Introduction: Human factors studies have shown that about 80% of the root causes of major accidents have effected on safety, the environment or ergonomics are related to the human error. The purpose of this study was to identify human errors using the HFACS method and the FAHP theory in cement industry. Methods: The present study was a retrospective study carried out in one cement industry of fars provience. At first, the RCA analysis of 95 incidents occurred during the past six years was prepared. Then, by integrating the human factors analysis and classification system technique) HFACS( and the theory of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process) FAHP( by 4 safety engineers of the factory was analyzed. Results: The results of this study showed that the highest errors were related to the first level with the weight of 0. 272, that was, the errors caused by unsafe acts, at this level of the subgroup of "skill-based error" with the weight of 0. 269, the 2 nd level of the sub-group of "industrial environment" with the weight of 0. 155, the 3rd subgroup of "inadequate supervision" with the weight of 0. 352 and the 4th sub-category of "resource management" with the weight of 0. 393 had the highest impact on the levels. Conclusion: The results show that errors have various causes, including individual, activity, situational, and organizational errors that require careful planning and management to eliminate or reduce these errors. This error reduction, according to safety expert theory, health and environment of the cement plant, including the promotion and effectiveness of staff training, safety guidelines, improvement of staff performance monitoring, identification, evaluation and elimination of high-risk risks, improvement of management and equipment systems, changing safety attitudes, as well as enhancing safety attitudes. Awareness can help reduce the likelihood of human error in the organization.