In this paper, we first define the notions of orbitally continuous and orbitally complete on a C*-algebra-valued metric space. We show that if T is an orbitally continuous mapping on a C*-algebra-valued metric space (X, A, d), where X is a nonempty set and A is a C*-algebra with the relation ⪯ and if T orbitally complete and satisfies some conditions, then for any x∈ X the iterated sequence {Tn (x)} converges to a fixed point of T. Also, we prove that an orbitally continuous mapping on a C*-algebra-valued metric space (X, A, d) under conditions has a periodic point. It is prove that an orbitally continuous self-map on a C*-algebra-valued b-metric space (X, A, d) under which conditions has at least a fixed point. In additions, if (X, A, d) be a complete C*-algebra-valued metric space and T has some property. Then T has a fixed point in X provided that there exists x0∈ X such that T2 (x0)≠ x.