Background and Aim: The human mental health is a multidimensional and complex issue affected by a wide range of biological, psychological, sociological, economic and cultural factors. Considering the social nature of human life, the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between some social variables, e. g., social support, social bond, social trust and social status, and teachers’ mental health. Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional quantitative survey using a questionnaire to collect. The sample included 373 primary school teachers (first and second grades) in Najafabad, Isfahan, Iran selected in 2020 by multi-stage random sampling. Data were analyzed using the structural equation modelling technic, with the SPSS-25 and Amos-23 software. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis of the items showed that they could explain 63. 25% of the variance of the teachers' mental health variable, the social support, social status and social trust variables affecting it (0. 65, 0. 45 and 0. 18, respectively), with a confidence interval of 99% and p<0. 001. On the whole, the independent variables could explain 76% of the variance of the teachers’ mental health. In addition, moderation analysis showed that in general gender moderates the effects of social variables on the teachers’ mental health, the female gender having stronger effects in these relationships. Conclusion: The results of this study show that primary school teachers' mental health, which is an individual/private phenomenon, is greatly affected by their quality of social life, some factors such as social support, social status and social trust potentially influencing it. Moreover, this effect is much more pronounced among women than men.