Language is one of the most important features of humanity and the element of human existence. Sign language is a solution to meet the verbal and communication needs of the deaf community just like Persian, Chinese, English, etc. are other ways to meet the communication needs of the hearing community. Unique experiences in life shape scientists and their perspectives on research. Therefore, the diversity of life and cultural experiences among scientists has led to the expansion of research directions and ultimately to scientific inventions and discoveries. Deaf people, for example, have been successful prospects in scientific research. However, the deaf continue to face challenges in academic science education. Most deaf students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics associate with professors who have little experience of working with deaf people, often lacking awareness of deaf people. Therefore, lack of access to the necessary communication skills usually causes deaf students to feel dissatisfied or unable to study basic science and engineering. This paper attempts to provide solutions to support the best deaf students in science and engineering, using a descriptive-analytical approach, reviewing the evidence, opinions, and experiences of deaf experts and scientists. Therefore, we discuss topics for teaching and coaching research in order to fit the deaf academic environment, regarding the layout of class and chairs, and also point out the importance of deaf/hard of hearing scientists in deaf-related research.