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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This research deals with the concept of uniqueness in creativity as one of the artist's concerns and her personal features differentiates her from her peers in literary approach and critical view horizon based on her learned knowledge and literature. The reflection of such concept can be found in the book Teyf-e- Al-Khialwritten by Sharif Al-Murtazain both poetry and its criticism. The poet mentions words and expressions related to imagination. Next, shedraws its different types in four forms: first, uniqueness in interpellation and rejection, second, in trial and interpretation, third, in dependency and forth, in uniqueness in sublimity and presidency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Form-centered reading is a trend which has existed among Muslim critics long ago and been reflected further as "Formalist" in modern era. Such type of view about a textinvestigates it as a linguistic innovation. From Formalists' point of view, a literary text contains a fundamental elementcalled text literature which a literate can achieve it through different mechanisms which itself gives linguistic and artistic prominences to the text. In this regard, researchers of present study aimed to have formalist reading of the introduction section of Bustan's chapter three. The results showed that the literate used formalist mechanisms in the introduction in such a way that it has the highest influence on the reader and forces him to think about the text in detail. In fact, existing paradox and tension in this introduction is the same main artistic elementas that used implicitly by the poet.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Iqbal Lahoori is one of those Muslim and undertaking thinkers and poets who has not restricted himself to one language and territory, but his thoughts and ideas have moved over all ethnical and religious boundaries. Adhered tightly to his poetic message and inspired by clean revelation sources and having unbreakable bond with pure religious thoughts, he has left an everlasting literary work whose everlasting secret is not in their glamour of words and musical rhythmbut for being derived from his deepfaith in the meaning depth of words and their roles. Iqbal has founded a targeted poetical-philosophical school which considers poetry as an heir of prophecy whose mission is to reform human society. Presenting human grieves and lofty faithconcepts, Iqbal considers amendment of human being and guiding him to his true position in Allah's view as the main mission of poetry. Iqbal inspired by religious concepts and by decorating his poetry with sublime themes and notable Koranic figures, has acquired the celebrated position of the poet of Islam and Quran. In this research, using the descriptive-analytic method, while pointing to Iqbal's some intellectual-philosophical aspects of character and referring to eternality secret of histhoughts, it has been tried to study position of holy Quran in his Persian poems. Results show that Iqbal has dedicated himself to holy Quran willingly by his heart and intellect in order to be inspired by it in his works especially Persian poems. This research also demonstrates that Iqbal has not referred to Quran just for literary purposes such as using Koranic words and phrases in his poetry, but he tended to it as aninviting believer to derive his thoughts and values, far from Sufi interpretations, directly from it.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Abbas Mahmoud AL-Aqqad is considered as one of illustriouspersonalities of Arab world in contemporary era. He is said to be of great works in social, political, religious and literary areas and does not ignore to compose poem and has published about ten poetic divans. There are hot critical views about his poetry and the critics are divided into three groupspros and cons and moderate. Famous Lebanese critic, Maroon Abboud, is the toughest opponent of his poetry and heridicules and criticizes his poems in a harsh way.Studying the poetry of Abbas Mahmoud Al-Aqqad, it is clear that Abboud's views are far from scientific spirit and constructive criticism; they are in restraints of categoriesbeing dominant in criticism of Arab world in twentieth century. In studying the poetry Aqqad says "I do not compare him with Naji, Abushadi, Taha, Seirafi, Khafif, Bashar Fars, Saleh Jaudat, Zaki Mobarak and anyone who has engaged in composing poetry in Egypt. All of them even Zaki Mobarakare better than him."Accordingly, it is necessary for us to study and criticize Abboud's opinions and thoughts fairly and impartially and to showreal face of Aqqad'spoetry especially in "al-Karwan gift", "vahyAl-Arba'aeen" and "AberSl-Sabil" distinguished in terms of innovation, subject orientation, unity and integration of the ode.The main finding of this study is that in many cases Abbouddoes notobservefair judgment and is influenced by personal and group interests althoughin some cases his criticism is fair and right. This is due to the fact that competition among critics in Arab world, particularly in Egypt and Lebanon in the twentieth century led the criticism towards bigotry and away from true scientific spirit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Minimalist story is a kind of very short story that is summarized sometimes in some lines and sometimes in one page. It tells a short event and in addition includes deep contents. Studying verses of Holy Quran we can see stories in different forms and lengths. Meanwhile there are some stories that are not more than some lines in length so it is possible for the researcher to evaluate these stories based on technical standards of short story. If short story nature of these Koranic versesis proved, the popular view i.e. short story is western and modern will be questioned and marginalized. Defining short story, counting its features and comparing it with fictional samples from some Sura of Holy Quran including Al-Baqareh, Al-Hejr, Al-Nahl, and Al-Yasin, we investigate hypothesis of short story existence in Quran. The study shows these Koranic samples are short and tell a short event and include compact and great concepts in addition to shortness. Also they have main features of short story although complementary features can be recognized in them. Achieving this result confirms the hypothesis of the article and represents Islamic nature of short story origins.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Simin Daneshvar is the first Iranian female novelist in Persian literature and her famous novel, Savushun, gives her a place beside other superior Iranian writers and novelists. Female perspective in Savushun caused its eternity because it is the first novel that is written and published by a woman. Although the woman is victim of patriarchy in Iranian novels generally, both Simin Daneshvar and her heroin Savushunare female and this approach is newin Iranian novel writing. Daneshvar tried to express feministic secrets in her heroine and in this way feministic view entered Iranian literature. As well She devoted herself to highlight women's realities through hernovel describing wonderfully some eras of Iranian history i.e. being occupied by Britain and its barraters and evolution of Iran after world warII. Simin is inspired by her own personality in the creation of the heroine and her real life and what happened to the heroine and her family is same as what happened to Iran and Iranian people.Daneshvar smashed traditional view of women inSavushun and made a great evolution in female characteristic through her heroine'srebellion. Moreover, she proved that a woman is capable of standing beside a man and hold weapon in her hand and fight in defense of her country and nurture many warriors and soldiers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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