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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Upper limbs are more susceptible to musculoskeletal disorders. The OCRA method is suggested to measure the biomechanical risk of the associated with the manual, repetitive work in upper limbs. Questionnaires can be used to measure the symptoms of diseases and disabilities. The DASH questionnaire is one of these questionnaires that are used to evaluate disability of upper limbs. In this study attempted to evaluate the biomechanical risk factor and relationship with disability of the upper limbs in assembly workers. Method: The study was a descriptive – analytic and cross-sectional one being and was carried out among 120 female assembly workers. For the measurement of biomechanical risk factor and disability of the upper limbs, the OCRA method and Iranian version of DASH have been used, respectively. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS 20. It is noteworthy to mention that P value <0. 05 was considered significant. Results: In this study, assembly workers were in terms of risk factors of biomechanics and upper limb disability in low risk and low disability, respectively. In addition, the relationship between biomechanical risk factor and disability of upper limbs was significant and direct (P value <0. 05). Conclusion: Since the relationship between biomechanical risk factor and disability of upper limbs, was significant and direct, it can be concluded that musculoskeletal disorders due to inappropriate working conditions can lead to motor limitation and upper limb disability at different levels.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Occupational dermal exposure to antineoplastic drugs is the one of the most important routes among healthcare staff. Several antineoplastic drugs have been classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This study investigated dermal exposure of oncology divisions staff to the anticancer drugs (ANDs) in hospitals of Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences. Method: In this descriptive and correlational study, the use of DREAM method for determination dermal exposure in chemotherapy personnel was investigated in Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services. By assessment of probability and intensity emisson exposure, deposition exposour and transfer exposure for all of body parts calculated. Then, potential and actual exposure calculated and chemotherapy divisions classificated based on the DREAM average score, forthermore we assessed the correlation between various dermal exposure scores, occupational and demographical parameters. Results: Maximum deposition dermal exposure (Mean=1. 409, SD=0. 127) was for the Baghaeepour division staff. Maximum transfer dermal exposure (Mean=3. 500, SD=0) was for the Imam Hassan division staff and maximum emmission dermal exposure (Mean=0. 980, SD=0. 114) was for the Internal-1 division staff, respectively. The maximum potential and actual dermal exposure calculated (Mean= 5. 133, SD= 0) was for the Imam Hassan division staff and (Mean= 1. 164, SD= 0. 152) ) for the Internal-1 division staff. Conclusion: Depending on the findings although DREAM is a time-consuming and has somewhat complicated calculations to be used as a daily assessment tool, it can be used as an effective tool for initial assessment of the skin exposure in working environments.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Agriculture is one of the high-risk occupations, and musculoskeletal disorders are an integral part of this occupation and major farmers suffer from these disorders. The purpose of this study is correctional measures in Estahban. Method: This descriptive-analytical, cross-sectional and observational study was performed on workers in the fig orchard. The Nordic, demographic and body map questionnaires were used to evaluate the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms. The study population was 170 randomly selected by simple random sampling. Subsequently, individuals who were exclusively working in the fig orchard (n = 95) were assessed for risk assessment. The methods for evaluating were PATH and QEC. Data were analyzed by SPSS software using McNemar and Wilcoxon tests before and after the intervention. Results: Workers number 95 (55. 9%) were only fig orchard workers and the other persons 75 (44. 1%) had other jobs. workers 16 (9. 4%) were single and 154 (90. 6%) were married, mean age were 47. 5 ± 14. 4 years and work experience was 26. 4 ± 14. 4 years. Frequency of musculoskeletal disorders in organs using body map was significantly different from before intervention (P <0. 001). PATH risk level before and after the intervention was less than 0. 05, in QEC method the mean total score before and after intervention was 94. 36 ± 16. 09 and 52. 63 ± 12. 18, respectively (P <0. 001). Conclusion: Ergonomic interventions can be used as a corrective action.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Occupational health and safety threats in hospitals and clinical centers are more serious due to physical and psychological factors. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the relationship between physical space standards, equipment and safety and general health of operating room personnel in hospitals affiliated to Birjand University of Medical Sciences in 2015-2016. Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was performed in all operating rooms of Birjand University of Medical Sciences hospitals and their personnel (n = 88). Research tools included equipment standards checklist (32 questions), physical space (25 questions), health (23 questions), operating room safety (21 questions) and GHQ-28 questionnaire. Checklist validity was confirmed based on the content validity and reliability coefficient of 0. 85. Data were analyzed using SPSS / 18 software, central indices and correlation tests Results: On average, 86. 29% of operating room standards were observed in Birjand University of Medical Sciences hospitals. Equipment standards (89. 62%) and physical space standards (82. 71%) were the highest and the lowest, respectively. There was a direct and positive relationship between the general health of personnel and the different aspects of standards, meaning that the higher the standard, the higher the general health of the personnel. Only the relationship between general health of personnel and standards of physical space and equipment was statistically significant (p <0. 05). Conclusion: The present study show that the occupational environment of the operating room, especially the presence of standard and safe physical space and equipment could significantly correlate with general health. Therefore, it is essential for managers to maintain physical, safety, equipment and infection control standards.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Human factors studies have shown that about 80% of the root causes of major accidents have effected on safety, the environment or ergonomics are related to the human error. The purpose of this study was to identify human errors using the HFACS method and the FAHP theory in cement industry. Methods: The present study was a retrospective study carried out in one cement industry of fars provience. At first, the RCA analysis of 95 incidents occurred during the past six years was prepared. Then, by integrating the human factors analysis and classification system technique) HFACS( and the theory of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process) FAHP( by 4 safety engineers of the factory was analyzed. Results: The results of this study showed that the highest errors were related to the first level with the weight of 0. 272, that was, the errors caused by unsafe acts, at this level of the subgroup of "skill-based error" with the weight of 0. 269, the 2 nd level of the sub-group of "industrial environment" with the weight of 0. 155, the 3rd subgroup of "inadequate supervision" with the weight of 0. 352 and the 4th sub-category of "resource management" with the weight of 0. 393 had the highest impact on the levels. Conclusion: The results show that errors have various causes, including individual, activity, situational, and organizational errors that require careful planning and management to eliminate or reduce these errors. This error reduction, according to safety expert theory, health and environment of the cement plant, including the promotion and effectiveness of staff training, safety guidelines, improvement of staff performance monitoring, identification, evaluation and elimination of high-risk risks, improvement of management and equipment systems, changing safety attitudes, as well as enhancing safety attitudes. Awareness can help reduce the likelihood of human error in the organization.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: The adequacy of facilities and the individual securities in the different age groups is importance and leads to increase productivity and improve people's daily activities. This is in keeping with the principles of ergonomics in the design of equipment. The present study aimed to measure body dimensions of a representative sample of children aged 2 to 6 years old in Kindergarten and preschool children in the city of Isfahan compared with the physical dimensions in Belgium. Method: In this study, it was measured 24 static anthropometric dimensions of 700 people samples, including 350 male and 350 female in kindergartens and preschools from Isfahan aged 2– 6 years usig rated vertical planes with 2*1 meter dimension, caliper with a movable jaw and tape measure. These data were analyzed by SPSS software, version 20 and descriptive statistics such as mean, standard deviation, max and min level, median, mode and percentiles value was calculated for each dimension. Then, the percentiles (5 and 95) were obtained compared to the Belgian standards and the percentage of difference between them was determined. Results: Descriptive static anthropometric dimensions and percentiles value were presented as an anthropometric database in 5 age groups and it was shown age has effected on a set of 24 anthropometric dimensions (p<0. 05). Conclusion: Age and gender are two factors affecting anthropometric variables. According to the results of this study, it is necessary to use the anterpometric database prepared by the same age group and country in the design of the equipment.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Working under non-ergonomic situations can cause physical damage. It's compulsory for the students of almost every engineering discipline to do parts of their training activitiy in various workshops including welding workstations, the paucity of appropriate situations in such workshops may lead to physical injuries. Ergonomic design of workstations can be considered a way to keep human health. The purpose of this study is an investigation on the application of ergonomic solutions in the design of workstations and Working situation improvement in oxy gaseous welding workshops. Methods: In this study, workstations of the welding workshops in one of the public universities were selected as the case studies in 2015. The critical indicators of the current status of workstations were analyzed, using the CATIA V5 R21 software, the RULA method, and the proposed solutions. Results: The results of the RULA clearly indicate a serious need to workstations's reform and Improve their level of safety. The Risk levels for the left and right hands were 6 and 7, which were decrease to 3 and 4 after redesigning the workplace and reforming its situations. Conclusion: Studies and assessment indicate that during welding activities, postures of people cause serious injuries to various parts of the body, especially the spine. Therefore, workplace redesigning that is based on sit-stand workstation standards can be a suitable solution to correct the posture of people in welding workshops. Workstation redesigned involve some features such a increasing the dexterity and delicacy during welding and the proper use of Inclusive design factors to adjust the height of table, chair and the angle of table surface.

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Tibbi- i- kar

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Introduction: Dentists are exposed to mercury vapor due to the occupational exposure to amalgam, which can endanger their health. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of mercury vapor on urinary mercury concentration of dental students and the restorative specialists in one of the dental schools of Iran. Methods: The study population consisted40 dental students and 10 restoration specialists. Sample urine at the end of work time was collected, and the concentration of mercury in urine was measured by cold vapor atomic absorption spectrophotometry. A questionnaire was completed to determine the effects of some personal and environmental factors on the amount of urinary mercury. Data were analyzed using SPSS-22 software. Results: The mean concentration of urinary mercury in dental students was 15. 18± 4. 34μ g/L and the restoration specialists were 4. 11± 1. 05μ g/l. In addition, there was a significant difference between the concentrations of urinary mercury in the two groups (P <0. 001). At specialist professors there was a negative correlation between urinary mercury and working hours per day (r=-0. 78, p=0. 007). Also, in this study, there was a significant relationship between urine mercury and sex, age, type of amalgam consumed, consumption of smoking and the number of amalgam restorations. Conclusion: The level of urine mercury in all samples was lower the recommended amount of ACGIH. The study is recommended mercury level monitoring for regularly evaluation of the workplace.

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