Background and Objectives: COVID-19 infection, which began since 2019 from China, is introduced as a medicinal problem in the world. There is no certain treatment and preventive way actually. In countries that have been successful in controlling the disease, people's participation has played an important role in controlling the disease. This study was a review on epidemiology, pathophysiology and clinical manifestations of COVID-19 infection in order to guide policy making and promotion of knowledge, attitude and practice of the society associated with COVID-19 Materials and Methods: This is a review study in which appropriate key words were researched within authentic scientific spaces such as PubMed, Google scholar, CDC, WHO, NEJM and Cell Press from December 2019 till August 2020 and then, subjects were collected and analyzed. Results: Rapid spread of COVID-19 virus, the relationship between disease severity and mortality with various factors, respiratory transmission, especially in short distance, masks, hand washing and physical distance observance as the most important way to prevent, diversify clinical symptoms and at the same time fever and cough as the most common clinical symptoms, treatment with non-specific antiviral drugs and treatment based on controlling clinical symptoms and strengthening immunity with known drugs, paying attention to children as asymptomatic carriers, and pretentious pregnancy in the event of COVID-19 are the most important findings of this study. Conclusion: The findings of this study are practical points that awareness of those points is effective in both policy making and promoting the necessary knowledge for COVID-19 infection in the community.