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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Social harms in any society is considered as one of the main threatening factors of the social system and is one of the factors slowing down the development cycle and in some cases its deterrent. Therefore, success in dealing with social harms represents success in developing and improving the social life of society. One of these harms, which is itself the result of the development of society and the spread of information and communication technology, is the victimization in cyberspace. Therefore, the present study was conducted to identify the relationship between individual and family factors as well as peers with victimization in cyberspace. The research population consisted of all adolescent girls 12 to 18 years old in Tehran, whom 326 adolescents were selected as samples with use of virtual snowball sampling. Participants in this study answered the online Cyber-Victimization Scale (Buelga et al., 2019), brief version of AF5 scale (Garcí a-Grau et al. 2014), Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale (Purcell, 2007) and Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale (Joseph& Stockton, 2018). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22. 0 and Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis (enter). Results indicated that self-concept, parent-adolescent communication and peer-victimization predict the experience of cyber-victimization among students, including problem-free communication and verbal victimization and social manipulation by peers as risk factors for increasing cyber-victimization; social & physical self-concept and open communicationas protective factors against cyber-victimization. These findings underscore the importance of paying attention to the use of cyberspace by adolescents and its dangers and planning and doing the strategies to reduce the negative effective factors related to cyber-victimization and harms and create and improve positive protective factors by the family and the education system.

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This study aimed to identify the relationships between self-concept, parent-adolescent communication and peer-victimization with cyber-victimization which was done using a correlation method. The research population consisted of all adolescent girls 12 to 18 years old in Tehran, whom 326 adolescents were selected as samples with use of virtual snowball sampling. Participants in this study answered the online Cyber-Victimization Scale (Buelga et al., 2019), brief version of AF5 scale (Garcí a-Grau et al. 2014), Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale (Purcell, 2007) and Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale (Joseph & Stockton, 2018). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 22. 0 and Pearson correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis (enter). Results indicated that self-concept, parent-adolescent communication and peer-victimization predict the experience of cyber-victimization among students, including problem-free communication and verbal victimization and social manipulation by peers as risk factors for increasing cyber-victimization; social & physical self-concept and open communication as protective factors against cyber-victimization. These findings underscore the importance of paying attention to the use of cyberspace by adolescents and its dangers and planning and doing the strategies to reduce the negative effective factors related to cyber-victimization and harms and create and improve positive protective factors by the family and the education system.

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Social justice as one of the most important human ideals has long been considered by thinkers and experts and inequality or the feeling of inequality is the most important cause of injustice. Therefore, under the influence of theories and the will of nations to reduce Inequality and the realization of justice, especially in the modern world, various institutions and organizations have been created. The purpose of this study is to examine the performance of the Social Security Organization in the realization of social justice. The research method is survey and the statistical population is all insured persons of the General Department of Social Security West of Greater Tehran. A sample of 385 people was determined using the Cochran's formula and selected by simple cluster and random sampling. The information collected using SPSS software has been analyzed based on 12 services of the Social Security Organization. The most important obligations and services of the Social Security Organization are pension, disability pension, survivors' pension, unemployment insurance benefit, wage compensation. Sick days are maternity pay, medical allowances, marriage allowances and burial allowances. Data analysis shows that 6. 2% of the respondents know that the performance of the Social Security Organization is very bad, 17. 4% of the respondents are moderately bad, 34. 4% of the respondents are mediocre, 27. 4% are good and 14. 5% are very good. Are considered moderate. Inferential findings confirm the fact that the impact of the role and position of social security (provision of insurance and medical services) on each of the indicators of social justice are: support system and redistribution (0. 77), equal conditions for Access to opportunities and resources (0. 71) and entitlement (0. 64).

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Tariffing on imported goods and its relationship with economic development in Iran is an economic issue that has various contexts and social consequences. This qualitative research article has been semi-structured using the method of fundamental theory and deep interview technique, which has studied the social consequences of tariffing on imported goods from the perspective of Iranian customs experts through purposive sampling. In this method, theoretical saturation was obtained by coding 20 interviews with the participants. Based on the results of the research, the researcher's theoretical inference is that the causal conditions arising from the social and economic contexts of Iranian society such as tariff fluctuations, multiplicity of trade trustees, etc. with the intervention of elements such as lack of government support and negligence The experiences of other countries and the strategies and interactions adopted cross-sectionally and passively, regardless of the criteria of economic development, have led to social consequences such as corruption, circumvention of the law, increased smuggling, non-competitiveness of Iranian goods, Culbery, etc.

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The media institution is created as a developmental and evolutionary institution in most countries, so that by changing the existing social structures through individual empowerment, it seeks to replace structural tools for development. The main purpose of this study is to explain the mass media functions of television for the development of individual empowerment with the aim of preventing human poverty. This qualitative study was conducted using the conceptualization method of Grounded theory. In this study, using theoretical sampling, thirteen university professors, managers, and experts with work experience in the field of development communication were interviewed through in-depth semi-structured interviews. The data were interpreted through open, axial, and selective coding. The findings of the present study show that this medium plays four main functions for the development of individual empowerment. The first function is to provide a context in the political, economic, social, cultural, and technological dimensions that is considered the freedom of opportunity for the development of individual empowerment. The second function is to provide causal conditions by accepting the necessity of developing the country, human position as capacity and realization of human excellence. Providing mediating factors is the third function that is done through education and awareness, motivation, recognition of audience characteristics, attention to media human capital, media organizational structure and the ideology that governs it. Finally, using the change strategy based of human default with capacity as development, the fourth function is identified.

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Social mobility is an important subject in the social domain and has been the focus of considerable investigation among scholars as it entails significant consequences both on macro and micro levels. Therefore, this essay aims for a sociological explanation of social capital’ s contribution in shaping social mobility. The research method is survey while questionnaires are used as a means of data collection. The statistical population consists of Shirazi citizens of 25 years of age and older, of whom 395 persons are selected using the Cochran's formula. Bourdieu's theory is used to study the effects of social capital on social mobility. Accordingly, social capital is examined across three dimensions: social trust, social participation and collective cohesion. Our results indicate that the mean social mobility among the sample population is less than average (1. 75). Also, among the average components of social capital, social trust ranks lowest (2. 06). There is a significant and positive correlation between social capital and social mobility. In terms of social capital’ s dimensions, there exists a significant and positive correlation between social trust and collective cohesion with social mobility, whereas no significant correlation between social participation and social mobility is detected. As for personal variables, there is a significant relationship between age, education, activity status, residential area and social mobility. The r2 value shows that 47% of the variations in social mobility can be explained by the independent variables entered in the analysis.

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Mohseni Rezaali

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Informal settlements or self-building cores and non-authorized settlements are part of living in megalopolis of Iran. In Iran, housing, specially, urban housing have faced with several difficulties and challenges. Informal settlements are part of these challenges in cities of Iran. Informal, marginality and slum neighborhoods informal living spaces and urban abnormal spaces and all of them are reflect of pathologic economy and spatial planning weakness management and also are reflect of social-economic injustice in local, regional and national levels. Informal settlements as urban harms have specific significance and position in urban and social studies. Research method is survey. Research results shows intensity of economic problems, social insatisfaction, housing problem and intensity of health and environmental problems. Main emphasis of paper is the implementation of two models rehabilitation and empowerment in informal settlement neighborhoods of Sari.

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Entrepreneurship is a new solution in development theories for empowerment and capacity building in countries to reduce the urban-rural gap, create equal economic, social, environmental and institutional opportunities and is an important tool to achieve sustainable development. Three aspects can be imagined for development planning: the government and government institutions in charge of development planning, second, the people who are the subject of planning and development goal and the programs are implemented for them, and third, the part between the government and the people, ie the organization. Private companies, local managers and entrepreneurs. The main purpose of this study is to theoretically explain the effects of entrepreneurship on sustainable development with emphasis on structuralist thought. The general method used in this research is the qualitative method, which we have tried to study and recognize the desired goals by using the techniques of the qualitative method, including theoretical notes and discovery, comparison, reasoning and inferences of the researcher. In other words, the method used in this research is "documentary method", which uses data collection techniques to collect the necessary information and analyze the information by discovering, comparing and inferring the researcher. Findings show that the most important barriers to entrepreneurship development are, in order of priority, banking and administrative barriers in granting facilities, high production costs, legal barriers in issuing the necessary licenses and lack of coordination of related agencies. These factors are, in fact, the same factors that the environmental school emphasizes for the success of entrepreneurs.

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هدف اصلی پژوهش بررسی نقش شبکه های اجتماعی در ترویج فرهنگ شهری، شهروندان شهرکرج در سال 1397می باشد. پژوهش بر آن است تا نقش میزان حضور در شبکه های اجتماعی و نوع استفاده از آن بر ترویج فرهنگ شهری و نقش شبکه های اجتماعی بر قانون گرایی، مسیولیت پذیری، مشارکت جویی و عام گرایی که از شاخصه های فرهنگ شهری می باشد را بررسی نماید. جامعه آماری این تحقیق شهروندان شهر کرج (جوانان و میانسالان، شامل افرادی که از 15 الی 64 سن دارند) می باشند روش تحقیق و تکنیک مورد استفاده، پرسشنامه و مصاحبه است. روش نمونه گیری نیز، نمونه گیری خوشه ایی چند مرحله ایی می باشد. نتایج گویای آن است که فرضیه های تحقیق یعنی بین استفاده و میزان حضور در شبکه های اجتماعی در ترویج فرهنگ شهری رابطه معنای داری وجود دارد. همچنین بین استفاده از شبکه های اجتماعی و قانون پذیری، مسیولیت پذیری، مشارکت جویی و عام گرایی شهروندان رابطه ی معنی داری وجود دارد. یعنی با استفاده از شبکه های اجتماعی و از طریق ترغیب شهروندان به عضویت در کانال ها و صفحات نهادهای شهری با ابزارهای تشویقی و آموزش، می توان فرهنگ شهری را ترویج نمود منوط به اینکه در این مباحث منافع شهروندان بیشتر مد نظر قرار گیرد. از سوی دیگر نتایج بدست آمده گویای آن است که در حال حاضر محتوای شبکه های اجتماعی نهادهای شهری به ندرت به موضوع فرهنگ شهری می پردازند. لذا جهت آموزش فرهنگ شهری از طریق شبکه های اجتماعی نهادهای شهری می بایست بیشتر به مقوله فرهنگ شهری بپردازند. متخصصین و خبرگان مصاحبه شونده نیز ابراز داشته اند که با ابزارهای تشویقی مناسب می توان عضویت افراد را در کانال ها و صفحات شبکه های اجتماعی نهادها بیشتر نمود سپس با ارایه محتوای مفید، هدفمند و مورد نیاز شهروندان در آموزش ایشان برای ترویج فرهنگ شهری موثر واقع شد.

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Today, in most metropolitan cities, urban executives and urban staff have increasingly and more than ever been aware of the fact that their sense of organizational commitment to the organization can have a significant impact on city governance and the quality of life of citizens. The municipal organization provides various services at the city level for the benefit of the citizens as much as possible. Power and position are two essential dimensions of social relationships that create specific feelings during social interaction in organizations. The purpose of the research is to solve the problem of organizational commitment in the public organization of Tehran municipality in view of the theory of power relations and the position of Theodore Kemper. Method: The survey method, the questionnaire and the statistical population of all the staff of the Tehran municipality were sampling according to the list of names. Findings: The results showed that the correlation coefficient between power relations and organizational commitment in the municipality (-5. 59) was reduced by increasing the strength relationships of organizational commitment and according to the correlation coefficient between organizational and organizational relationships It can be said that the relationship between the two variables is positive and direct in Tehran Municipality Organization. Regarding the correlation coefficient between place relations and organizational commitment of the municipality (0. 789), the increase of organizational commitment increases. The difference in dimensions of organizational commitment (emotional, continuous, and normative) at all levels was significant. Conclusion: In creating an organizational commitment of the organization, the power relations-perspective variable is affected by three components: the amount (sufficiency, extra and deficiency), intensity (low and high) and direction (one's and another's).

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This study aims to identify the dimensions and components of cultural branding in the Iranian film industry and to provide an appropriate model in order to improve the current situation. The present research was applied in terms of purpose, qualitative in terms of data type and based on grounded theory in terms of research method. Participants in this study based on the rule and principle of theoretical saturation include 20 experts and experts available in the field of cultural branding of the film industry who were selected by purposive and theoretical sampling. The data collection tool was a semi-structured interview. Data were analyzed using Max Kyoda 2020 software in three stages of open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Data validation was performed by the participants using the verification method. Based on the research findings, the dimensions and components of the cultural branding model in the Iranian film industry in 6 categories, including the central phenomenon dimension (branding), causal conditions dimension (brand mission), background conditions dimension (environment), mediation conditions dimension (communication), dimension Strategies (ranking) and outcome dimension (brand loyalty) were identified. As a result of the research, it can be said that providing a suitable model and providing conditions for brand development can improve the effectiveness of cultural branding in the Iranian film industry by policy makers in the field of media. In addition, the results of the research showed that cultural branding, if considered and invested, can bring the Iranian film industry to a valuable position.

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Entrepreneurship is not only a science, but also a way of life and art, and choosing it can improve the quality of life. Due to the importance of entrepreneurship, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of environmental uncertainty on entrepreneurial orientation with the mediating role of innovation speed. In terms of practical purpose and in terms of implementation, it is a descriptive survey type. The statistical population of this research is the staff of Sepah Bank of Tehran, whose number is 1600 people and the sample size is 310 people. The data collection method is library and field and the data collection tool is a questionnaire and to check the validity, the validity of the divergent and convergent structure, to determine the reliability of the questionnaires, Cronbach's alpha method has been used. Data analysis was also performed using structural equations and smart-pls software. The results showed: environmental uncertainty with mediator role and without mediator role, government and policies with mediator role, economy with mediator role and without mediator role, products, markets and demand with mediator role and without mediator role, competition with mediator role, And technology in industry without the mediating role of innovation speed has a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial orientation. Also, the resources and services used in the organization with the role of mediator and without the role of mediator, technology in industry with the role of mediator, government and policies without the role of mediator, and competition without the role of mediator The speed of innovation does not affect entrepreneurial orientation.

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The present study was conducted with the aim of sociological analysis of the effectof new reference groups on the process in formation of citizenship ethics in Iran in the last three decades in the educational year 2020. The study population were students of the Faculty of Social Sciences, units the Central Tehran and Research the Sciences in Islamic Azad University in Tehran. The theoretical framework was a combination of the theories of "Durkheim, Parsons, Habermas, Wallerstein, Giddens, Seyfollahi and Merton". Survey method, researcher-made questionnaire technique, cluster sampling and sample size were determined based on Cochran's formula (369 people). Data analysis was performed with Amos software. The results of the Pearson correlation coefficient confirmed the positive and significant relationship between the external Community Factors, internal Community Factors and mass media and in formation of new reference groups affecting citizenship ethics. The results of path analysis also confirmed the positive effect of cyberspace in formation of new reference groups, and the most effect of this space was related to Instagram on celebrities as a new reference group. The results of path analysis also confirmed the positive and significant effect of new reference groups in formation of citizenship ethics in Iran. The most effect was also achieved on the indicators of respect for others, responsibility and acceptance of criticism.

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Marriage is a general and social phenomenon that has a human twin. The subject of marriage and family formation is one of the issues discussed by religions, philosophers, sociologists, psychologists, educators, poets, writers and artists. Due to this important issue, the purpose of this study is to investigate the barriers and problems of youth marriage to provide a solution. Since young people today face many barriers and problems for marriage, this study seeks to identify and examine social, cultural and economic barriers. It is on the way to youth marriage. This research is a survey in Ardabil and the data collection tool is a questionnaire. The statistical population is young people prone to marriage. 384 people were selected as a statistical sample by simple random sampling. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The results show that social, cultural and cultural barriers. Economics has been effective in delaying the age of youth from the perspective of respondents. This means that with the increase of these barriers and its components, the age of youth for marriage also increases.

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This article aims to reveal “ quality of life social dimensions” position in different development plans of the country after the Islamic revolution. Quality of life social dimensions includes, “ social and economic security” , “ social solidarity” , “ social integration” , “ social empowerment” , and “ social continuity” . Main objective of the article is to compare development plans of the country from the quality of life social dimensions’ view point. Content analysis method is used in the article taking into account the concept or notion analysis unit existing in the texts of the country’ s (First to sixth) Economic, Social and Cultural Development Plan. Main findings of the research are: Social and economic security dimension has enjoyed the most presence in the Sixth Development Plan while it enjoyed lowest attention in the Second Development Plan. Social solidarity dimensionobtained the most attention in the Forth Development Plan and the least attention in the first and second plans (the presence of the dimension in the third to sixth plans was almost similar). Social empowerment dimension has rendered most presence in the Forth Development Plan and gained the least attention in the Second Development Plan than other plans (third to sixth plans provided more capacity for the dimension). Social continuity dimension has enjoyed more attention in the fifth and forth plans respectively while it gained the least attention in the first and second plans (the dimension played similar role in the third and sixth plans).

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Creative economy is a powerful engine for the growth, development and continuation of the life of a society. To further flourish this sector, artists, institutions, institutions, cultural organizations and creative businesses produce and distribute creative products and services that create employment, income and ultimately improve The recent development level and experience of countries indicate that creativity is the most important and fundamental factor of economic growth and development. In this study, we tried to investigate the effect of creative goods export index on economic growth of OECD countries during 2002-2015 using GMM approach. The findings of the test confirm that economic growth is also affected by creativity and innovation, as it is related to the components of labor force, capital and human capital. The results also showed that human capitals are effective in influencing creative industries on economic growth. In other words, time education and education can affect economic growth and development that leads to creativity and innovation. Therefore, it is recommended to institutionalize the creativity system in countries by creating innovation bio canvases, preparing the document of creativity preparation and supporting and protecting innovators, to achieve creative economic sustenance and knowledge Realized by human capital, growth and sustainable development.

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The basic role of knowledge-based companies as the engine of economic development of developing countries is very important in deprived areas which have special capacities. The purpose of this study is to provide a model for the development drivers of knowledge-based companies in deprived areas. The research method used in this research is exploratory mixed method. The statistical population in the qualitative part of this study is the relevant elites including academic elites and science and technology parks and executive elites and bureaucrats of the Iranian administrative system who were engaged in policy making; 13 people were interviewed due to the adequacy of the data. To analyze the interviews, Colaizzi's phenomenological analysis method was used and as a result, the initial model was extracted at two levels, & 41 subcomponents out of 11 components of organizational culture, marketing activities, business space, human resources, technical capability, technology, infrastructures, community culture, supportive policies, legal contexts and knowledge management were identified. In the quantitative section, data were collected from managers of 107 companies among 148 managers of knowledge-based companies in deprived areas by stratified random sampling and a questionnaire was provided to these managers to measure and fit the model. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that all components and subcomponents were confirmed.

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This research is aimed at analyzing influential cultural policies Islamic Republic of Iran on Protection of Social capital In Khuzestan. The research method was descriptive survey. The Statistical population Intended including all citizens of Khuzestan province. Using Multi-stage random sampling method, 384 people were selected as the statistical sample. Tool for collecting research data questionnaire was which developed through the Delphi technique. Research data after collection based on the research questions; they were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis. The findings of the study showed that cultural policies such as eliminating ethnic discrimination, eliminating religious discrimination, cultivating justice, waking up, indigenizing, expanding national laws on maintaining social capital in the dimensions of political participation, social cohesion and social trust have a positive and significant effect.

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عوامل موثر بر مشارکت نخبگان در سیاستگذاری فرهنگی از جنبه جامعه شناختی مورد مطالعه واقع شد. تاکنون خاستگاه های مشارکت نخبگان در قلمروهای سیاسی و اجتماعی بررسی شده است؛ اما گستره فرهنگ از این حیث دچار خلا است. نمونه تحقیق شامل صد و پنجاه و دو متخصص حوزه نخبگی، عضوهیات علمی دانشگاه، کارشناس عالی حوزه آموزش و پرورش و امور فرهنگی و نیز فارغ التحصیلان مراکز نخبگی می شدند. از «مصاحبه اکتشافی» و ابزار «فهرست مشارکت فرهنگی نخبگان» برای جمع آوری اطلاعات بهره گیری شد. روش تحلیل عاملی اکتشافی (به شیوه واریماکس) برای تحلیل داده های کمی به کار رفت. دستاوردهای تحلیلی عوامل در مراحل متوالی به ساختاری سه بخشی مرکب از: الف) مبانی، ب) راهبردها، و ج) سیاست ها منجر گردید. «مبانی مشارکت فرهنگی نخبگان» بر حول «پذیرش اجتماعی» سه مولفه را شامل شد: 1) اندیشکده های فرهنگی، 2) نخبه محوری فرهنگی، 3) انزوا زدایی نخبگان. همچنین دو راهبرد در امر مشارکت حاصل گردید: الف) «ویژگیهای نخبگان» و ب) «نظام اداری فرهنگی» دارد. راهبرد «ویژگیهای نخبگان» چهار سیاست را در بر گرفت: 1) تعهد ملی نخبگان، 2) تخصص حرفه ای نخبگان، 3) شایستگیهای نخبگان فرهنگی، 4) بهره گیری از نخبگان فرهنگی. راهبرد «نظام اداری فرهنگی» نیز شامل دو سیاست شد: 1) کفایت مدیران و 2) مشارکت عام. در استنتاج کلی برای پی ریزی زمینه های مشارکت نخبگان در سیاستگذاری فرهنگی بر رعایت نظام اداری خاص، تعهد ملی نخبگان، توجه به هویت نخبگان و پی ریزی قطبهای نخبگانی تاکید می شود.

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The study of women's sports, especially with a social approach that is less perceived, is of particular importance. Advances in this regard require the development of a program of talent that can distinguish and educate athletes from the very beginning. Talent in dealing with a variety of factors, including gender-based cultural beliefs. It seems that women's sports in most societies are more marginalized, and therefore the gender and norms associated with it can be effective in the process of scouting. This study examines the role of gender cultural beliefs in women's sports scores. The methodology of research is based on a qualitative approach that the researcher has studied through the depth of interviews. This study has been used to study the subject using qualitative analysis derived from non-constructed interviews. And among three groups of coaches and executives, professors and experts and female athlete of the hero. In the sample selection, a sampling method has been used for multi-objective purposeful sampling. The researcher has considered 30 samples to be sufficient for theoretical saturation. Finally, the reform of gender stereotyped attitudes in society, the correction of the gender reflection of women's women's sports championship and the need to rethink their gender culture is one of its key findings.

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