Introduction: Organizational cynicism, as newly conceived concept of staff-manager relations, and asone of the most important attitudes of employees, has recently received considerable attention from manyresearchers and managers. Provided that pessimistic feelings grow among nurses with respect to thehospital they serve, their workplace suffers severe damages and hardships which lead to a substantialdecline in its performances. Given the key role of nurses as valuable human resources in providingservices to people, the main purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of nurses aboutorganizational cynicism. Method: This was a qualitative research, with phenomenological approach. The participatns were selectedfrom nurses employed in public hospitals of North Khorasan Province, Iran. Purposive sampling was usedto select 19 participants. In-depth semi-structured interviews were the date collection method. In addition, data were analyzed using Colaizzi’ s method. Results: The results of this study revealed 3 main themes including cognitive factors (disrespecting thenurses, injustice, hypocrisy, unexceptionable environment, nepotism, violation of the psychological contract, and incompetent authorities of the hospital), feeling factors (hospital politicization, lack of social means, andfeeling an imposed forced labor on nurses), and behavior factors (not recommending the nursing professionto the others, no tendency to an early retirement, no desire to see the progress of others, criticizing and notaccompanying the management decisions, and allowing to personally utilize the hospital’ s facilities). Conclusion: The findings indicate that preventing the nepotisme, organizational justice, respecting nurses, and reducing political games of the hospital have a significant impact on the reduction of organizationalcynicism among the nurses. As a result, the emphasis on aspects of procedural, interactional, andinteractive justice could reduce organizational cynicism of nurses. On the other hand, reverence andrespect for nurses will have a significant effect on reduction of organizational cynicism. Therefore, havingnurses incentivized in different events, it is possible to mitigate their organizational cynicism feelings.