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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Introduction: Patient education is one of the fundamental and valuable components in professionalnursing performance which indicates professional development. The aim of the present study was toclarify nurses' viewpoints on factors affecting patient education. Method: This was a qualitative research in which twenty nurses were selected through purposivesampling. Data collection was done using deep interview with semi-structural questions. All interviewswere first recorded, then transcribed. Finally, the data were analyzed using constant comparative techniquethrough conventional content analysis. Results: Three main themes with six subcategories were extracted. The main themes were “ organizationalfactors” , “ personal factors” , and “ cultural and environmental factors” . Conclusion: Regarding the research findings, some of the affective factors in patient education weredetermined through nurses’ perspectives. Therefore, it is recommended to perform careful managementand organizational interventions, and provide necessary conditions for patient education.

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Introduction: The success of training programs in health-treatment systems belongs to competent staff inthe field of education. The aim of this study was to identify the experiences of staff employed in healthcenters in Khamir City, Hormozgan Province, Iran, to determine the skills needed to become a healtheducator from their viewpoints. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in 2015 in Khamir City. The data were collected throughsemi-structured interviews with 15 employees working in health centers with at least 3 years of experiencechosen via purposive sampling method. Content analysis approach was used to analyze the data. Results: Two main themes were extracted, “ individual’ s experience-based capability” and “ learningbasedcapability” . The “ use of communication skills and personal characteristics by health care staff” , “ experience-based learning” , and “ scientific-based learning” were the extracted subthemes. Conclusion: In training health personnel, health system managers and trainers should pay attention tothe willingness and ability of healthcare workers in implementing health education, and also to updateworkers’ knowledge of health.

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Introduction: Mothering is a precious art with many intricacies. When women experience thephenomenon of mothering, they become vulnerable, and face many challenges. It creates worst conditions, if this experience is combined with a disability such as blindness. This study aimed to determine blindmothers’ experiences of marginalization. Method: The approach used in this study was hermeneutic phenomenology. Sampling was carried outusing targeted and snow balling method. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with nine congenitallyblind mothers who had child under the age of 8 years old. The interviews were recorded and transcribedverbatim. Interviews continued until data saturation. van Manen method was used for all steps of the studyincluding data collections, data analysis, and interpretation and reporting the findings. Data analysis wasperformed using MAXQDA software. Results: From 479 initial codes, the main theme of "hermit inevitable", and subthemes of "feelings ofshame", "a sense of discrimination", and "obligation in loneliness" were emerged. Conclusion: Blind mothers’ perception of themselves was to be marginalized, and they suffered fromshame feeling, discrimination, lack of support, and obligation in loneliness. Blindness affects mothering, and blind mothers are in a unique situation.

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Introduction: One of the most important factors influencing marital satisfaction and life satisfaction issexual satisfaction; as not being satisfactory tends to more severe problems, and even rupture of themarriage. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to assess the experience of sexual problems in womenseeking divorce and women satisfied with their marriage. Method: This was a qualitative study using phenomenology method. Snowballing sampling was used inVanak and Shahid Mahallati family courts, Tehran, Iran, and sampling continued until reaching thesaturation point. 13 women seeking divorce, and 11 women satisfied with their marriage, who wereintroduced by women seeking divorce, enrolled the study. Results: In women seeking divorce, 7 codes with the highest frequency were extracted including “ sex” , “ sexual partnerships” , “ sexual schemas” , “ interpersonal communication of couples” , “ sexual orientation” , “ sexuality” , and “ living conditions” , respectively. In women satisfied with their marriage, the codes with thehighest frequency were as “ sexuality” , “ interpersonal communication of couples” , “ sex” , “ sexualpartnerships” , “ sexual schemas” , “ living conditions” , and “ sexuality” , respectively. 19 subthemes werepointed by the participants, too. Conclusion: Sexual issues is one of the factors affecting divorce, sexual satisfaction is one of the mosteffective factors in solving and disregarding interpersonal problems and marriage satisfactory.

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Introduction: Parents, who lose their child to cancer, undergo changes which lead to decreasing in qualityof life and their level of adaption. Besides, after a child's death, numerous needs appear for the parents. The present research aimed to identify bereaved parents' changes and needs. Method: In this qualitative research with phenomenological approach, 12 bereaved families in TehranCity, Iran, who had lost their children to cancer, were selected using purposive sampling. The participantswere studied via semi-structured and in-depth interviews. Data were collected, registered, encoded, andclassified into main categories. Results: Data analysis resulted in extraction of the 4 main themes of changes (psychological and physicalchanges, interpersonal changes, intrapersonal changes, and changes in life style), and 2 themes of needs(emotional needs and financial needs). In addition, each main theme included some secondary themes. Conclusion: Through identifying bereaved parents' changes and needs, we can enhance parents' quality oflife and mental health. Medical team and clinical psychologists can benefit from the results of thisresearch, and prepare emotional support for the parents during the terminal stage and after the loss of thechild. Besides, they can have positive effect on long term's grief outcomes for bereaved parents, and helpthem with adaption.

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Introduction: In today civilization, the education trend moves towards lifelong learning. Lifelonglearning could be used as a guiding principle in higher education; yet to fulfill this purpose, we need toestablish lifelong learning in society. This article aimed to identify necessary changes in culturalinfrastructure in order to shape a move towards lifelong learning. Method: This qualitative study was conducted in 2014 using content analysis approach. 16 faculty membersin University of Isfahan, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, and Kerman University of MedicalSciences with interest, experience, and background in the field of higher education, teaching, and learning, were selected for this study using purposive sampling method. To collect the data, semi-structured and openendedinterviews were used. For credibility and acceptability of the data, outside observer method was used. The data were analyzed using content analysis approach. Results: Four thematic categories were identified as some of the necessary changes in culturalinfrastructure toward lifelong learning. The categories were as “ individual learning and cultural values” , “ learning and cultural mission of training centers” , “ learning and cultural mission of family” , and“ learning and cultural mission of the media. ” Conclusion: The results of this research could be used for officials to give special attention to culturalinfrastructures. Further qualitative studies can be useful in this regards.

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Introduction: Couples' personality traits play a key role in marital interactions. In cases where men haveavoidant personality, due to their effective roles in marital and family relationships, cold and soullessinteractions are established in the family. The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristicsof avoidant men related to marital interactions from couple and family specialists' view. Method: This was a qualitative study using content analysis approach. Eight family specialists werechosen through purposive sampling method. Then, the data were gathered through semi-structuredinterviews up to data saturation. After that, data were analyzed through thematic analysis. Results: Two categories of "self-defeating” and “ other-defeating" characteristics were achieved afteranalyzing the data. The subcategories of self-defeating were "marital burnout” , “ withdrawal” , “ poor selfconcept” , “ social phobia” , and “ ambivalence". The subcategories of other-defeating were "compulsiveperfectionism” , “ maladaptive self-centeredness” , “ emotionally cold homes” , “ change aversion” , “ sociableappearance” , “ sexual passivity” , “ passive-aggressive” , “ niggardliness” , and “ talking inactivity” . Conclusion: The "self-defeating” and “ other-defeating” characteristics of avoidant individuals lead themand their spouses' to burn out. This results to cold and unfriendly interactions, and the reduction of maritalquality. Therefore, identifying these characteristics will lead to identifying new solutions to modify thesetraits, and to improve marital interactions and quality.

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Introduction: Organizational cynicism, as newly conceived concept of staff-manager relations, and asone of the most important attitudes of employees, has recently received considerable attention from manyresearchers and managers. Provided that pessimistic feelings grow among nurses with respect to thehospital they serve, their workplace suffers severe damages and hardships which lead to a substantialdecline in its performances. Given the key role of nurses as valuable human resources in providingservices to people, the main purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of nurses aboutorganizational cynicism. Method: This was a qualitative research, with phenomenological approach. The participatns were selectedfrom nurses employed in public hospitals of North Khorasan Province, Iran. Purposive sampling was usedto select 19 participants. In-depth semi-structured interviews were the date collection method. In addition, data were analyzed using Colaizzi’ s method. Results: The results of this study revealed 3 main themes including cognitive factors (disrespecting thenurses, injustice, hypocrisy, unexceptionable environment, nepotism, violation of the psychological contract, and incompetent authorities of the hospital), feeling factors (hospital politicization, lack of social means, andfeeling an imposed forced labor on nurses), and behavior factors (not recommending the nursing professionto the others, no tendency to an early retirement, no desire to see the progress of others, criticizing and notaccompanying the management decisions, and allowing to personally utilize the hospital’ s facilities). Conclusion: The findings indicate that preventing the nepotisme, organizational justice, respecting nurses, and reducing political games of the hospital have a significant impact on the reduction of organizationalcynicism among the nurses. As a result, the emphasis on aspects of procedural, interactional, andinteractive justice could reduce organizational cynicism of nurses. On the other hand, reverence andrespect for nurses will have a significant effect on reduction of organizational cynicism. Therefore, havingnurses incentivized in different events, it is possible to mitigate their organizational cynicism feelings.

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Introduction: Experience of hospitalization in the intensive care unit is stressful for patients and families. When a family member is hospitalized in intensive care unit, patient's condition causes instability andimbalance in quality of family life. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore experiences of families ofhospitalized patients in intensive care unit related to resture the stability. Method: In this qualitative study, 19 family members of patients in intensive care unit were enrolled viapurposive sampling method. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, observation, and fieldnotes. All interviews were recorded and transcript verbatim, and were analyzed using qualitative contentanalysis method. Results: The extracted three main themes wereas “ search for supporter resources” , “ organizing of situation” , and “ contextual-tructural factors” . Subcategories of “ searching for supporter resources” were “ sources ofhope” and “ sources of support” . “ Organizing of situation” had two subcategories of “ interaction with thehealth care team” and “ efforts of stress relief” . Moreover, “ contextua-structural factors” included twosubcategories of “ factors related to family” and “ factors related to care-medical system” . Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it seems essential that health care team understandexperiences of family members of patients in intensive care unit related to restore family stability, andbalance in their life for providing family-centered interventions.

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