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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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فینلی (Finlay)، در مقاله اخیر خود با تمرکز بر روی تهیه مقالات کیفی، نگارش مقاله را یک امر پویا می داند که از چهار مرحله به هم پیوسته و مرتبط یعنی، تفکر (Thinking)، برنامه ریزی (Planning)، نگارش (Writing) و تولید نسخه (Manuscript Creation) نهایی تشکیل می شود [1]. ما قبلا در سخنان سردبیری مجله دانشگاه به برخی از این مراحل اشاره کرده ایم [4-2]. با این وجود و نظر به اهمیت مطالب ارایه شده توسط فینلی، سعی می کنیم که در سخن سردبیری حاضر، چهار مرحله فوق را طوری ارایه نماییم که بتواند هم در مورد مقالات کیفی و هم در مورد مقالات کمی مورد استفاده قرار گیرد. در مرحله اول و پس از آن که نویسندگان ایده ای برای نوشتن در اختیار داشته باشند، باید درباره چگونگی نگارش مقاله خود تفکر نمایند. در این مرحله نویسندگان باید بیندیشند که دقیقا چه پیامی را قرار است که از طریق مقاله به نویسندگان خود منتقل نمایند. در مرحله دوم که ارتباط متقابلی با مرحله اول دارد، نویسندگان وارد مرحله برنامه ریزی می شوند. در این مرحله، آن ها باید مشخص نمایند که ساختار مقاله باید از چه قسمت هایی تشکیل شده و در هر قسمت قرار است که چه نکاتی ارایه گردد...

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Background and Objectives: Fascioliasis is a common disease of human and animals caused by Fasciola hepatica and F. gigantica. The life cycle of these trematodes is influenced by climatic and geographical factors. The aim of this study was to determine the geographical features of animal fascioliasis in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province during 2016-2018 using GIS method. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, the prevalence of fasciola in slaughtered animals in different cities was extracted from the information of the province's veterinary department. Climatic layers were constructed based on interpolation models. Data on mean annual rainfall, evaporation and humidity, mean annual wind velocity, mean annual temperature, mean annual minimum and maximum temperatures, average height, average slope and area of each vegetation were extracted from the reference ground layers. The relationship between each variable and the prevalence of the disease in the two groups of cities, with high and low prevalence, was evaluated using independent two-sample t-test. Results: The highest prevalence of fasciolosis in slaughtered animals in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province was 5. 3% and belonged to Gachsaran city. There was a direct relationship between the mean annual humidity and the prevalence of fasciolosis (p=0. 023). No significant relationship was found between other studied factors and the rate of infection (p>0. 05). Conclusion: It seems that the relationship between humidity and the prevalence of fasciolosis is mainly due to the effect of humidity on the life cycle of snails and the host plants. Using these results, the quality of disease control programs can be improved and significant savings in the costs of animal husbandry and health care can be achieved.

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Background and Objectives: Cardiotrophin-1 is a member of interleukin 6 family, causes cardiac hypertrophy and with platelets is involved in heart atherosclerosis. Circuit resistance training is part of athletes' body building training. So, the aim of the study was to investigate the effect of circuit resistance training on cardiotrophin-1 and platelet in active bodybuilding men. Materials and Methods: The participants of this experimental study were 30 active male bodybuilders (age: 24. 95 ± 1. 49 years) in Ardabil in 2019 who were randomly divided into two groups of exercise (n=15) and control (n=15). Subjects in the experimental group completed a circuit resistance training session including 10 stations (leg press, chest press, barbell curl, frontal pull down, front leg, parallel, back pull down, cable pulley row, barbell shoulder press and back leg) with 40-60 one repetition maximum, 15 seconds at each station, and a 45-second interval rest between stations, in addition to their normal body building exercises. The control group performed their normal bodybuilding exercises. Independent and dependent t-tests were used to compare the intergroup and intragroup changes of cardiotrophin-1 and platelet, before and after training. Results: Cardiotrophin-1 increased significantly after resistance training compared to before exercise (p<0. 001) and also compared to the control group (p<0. 001). Platelet increased significantly after resistance training compared to before exercise (p<0. 001) and also compared to the control group (p<0. 001). Conclusion: According to an increase in cardiotrophin-1 and platelet after circuit resistance training, it is recommended that coaches and athletes cautiously start performing circuit resistance training for maintaining athletes' health and reducing thrombosis.

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Background and Objectives: Aflatoxins are known as causative factors of hepatic and extra-hepatic carcinogenesis within humans. Aflatoxin B1 enters the animal body through contaminated feed and is partially secreted in milk after being metabolized in the liver to aflatoxin M1 (AFM1). The aim of this study was to determine the amount of aflatoxin M1 to evaluate the quality status of pasteurized milk. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was performed to determine the occurrence of AFM1 in 39 pasteurized milk samples collected during winter and summer 2019 in Kerman and Rafsanjan cities. Aflatoxin analysis was carried out by high-performance liquid chromatography. The non-parametric Mann– Whitney U and Kruskal– Wallis H tests were used to analyze data. Results: Aflatoxin M1 was detected in 100% of the pasteurized milk ranging from 5. 41 to 125. 37 ng/l. Toxin levels in 2. 6% (1 sample) and 17. 9% (7 samples) of the pasteurized milk samples exceeded the Iranian national standard (100 ng/L) and EU (50 ng/L) limit, respectively. The mean concentration of aflatoxin in pasteurized milk samples produced in various regions was significantly different (p <0. 05). The carcinogenic risk assessment of AFM1 in milk was estimated, indicating that adult consumers in Kerman and Rafsanjan city are not at considerable cancer risk (HI<1). However, it was not the case for children (1

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Background and Objectives: College students are at risk of mobile phone dependence as they are the quickest adopters of mobile phone technologies. This study aimed to investigate the pattern of structural relationships of mobile phone dependence based on cognitive flexibility with the mediating role of alexithymia in students. Materials and Methods: The present study was descriptive, based on structural equations modeling. The statistical population included all students of Mohaghegh Ardebili University in the second semester of the academic year 2020. A total of 205 of these individuals were selected by available sampling method and answered online questionnaires on mobile phone dependence, cognitive flexibility and alexithymia. Data were analyzed using Pearson’ s correlation coefficient and structural equations modeling (SEM). Results: The results showed that mobile phone dependence was negatively related to cognitive flexibility (r=-0. 36, p<0. 001) and positively related to alexithymia (r=0. 48, p<0. 001). Alexithymia was also negatively associated with cognitive flexibility (r=-0. 59, p<0. 001). Model fit indices also confirmed the path of cognitive flexibility of mobile phone dependence with the mediating role of alexithymia. Conclusion: In general, the results showed that cognitive flexibility is directly and indirectly mediated by alexithymia in cell phone dependence. Based on findings of the present study, it is practically recommended to hold workshops by counselors and psychologists to regulate and manage emotions and problem-solving strategies and to inform students of the dangers of mobile phone dependence.

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Background and Objectives: COVID-19 infection, which began since 2019 from China, is introduced as a medicinal problem in the world. There is no certain treatment and preventive way actually. In countries that have been successful in controlling the disease, people's participation has played an important role in controlling the disease. This study was a review on epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of COVID-19 infection in order to guide policy making and promotion of knowledge, attitude and practice of the society associated with COVID-19 Materials and Methods: This is a review study in which appropriate key words were researched within authentic scientific spaces such as PubMed, Google scholar, CDC, WHO, NEJM and Cell Press from December 2019 till August 2020 and then, subjects were collected and analyzed. Results: Rapid spread of COVID-19 virus, the relationship between disease severity and mortality with various factors, respiratory transmission, especially in short distance, masks, hand washing and physical distance observance as the most important way to prevent, diversify clinical symptoms and at the same time fever and cough as the most common clinical symptoms, treatment with non-specific antiviral drugs and treatment based on controlling clinical symptoms and strengthening immunity with known drugs, paying attention to children as asymptomatic carriers, and pretentious pregnancy in the event of COVID-19 are the most important findings of this study. Conclusion: The findings of this study are practical points that awareness of those points is effective in both policy making and promoting the necessary knowledge for COVID-19 infection in the community.

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Teaching in small groups is one of the most efficient methods of education that can paly a very efficient role in learning. The pre-requisite for a successful session is that all members of the group realize and perform their legitimate roles accordingly. Therefore, within the present article we are going firstly to discuss the different roles of the participants in a small teaching group. Then we are going to present diverse situations in which group members might act in a destructive and unnatural way and put the teaching efficiency in danger. Finally, we are going to provide the possible solutions for each destructive situation that leads to problem solving and brings people back to their constructive and natural roles.

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Background and Objectives: Considering the importance of traffic accidents that have endangered human health and social life, the aim of this study was to determine the frequency of causes related to traffic accidents leading to death in Ali-Ibn Abi-Taleb Hospital in Rafsanjan in 2017. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive study, the files of traffic accident deaths were examined by census (100 files). The data related to demographic and accident charectristics were collected and analyzed using chi-square test and one-way ANOVA. Results: The highest rate of accidents occurred among men (88%), on suburban routes (69%) and at night (55%). The fatal accident mechanism in 50% was vehicle rollover and the frequency of death reasons being damaged to the head was 50%. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, accidents have led to more deaths in males, at night and on suburban routes. It may be possible to take precautionary measures to reduce these accidents.

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Making people familiar with health protocols via mass media, Ministry of Health and Medical Education plays an important role in promoting peoples’ knowledge regarding prevention of Coronavirus pandemic. Advising people, the Ministry of Health and Medical Education puts emphasis on wearing face masks and washing hands through wide range advertisements in television and other mass media and even all around the cities. However, no certain formulated health protocol regarding observation of oral hygiene has been provided to people at the time of Coronavirus pandemic. So, health protocols to prevent Coronavirus disease are recommended to be revised.

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