The book being introduced introducing now, certainly is unknown to many knowledgable and pen group. “ship“ is work in verse that associated with tunic prose of unknown poet that is called “Ghahraman Ghahri“ from Malayer city that is sung in praise of “Mohamad“ and Imams in particular thechief of martyrs, “Immam Hosein“.Between poems of this valuable work, in addition to moral, religious, epic and Quranic points, we can observe manifestations of practical Gnosticism. It is represented as knowledge and route of poet. Therefore, this paper wants, in addition to imaginating stages of war of martyr Imam and his friends with ignorant enemy’s, to represents Gnostic points and terms in this effect.One of the poet’s purpose is introduction “Hosein Imam“ as complete human and thoroughbres wise that wayfarers of fact way conducts “khoda“ way.