one half is a Shateh like Bayazid Bastami. In this question Shams Tabriz asked Mowlavi: "Who is superior, prophet or Bayazid ?If prophet is superior and of course he is superior, why Bayazid has said: I am pure and what a superior position I have and prophet has said: I haven't known you, in proper condition. These two halves question have two predicates that second predicate is legal, famous and acceptable, but the first predicate is shath like statement that involves every knowledgeable mind. Reaction of Bayazib's speech causes support of religious dignitaries such as: Imam Ismael Mostamali Bakhari, Imam mohammad Kalabazi, Atar and movlavi ,….And colludes suitable analysis by religious dignitaries (sheikh) such as Abnaeim Isfahani ,Abu nasr Seraj and Khajeh Qosheiri. Whatever is considerable in Bayazid's shath can be classified in four chapters: his narrow-mindedness, shaths and his harsh speech, Bayazid's knowledge, that is simulating madness and God's love in Bayazid's heart.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Literature of a nation, reflects the political and social situation of the nation. Given the political situation - Iran and Iraq in contemporary society have been affected by the same events, so these two ideas and literary themes of literature are largely similar. Two contemporary literary characters "Nima yushij" and "Badr Shakir Alsyab" are poets who are not indifferent to the problems of their society, as the issues mentioned are clearly visible in their poems. In this paper, after discussing the poets lives, common themes and ideas in the poems "The Task of the Night-Guard" by Nima yushyj and "Almoms Almia’" by the BadrShakirAlsyab will be analyzed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Risalat al-ghufran is one of the oldest samples of the Arabic fictional heritage which injured its Arab critics for a very long time and was forgotten until the beginning of the twenty century. Because they had accused Abulala Al-moarri of atheism and disparaging the Islamic beliefs so that led to ignorance of Risalat al-ghufran for near nine centuries. The Arab scholars paid attention to it since the European critics paid attention to it and compared it with Divine comedy by Dante. The purpose of this article is studying the fictional characteristics of the Risalat al-ghufran in spite the fact that this work is not a story like modern stories, but we want to show that it has fictional aspects. Therefore we have studied it via fictional and ideological structures.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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