Abbas Mahmoud AL-Aqqad is considered as one of illustriouspersonalities of Arab world in contemporary era. He is said to be of great works in social, political, religious and literary areas and does not ignore to compose poem and has published about ten poetic divans. There are hot critical views about his poetry and the critics are divided into three groupspros and cons and moderate. Famous Lebanese critic, Maroon Abboud, is the toughest opponent of his poetry and heridicules and criticizes his poems in a harsh way.Studying the poetry of Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad, it is clear that Abboud's views are far from scientific spirit and constructive criticism; they are in restraints of categoriesbeing dominant in criticism of Arab world in twentieth century. In studying the poetry Aqqad says "I do not compare him with Naji, Abushadi, Taha, Seirafi, Khafif, Bashar Fars, Saleh Jaudat, Zaki Mobarak and anyone who has engaged in composing poetry in Egypt. All of them even Zaki Mobarakare better than him."Accordingly, it is necessary for us to study and criticize Abboud's opinions and thoughts fairly and impartially and to showreal face of Aqqad'spoetry especially in "al-Karwan gift", "vahyAl-Arba'aeen" and "AberSl-Sabil" distinguished in terms of innovation, subject orientation, unity and integration of the ode.The main finding of this study is that in many cases Abbouddoes notobservefair judgment and is influenced by personal and group interests althoughin some cases his criticism is fair and right. This is due to the fact that competition among critics in Arab world, particularly in Egypt and Lebanon in the twentieth century led the criticism towards bigotry and away from true scientific spirit.