Occupational indecision is one of the common problems in young people. When a person is not created a definite career choice we face with occupational indecision. Various factors, developmental, social, personality, and motivational influence occupational indecision. This study determined the relationship between various motivational factors and occupational indecision of students. In order of this research 338 students were selected by random cluster sampling method from senior students of Tabriz University. Data was gathered through Young and McCormick’ Questionnaire which including of Occupational Indecision, Occupational Amotivation, Recognition, Expectancy for Occupational Success, Occupational Interest/ Enjoyment, and Social (Family) Influence’ subscales. The method of data analysis was path analysis which was analyzed with Amos software. The results showed that occupational indecision was predicted directly by amotivation (b=0.682) and indirectly by recognition (b=0.090), expectancy for occupational success (b=-0.200), occupational interest/ enjoyment (b=-0.165). In addition, results showed that %46 of occupational indecision was explained by occupational amotivation, recognition, expectancy for occupational success, occupational interest/ enjoyment.