Chemistry, like most sciences, is abstract. As much as content is influential in learning, so is the method. Practical work and experimentation are necessary conditions for understanding scientific content and concepts, but they are not enough. The student is expected to engage in scientific thinking and learning experiences in the classroom as a place for experimentation and creativity; But this possibility is realized when the student is involved in class conversation and teaching. According to the researches done, students in high school chemistry, especially the subject of acids, bases, and pH, are challenged because they do not have a deep understanding of the concepts of atoms, molecules, ions, and chemical reactions. In addition, the goal of the new science education program is to transform students into lifelong learners. For this purpose, in addition to sufficient information and motivation, a suitable method for learning is also needed. The present study has attempted to present a new design of the topic of pH and determination of the acidity of chemicals in the chemistry textbook for the twelfth grade. I hope that teachers and student-teachers, by taking ideas from it, will move away from traditional methods and offer more creative teaching in the classroom, and add to the thinkers of this society by properly nurturing students.