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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The globalization of economy, incredible advances in technology and social sciences, and the international move toward outcome-oriented evaluation of education programs greatly necessitate changes in the traditional model of engineering education. Key elements for effective execution of changes in engineering education are the faculty members and education staff and authorities. From a research on Iran’ s engineering education staff, it was found that regardless of their location of employment (whether universities or industry), this groups came from a diverse academic background, which is often irrelevant to the concept of education. Their priority seems to be acquiring specialized professional trainings. A similar requirement in other countries has led to the establishment of higher education programs in engineering education. The goal of these programs, which are usually conducted in engineering faculties, is to train people who can be in charge of arrangement, coordination, guidance, execution, evaluation, and documentation of education. Furthermore it is aimed to enable the trainees to enhance the quality of education presentation in educational institutions, as well as the industry. The graduates of this program will also be able to propose mechanisms to overcome the country’ s engineering education challenges and promote its quality through systematic research. In this paper, the work on feasibility, design and legislation the “ Master’ s Program in Engineering Education” is explained. The inauguration of Iran’ s first Master’ s Program in Engineering Education will take place in September 2019, at University of Tehran’ s Faculty of Engineering.

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Engineering ethics deals with moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations engaged in engineering, and it is, therefore, the ability and the responsibility of all engineers to evaluate their decisions based on the general well-being of a society. Aim of the present study was to identify and rank the components of engineering ethics. This study is categorized as applied research based on the aims, and descriptive research in terms of the methods and nature of the study. To collect the data, questionnaires were prepared based on multi-attribute decision-making methods and completed by five managers of technical and engineering service provider organizations in Bushehr; the managers had at least five years of management experience and presence in this profession. The data were analyzed by SuperDecisions software. The results of this study show the components of accountability, adherence to rules and regulations, and adherence to public welfare and environment are the most important components of engineering ethics. In general, it can be concluded that organizational components have had a far more important role than professional and individual ethics components.

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Science dos not have a clime about the moral issues or solving the social problems. Hence, we need an interdisciplinary branch to be familiar with the complexities of the human sciences while knowledge of scientific or engineering issues. Applied ethics and professional ethics have such a role, and in the field of Geoscience, a new branch called "Geo-ethics" plays this role. Geo-Ethics is one of the emerging branches of professional ethics. In professional ethics, the responsibilities and ethical priorities of members and business owners are emphasized. It also explains how to deal with difficult issues such as moral complexities in that branch. Geo-ethics is a common ground between philosophy, earth sciences, economics and sociology. In this research, we attempt to introduce the basic concepts of Geo-ethics and its origins and history. International professional ethics associations have also been introduced as global references. One of the fundamental issues of Geo-ethics is its relevance to society and social responsibility and also the issue of climate change and ecosystem of life. Dealing with ethical dilemas and related issues of scientific research are the other sides of Geo-Ethics. Also, promoting the moral level of young researchers and encouraging them to think critically about Geo-resource management and trying to find socio-economic solutions within the framework of sustainability for future generations is the other key issues in Geo-ethics.

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Alemi Minoo | MEGHDARI ALI

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Language is one of the most important features of humanity and the element of human existence. Sign language is a solution to meet the verbal and communication needs of the deaf community just like Persian, Chinese, English, etc. are other ways to meet the communication needs of the hearing community. Unique experiences in life shape scientists and their perspectives on research. Therefore, the diversity of life and cultural experiences among scientists has led to the expansion of research directions and ultimately to scientific inventions and discoveries. Deaf people, for example, have been successful prospects in scientific research. However, the deaf continue to face challenges in academic science education. Most deaf students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics associate with professors who have little experience of working with deaf people, often lacking awareness of deaf people. Therefore, lack of access to the necessary communication skills usually causes deaf students to feel dissatisfied or unable to study basic science and engineering. This paper attempts to provide solutions to support the best deaf students in science and engineering, using a descriptive-analytical approach, reviewing the evidence, opinions, and experiences of deaf experts and scientists. Therefore, we discuss topics for teaching and coaching research in order to fit the deaf academic environment, regarding the layout of class and chairs, and also point out the importance of deaf/hard of hearing scientists in deaf-related research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Present study is conducted with the aim of studying the agreement of Persian abstracts and graduate theses of engineering courses of Tabriz University during 2005-2015 with international standards of ISO-214. The statistical population of this study is 342 titles for the ISO-214 standard, which relates to 4 faculties and 21 engineering disciplines. For the data analysis, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (Chi test, Phi and Cramer tests) and Excel 2010 software and SPSS version 22 were used. Also, one checklist for the investigation of ISO 214 was implied. The results of this study showed that among faculties, the Faculty of Civil Engineering with an average of 81. 95% is more consistent with the ISO-214 components. In the ISO 214 standard, the relevant components in the Soil and Fundamental Engineering, Surveying and Geomatics Engineering and Manufacturing Engineering have been observed respectively with a mean of 86. 29%, 85. 55%, and 84. 75% higher than the other studied disciplines. among the 15 components of ISO-214 that were examined, components of the use of “ verbs and pronouns in the third form” with a total of 100%, the “ bibliographic information component in the abstract page” with an average of 98. 75%, and the “ existence of a keyword” with an average of 98. 52% are in agreement with ISO-214 standards. The mean observance of the components of ISO 214 was 78. 72%, which greatly compliance with the ISO 214 standard.

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Today, higher education institutions around the world are beginning to change their missions, goals, and prospects to address and integrate issues related to biodiversity conservation in their functions. The human component of the agricultural higher education system is one of the pillars of this system that plays a central role in advancing the objectives of the system in a dynamic and harmonious connection with other components. However, so far no effective efforts have been made in the country to identify effective factors in improving the professional competence of faculty members. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify the components of faculty members' professional competencies for biodiversity education. This study was conducted using qualitative approach and inductive content analysis method. Required information was collected through semi-structured interviews with 24 experts in the field of environmental education and biodiversity selected by snowball sampling. We began the inductive content analysis by identifying the meanings and then tagging them in the form of qualitative codes, and continued by codifying the codes and linking them to categories. This process was implemented with the help of MAXQDA software. To validate the qualitative findings, participant review and expert review strategies have been used. The findings showed that faculty members' professional competencies for biodiversity education included skills competencies, knowledge competencies, value competencies and ethical competencies, each of which has indicators.

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Purpose: The present study aims to compare the specialization of Tehran Universities of Technology in the field of engineering. Material and methods: In this applied and scientometric study, data of Tehran Universities of Technology was collected using the Advanced Search section of the Web of Science database. These data related to the engineering field and its subfields scholarly publication between 1999 to 2018. HistCite and Excel have been used to analyze the data. Findings: The findings showed that RSI score of Sharif University of Technology, Amirkabir University of Technology, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Iran University of Science and Technology, Malek-Ashtar University of Technology was in order 0, 576; 0, 568; 0, 566; 0, 605; and 0, 407. Also, the RSI score for each Tehran Universities of Technology has been calculated in engineering fields. In the final section, Tehran Universities of Technology ranked in terms of RSI score in engineering subfields. Conclusion: The results indicated the desirable situation of Tehran Universities of Technology specialization in the field of engineering. Sharif University of Technology also ranked first in the most of engineering subfields specialization.

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