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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Background and Objective: Considering the importance of cement industries in the country's economic growth and its effect on emissions of air pollutants (particulate matter),in this research, the effects of Tehran cement factory on the environmental of the region have been investigated. The main purpose of this study is an assessment of environmental pollutant particles with air quality index in 2016 in Tehran Industrial Cement Complex. Material and Methodology: In this study, the particulate matter PM10 and PM2. 5, was measured during a one-year period (2016), in four different seasons. To measure dust particles in the ambient air of the device is used gauge 531 MET ONE GT TSI Manufacturing Co and it has the ability to measure particles with PM10, PM2. 5, PM7, and PM1. The next 8530 TSI Dust Trak II counterparty bombing device is a desktop dust-removing device that has the capability to record data. The samples were taken at 6 measuring stations in the Tehran Cement Industrial Complex, and finally, the results were evaluated as a seasonal AQI. In AQI method, which is one of the most widely used methods for assessing the air quality, at first, the pollution index is measured at a station and then determined at all stations as the highest index of contamination quality. Findings: The first finding from the present study was that the pollutant responsible for the whole spring station was a refinery, which is classified as clean. The other pollutant responsible for the entire summer stations related to the road toll (Healthy classification), Responsible pollutant for the entire autumn season station area (unhealthy classification for sensitive groups), and Responsible pollutant for the whole winter season is related to residential buildings (Healthy Classification). So the most polluting plants or four different seasons of the year is autumn PM2. 5. Discussion and Conclusions: So the state of air quality with an average concentration of 106. 2 mg/m3 in the Tehran cement industry classified as unhealthy for sensitive groups and were characterized by the orange color. Finally, suggestions are made to reduce particulate emissions in the industrial area.

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Background and Objective: In recent years, applications of carbon-based nanomaterials have been developed in various fields such as water and wastewater industry. One of these compounds is graphene oxide (GO), which has attracted a lot of attention due to its high specific surface twodimensional structure and various surface groups. In this regard, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the coagulation properties of graphene oxide in removing turbidity from water and modeling the process using artificial neural network (ANN). Material and Methodology: The samples were prepared by using garden soil and tap water and the GO was purchased in the form of suspension. Jar tests were performed to assess the influence of pH, GO dosage, initial turbidity, settling time and other parameters on the turbidity removal efficiency. In order to simulate the process, Perceptron neural network was used. Findings: Under acidic pH conditions and with increasing the GO dosage from 2. 5 mg/L to 40 mg/L, the removal efficiency increased considerably. However, the initial turbidity did not show a clear effect on the process performance. Much of the turbidity removal occurred within the first 10 minutes of the settling time and the flocs’ exhibited higher settling rates at higher GO dosages and acidic pH condition. According to the results obtained from the created ANN model, the coefficient of determination (R2) and the correlation coefficient (R) between the observed and predicted values of the test data were 0. 9492 and 0. 974, respectively, which reveal the model’ s high capability in predicting the process results. Discussion and Conclusion: GO showed high capability in turbidity removal from water. The pH and GO dosage were recognized as the process controller parameters. The ANN data mining model showed good performance in predicting process efficiency.

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Background and Objective: Joghatay plain is located in Sabezvar Ophiolitic Zone and next to the chromite mine. In this research, the soil pollution by heavy metals have been investigated with respect to geochemical, statistical and environmental indicators in Joghatay plain. Material and Methodology: Samples were collected seasonally from soil in Joghatay plain within May 2014, and the concentration of heavy metals were measured using ICP-MS method. To the geochemical phases of metals in soil were determined using BCR sequential extraction method. Finding: The result of the analysis of heavy metals in soil samples has shown high concentrations of some elements such as Chromium, Nickel and Cobalt in the southern part of the region. Assessment and correlation of heavy metals in Joghatay region soils by multivariate statistical methods (Pearson correlation, cluster analysis and principal component analysis) show a strong positive correlation between Cobalt, Nickel, Chromium, Iron, Manganese and Magnesium due to the same source (ophiolitic unit area). Discussion and Conclusion: The pollution index (geoaccumulation index, enrichment factor, contamination factor and modified contamination degree) indicates that soil has strongly polluted with regard to Chromium and Nickel and moderately polluted to Cobalt. Sequential extraction method has indicated that more than 50% of Nickel and Chromium concentration in intercahnageable phase. On the other hand ophiolitic rocks and Chromit mining leads releasing of these elements in the area. Though, as far as it gets away from ophiolitic rocks these elements concentration will be decreased. Also element speciation in different phases reveals that the rest elements have concentrated in residual phases and have a lithogenic source.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: The architecture of mosques and buildings that are associated with conscious perception, mentality and sensibility of the audience they address, requires more awareness about the provocative factors in these spaces. Nasir Ol Molk Mosque which is one of the example designs contributing psychological refinement as well as tension reduction, makes it vital to analyze information and data related to the mentioned places. Material and Methodology: The present study has divided Nassir Ol Molk’ s space into multiple zones in order to have a deeper understanding of dominant color tones of the area. Consequently, every individual orsi has encountered thirteen levels of evaluation. Due to the high volume of collected data, it was not feasible to analyze datasets by conventional methods. Hence the research method in this study is based on Python coding along working with Artificial Intelligence algorithms. Findings: After gathering data followed by applying complex statistical calculations, the colors in orsies were converted to codes for analysis. subsequently, a database founded on the matrix of numbers in the form of RGB color codes, was constructed for each orsi. Discussion and Conclusion: In conclusion, it should be noted that the mean and variance of the calculated color numbers represent distinctive colors in different parts of the mosque. Furthermore, based on the extracted information, a table along with the mosque's color plan was generated. Additionally, the correlation of colors was measured and results indicate a positive connection along with consistency in the selected colors.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: The physical, chemical and microbial properties of drinking water are the basis for judging its drinking potential. Undesirable changes in these parameters can threaten the health of consumers. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the physical, chemical and microbial quality of drinking water and compare it with national standards and the Environmental Protection Agency. Material and Methodology: 33 samples from 11 stations in the water distribution network of Jiroft were collected directly. Physical and chemical tests include Electrolytic Conductivity, pH, Turbidity, Residual chlorine, Total soluble solids (TDS), Fluoride and Nitrate were done based on the standard methods and microbial tests also included total coliform and fecal coliform with multi-pipe fermentation method was applied. This study was performed in the 2017 year. Findings: The average of the measured parameters were included electrical conductivity 720. 69 microsiem/cm, turbidity 0. 53 NTU, pH 7. 86, total soluble solids 397. 8, chlorine residue 0. 32, nitrate 11. 77 and chlorine residue 0. 66 mg/l. Other than Nitrates and TDS, which were above the national standard, other parameters were in national standards and EPA drinking water. Also, the health quality of the water distribution network in Jiroft was not a problem, and it was at the national level and the EPA. Discussion and Conclusion: In general, it can be said that the drinking water of the Jiroft distribution network is without problem in physically, chemically and biologically aaspects and it is safe to drink.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: Increasing energy consumption by reducing natural resources and contaminating the environment is a serious threat to human. Therefore, wise use and planning is important in this regard. Present study carried out to assess integrated energy and environmental management using LEAP software around Jajrood River Material and Methodology: Supply system (production, import, transmission and distribution of Latyan hydroelectric power plant), water demand of Jajrood River (urban, agricultural and industrial consumption) and environmental impacts of energy for the determined physical boundary range were modeled by using the capabilities of the LEAP software. Then, the results of model implementation in the reference scenario and scenario of water consumption optimization policies contains the different non-price strategies (household, agricultural and industrial sectors) were compared in a 10-year period. Findings: Energy demand in water sector and the supply of electricity in the base year (2016) were 506/4 and 5607/4 MkWh, respectively, which is expected to reach 651/2 and 7162/9 MkWh in 2026 under the reference scenario. While the total energy demand in the water sector and electricity supply of this region will be 422/5 and 7028/5 MkWh, in the water saving scenario. The carbon dioxide emission in the reference scenario will be increased from 6/43 Mt in the base year to 7/94Mt in 2026. While it will be 7/92 Mt under the proposed scenario. Discussion and Conclusions: By implementing the water saving scenario in the studied area, water consumption will decrease to 100 Mm3per year. Also it will be reduced 32/9 percent energy consumption and 20000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions in the year-end of the plan, which will be important in improving the environment.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objectives: Planning regardless of the different dimensions of the urban entrances, has caused the aggregation incompatible land uses, scattered and worthless buildings, widespread and soulless streets in the main city entrance axes. Since the urban entrance is the first urban space that people deal with and creates the first image of a city among residents and newcomers; therefore, attention to the user preferences of the urban entrance spaces and its qualities with emphasis on environmental criteria is very important and needs to be regulated. Considering the capacity of the traditional gardens around the eastern entrance of Qazvin and the visual significance of the city entrance axis, this research, is specifically looking at the effects of environmental criteria on the users’ selection and preference of the city entrance axis. This research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of descriptive-analytical nature with matter of survey. Material and Methodology: In this present study, 30 expert questionnaires were distributed in urban organizations and finally, by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), overall criteria and subcriteria were weighted and prioritized. Findings: The results show that the most important criteria in terms of urban experts in order to increase the users’ preferences from the urban entrance spaces is related to Readability criterion. Subsequently, the Vitality, Sense of invitation, Individuation, and Environmental Health criteria are respectively in the users’ preferences of the urban entrance spaces. Discussion and Conclusion: The status of each qualitative criteria of user preferences from entrance space in traditional gardens of the eastern entrance of the Qazvin has been surveyed and finally, some suggestions have been made to improve the quality of entrance through entrance sequences.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: Regarding the importance of using the healthy vegetables, it is important to control the concentration of heavy metals in order to provide the health of consumers. Therefore, this study was done with the aim of investigating the evaluation of the risk of heavy metals on human health trough consumption of greenhouse products. Material and Methodology: Samples included eggplants, tomatoes, greenhouse cucumbers and strawberries, were collected randomly from Jiroft greenhouses and the concentration of lead and cadmium in leaves and fruits of these plants were measured. The amount of EDI was defined for each product according to daily consumption. Findings: The average concentration of lead and cadmium in samples were different. The highest and the lowest amount of cadmium respectively belonged to tomatoes and greenhouse cucumbers. The results showed that levels of lead and cadmium in most of the products were more than the standard range recommended by the institute of Standards and Industrial Research of Iran and the FAO-WHO. Discussion and Conclusions: The results showed that the amount of lead and cadmium exceeded the standard index, However the amount of EDI was less than or equal to PTDI reported by Standards Institute's of Iran. Overall, according to the results of this study, it can be concluded that the consumption of these products has not any negative effects on the consumers' health.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: The existence of unique challenges in the present age has caused the need for real changes in a completely new way of thinking and acting in society. Therefore, the use of sustainability education in the production of fully aware human resources, especially given the basic skills of understanding and knowledge required in the 21st century, is critical. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to analyze the content of the first grade primary mathematics textbooks based on the components of sustainability education. Material and Methodology: The present study is a descriptive-analytical study. Unit of analysis (images, text, class activity and practice and class work). The statistical population is the mathematics textbooks of the first primary school. In this study, the entire content was analyzed based on three components of sustainability education (economic, social and environmental). The sample size was the same as the statistical population and was considered as a census. To confirm the validity and checklist, face and content validity with the opinions of experts was used and its reliability was 0. 92 by Holstie method and Shannon entropy method was used to process the collected data. Findings: Findings showed that environmental images in all three levels have a higher frequency than the other unit of analysis and among all the components of sustainability education, the environmental component in all the first primary courses had the highest and the lowest economic frequency. Also, based on the information load criterion and the coefficient of importance, the environmental criterion has the highest value in the first grade and the social criterion in the second and third grades. Also, sustainability education in the second and third grades were the same. Discussion and Conclusion: The affidavits emphasize that the necessary balance and coherence between the three components of sustainability education has not been established and that the components of sustainability education have not been given due attention in the content of the first period math textbooks.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: Over the past decades, emissions of pollution and environmental protection have become one of the major concerns of developing countries, because these communities need to use energy to achieve high economic growth and more energy consumption brings more environmental pollution. Investigating influencing factors on the emission of pollutants, and in particular carbon dioxide gas, can be effective in planning for the control and management of pollutants. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of population size, GDP, energy intensity and urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions in selected countries of the Mena region during the years 2000-2017. Material and Methodology: Factors affecting the emission of CO2 in selected countries of the MENA region have been investigated using Panel Quantile Regression model. Important feature of this model is the estimation of independent variables in different quantiles and their effect on the dependent variable, which greatly increases the accuracy of the estimate and the result of the estimate in each quantile can be seen separately. Findings: Research findings show that population size except for quantiles of 0. 05 and 0. 1 has a positive and significant effect on carbon dioxide emissions. The energy intensity and GDP at all quantiles have a positive and significant effect on CO2 emissions. The relationship between urbanization and carbon dioxide is negative at all quantiles except 0. 95 and only in 0. 05, 0. 1, 0. 7 and 0. 8 quantiles is significant. Discussion and Conclusion: In this study, given that GDP has the greatest impact on carbon dioxide emissions, it is recommended that by upgrading production technologies, preparation renewable energy infrastructure and issuing permits to enter less polluting industries into the countries studied, create the conditions that economic growth due to the increase in GDP to be accompanied by the lowest emissions of pollutants.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: Sustainability certification is public participation in sustainable forest management using certificated forest products. So, the investigation of willing to pay of public as key component of this process is first and important step. This study was conducted to Studying the effect of economic and social factors on the willing to participate in sustainable forest management using sustainability certification. Material and Methodology: 400 users of forest products were surveyed using questionnaire. Socio-economic data and opinions about forest certification were gathered. Statistical analyzes were done using correlation, t-test and Kruskal-Wallis test. Findings: According to the results, there was a significant negative relation between statements of questionnaire and age. Relation between willing to certificated products and educational levels was positive significantly. There was not a significant relation between income levels and their wellness to these products. Discussion and Conclusions: knowledge and willing to participate in forest management via certificated forest products purchasing are affected by social other than economic factors.

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    8 (111)
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Background and Objective: Nowadays, ecotourism is very important for managing economic growth as well as preserving the environment and biodiversity in many countries. Ecotourism is one of the most comprehensive aspects of tourism that has a high impact on biodiversity. Evaluation of biodiversity as an indicator is essential for better conservation of vegetation and species diversity. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of ecotourism on species diversity of Khojir National Park. Material and Methodology: We selected a low-ecotourism pressure zone (100 to 150 m distance from the road) and a medium-ecotourism pressure zone (50 to 100 meters from the road). All plant species were recorded at 36 random plots (1 × 1 m, 1 m2). Biodiversity indicates determine by using PAST and Ecological Methodology software. Findings: According to the results, there was a significant negative relation between statements of questionnaire and age. Relation between willing to certificated products and educational levels was positive significantly. There was not a significant relation between income levels and their wellness to these products. Discussion and Conclusions: knowledge and willing to participate in forest management via certificated forest products purchasing are affected by social other than economic factors.

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    8 (پیاپی 111)
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زمینه و هدف: با توجه به اهمیت صنایع سیمان در رشد اقتصادی کشور و تاثیر آن بر میزان انتشار آلاینده های هوا (ذرات معلق)، در این پژوهش اثرات کارخانه سیمان تهران در محیط اطراف آن مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و هدف اصلی از آن ارزیابی آلاینده ذرات معلق محیطی با شاخص کیفیت هوا در مجتمع صنعتی سیمان تهران می باشد. روش بررسی: در این پژوهش اندازه گیری ذرات معلق PM10 و PM2. 5، طی یک دوره یک ساله (1395) در چهار فصل مختلف اندازه گیری شد. برای اندازه گیری ذرات معلق موجود در هوای محیط از دستگاه غبار سنج 531 MET ONE GT ساخت شرکت TSI استفاده می شود که قابلیت اندازه گیری ذرات با PM10, PM2. 5, PM7, PM1 را داراست. دستگاه بعدی غبارسنج پارتیکل کانتر 8530 TSI Dust Trak II از نوع غبارسنجی رومیزی بوده که دارای قابلیت ثبت داده ها را دارد، استفاده شد. این نمونه برداری ها در 6 ایستگاه اندازه گیری در مجتمع صنعتی سیمان تهران انجام یافت و در نهایت نتایج به صورت AQI فصلی مورد ارزیابی قرار گرفت. در روش AQI که یکی از پرکاربردترین روش های ارزیابی وضعیت کیفیت هوا می باشد، ابتدا شاخص آلودگی در یک ایستگاه اندازه گیری و سپس در همه ایستگاه ها بعنوان بالاترین شاخص کیفیت آلودگی تعیین می شود. یافته ها و نتایج: اولین یافته ای که از پژوهش حاضر بدست آمد این بود که آلاینده مسئول در کل ایستگاه های فصل بهار مربوط به تصفیه خانه بوده که جزو طبقه بندی پاک قرار دارد. در ادامه آلاینده مسئول در کل ایستگاه های فصل تابستان مربوط به جاده عوارضی (طبقه بندی سالم)، آلاینده مسئول در کل ایستگاه های فصل پاییز مربوط به محوطه ورزشگاه (طبقه بندی ناسالم برای گروه های حساس)، آلاینده مسئول در کل ایستگاه های فصل زمستان مربوط به منازل مسکونی (طبقه بندی سالم) قرار دارد. بنابراین آلاینده ترین ایستگاه طی یک سال یا 4 فصل متفاوت مربوط به PM2. 5 فصل پاییز می باشد. بحث و نتیجه گیری: بنابراین وضعیت کیفیت هوا با میانگین غلظت mg/m3 2. 106 در صنعت سیمان تهران در طبقه بندی ناسالم برای گروه های حساس قرار گرفته که با رنگ نارنجی مشخص می شود. در آخر پیشنهاداتی برای کاهش آلایندگی ذرات معلق در منطقه صنعت ارایه می گردد.

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زمینه و هدف: رهایش و پراکندگی ابر گازهای سمی و آتش گیر در جو یکی از حوادث حائز اهمیت در ایمنی فرآیندهاست. پیش بینی نحوه انتشار گازها پس از رهایش آن­, ها به عنوان یک حادثه خطر زا برای جمعیت­, های انسانی مجاور صنایع یا محیط زیست برای کاهش خسارات ناشی از آن دارای اهمیت ویژه­, ای می­, باشد. آنالیز ریسک معمولاً با نرم افزارهایی که بر پایه آزمایش­, های تجربی و روش­, های ریاضی استوارند، انجام می­, شوند. روش بررسی: برای به دست آوردن مدل­, ها و ارزیابی مدل­, های ارائه شده چندین آزمایش در تحقیقات مختلف انجام گرفته است. آزمایش­, های انجام یافته در زمینه انتشار گاز را می­, توان به دو دسته اصلی آزمایش­, های میدانی و آزمایش­, های در تونل باد تقسیم بندی کرد. از جمله آزمایش­, های میدانی مهم می­, توان به آزمایش­, های Kit Fox، Thorney Island، Coyote اشاره کرد. آزمایش­, های گروه PREP، EMU از جمله آزمایش­, های صورت گرفته­, ی مهم در تونل باد می­, باشند. در بسیاری از موارد به دلیل آن­, که حادثه بیشتر در فضای باز رخ می­, دهد، بررسی انتشار گاز در فضای باز بدون حضور مانع و یا در حضور مانع به نمایندگی از ساختمان­, ها و تجهیزات فرآیندی انجام یافته است. در برخی از مطالعات نیز انتشار گاز در فضای بسته و ساختمان­, های بزرگ صورت گرفته است. در مدل سازی انتشار گاز، ابتدا مدل­, های ساده با عنوان مدل­, های جعبه ای، مدل­, های پلوم پایدار، مدل­, های انتگرالی و بعد مدل­, ­, های پیشرفته­, تر مانند مدل­, های لاگرانژی و مدل­, های لاگرانژی گوسی ارائه شده است. در سال­, های اخیر نیز استفاده از روش­, های دینامیک سیالات محاسباتی مورد توجه است. مدل­, های LES، RANSوDNS از جمله مدل­, های بکار برده شده در روش CFD می­, باشند. یافته­, ها: گازها و سناریوهای رهایش­,گوناگونی در کارهای یاد شده مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته­, اند. از دیگر موارد تاثیر گذار بر انتشار گاز می­, توان به توپوگرافی محل رهایش و بستر انتشار گاز اشاره کرد که در آزمایش­, ها و شبیه سازی­, های عددی مورد بررسی قرار گرفته­, اند. بحث و نتیجه گیری: در زمان استفاده و استناد به آزمایش­, ها و مدل های ارائه شده، تا حد ممکن بایستی شرایط سناریو با آزمایش و مدل نزدیک باشد. از این شرایط می توان به نوع گاز، بستر انتشار گاز، نحوه برون ریزی و نشت گاز ( آنی یا پیوسته) و شرایط محیطی دیگر اشاره کرد.

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Background and Objective: Today's societies must be familiar with their environment to achieve the goals of sustainable development. One of the most fundamental solutions is to teach environmental knowledge in all educational grades. Material and Methodology: For this purpose, the present study explored the effects of environmental education for both teaching staff (teachers) and students in the first-grade high school using two researcher-designed questionnaires. The research method was descriptive-analytical and the data were collected by completing the questionnaires for two groups of teachers and first-grade high school students based on the five-point Likert scale (from very high to very low). The statistical population of the study was determined by the factor analysis test to be 75 for teachers and 180 for students. The Kieser-Mir-Oaklin and Bartlett tests were used for factor analysis in the SPSS software package. Findings: The reliability coefficient was acceptable for both groups. The results show that students' environmental behaviors along with environmental theories of correct theory-practice are of equal importance. Also, improving teachers' environmental knowledge has a significant effect on students' behavior and positive attitudes. Discussion and conclusions: Therefore, to achieve the goal of promoting environmental awareness and education among the members of a community, these trainings should be given to both students and educators (teachers).

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Background and Objective: Atrazine is one of the most important herbicides in the world and Iran, which has high stability and is likely to contaminate runoff and groundwater resources. The aim of this experiment was to determine the most sensitive of the eight plant species to atrazine and to measure the leaching front of this herbicide. Material and Methodology: The first experiment did in order to sensitivity assessment of eight plant species (Canola, Soybean, Ryegrass, Wild Oat, Wheat, Canarygrass, Redroot Pigweed, and Corn) to simulated atrazine residues by GR50 index (the required dose of herbicide to reduce plant growth by 50% ) at 2019. The second experiment was conducted to determine leaching front of atrazine. Levels of atrazine treatments were: control, usual dose (1. 25 kg. h-1) and high dose (2. 5 kg. h-1). The treatments were injected into soil columns in 32 cm height PVC pipes and after three days, all 2 cm pieces of soil columns were exposed to bioassay and chemical analysis, simultaneously. In the first experiment probit regression analysis was used to identify the most atrazine-sensitive species and in second experiment with completely randomized basic design the data were investigated by regression analysis. Findings: First experiment showed that canola was more susceptible to atrazine compared to other species. Evaluation of canola seedling weight profile and atrazine concentration simultaneously at different depths of soil showed that atrazine penetrated to 10 cm depth. Discussion and Conclusion: It seems that atrazine accumulation to 10 cm depth is related to higher organic matter and clay content. Due to the fact that the maximum weed seed bank was located in the surface layers of the soil, application of atrazine herbicide in this field can increase the efficiency of weed control.

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Background and Objective: The land use pattern represents the distribution and horizontal combination of urban applications, which plays a very important role in the distribution of pollutants and urban air quality. The impacts of these pollutants can be identified in the location of pollutants (industrial, commercial, office, residential, etc. ), as well as its impact on the distribution of urban travel and subsequent emissions from urban traffic. The main objective of this study is to investigate the role of land use pattern and physical structure in spatial variations of pollutants in Tehran during the period of 2011-2018. Material and Methodology: In order to achieve this goal, Landsat satellite images and also data from the Air Quality Control Center of Tehran in 2011 and 2018 were used. Kriging model was arranged using Arc GIS software to classify satellite images and specify types of applications using artificial neural network method in ENVI software and also to determine the concentration of air pollution in Tehran. Findings: The results of spatial correlation analysis showed that there was a significant correlation between spatial structure changes and air pollution in Tehran during 7 years. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of land use change and air pollution indices indicate that construction in the west and north of Tehran has increased the concentration of pollutants in these directions from the city. If the change from downstream land to urban green spaces in the east and south-east of Tehran reduces the concentration of pollutants urban air has been in these areas.

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Background and Objective: Saving on inputs, preservation of fossil fuels and decreasing air pollution are the advantages to using energy efficiently. The purpose of this study was to optimize energy inputs and greenhouse gas emissions of orange product in Dezful County, with two methods of data envelopment analysis and multi-objective genetic algorithm optimization techniques. Material and Methodology: Data from 60 farmers were randomly collected through face-to-face interviews and a questionnaire during the year 2016 and using two methods of data envelopment analysis and multi-objective genetic algorithm were analyzed. Findings: Regarding the results of data envelopment analysis technique based on fixed and variable return scale models and input-axis measurement, technical efficiency, net technical efficiency and scale efficiency were calculated to be 0. 95, 0. 98 and 97%. The results of optimization of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by using data envelopment analysis showed that about 4. 36% of orange energy has storage potential, that chemical fertilizers and diesel fuel have the highest amount of stored energy of all stored energy. Data envelopment analysis can reduce 34. 38 kg of carbon dioxide per hectare from greenhouse gas emissions in orange crops. The results of the genetic algorithm showed that if all inputs were completely optimized, it could reduce the energy consumption of orange production in the study area by 26. 1%. Also, the energy input for ideal orange production system could be 32810. 6 MJ per ha. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results of this study, it is recommended to use of new machines and encourage farmers to conduct soil tests before using of fertilizer.

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The aim of this research is the considerate attitude three main approaches including government oriented, no government approach or minimal government involvement and participatory approach. This research is analytic descriptive and author investigate by library method and arrangement index card and reference to various books and papers. The findings indicate that in government oriented approach including the views of Socialists and Marxists, Fascist and Nazi governments, welfare and green states, The state's role in protecting the environment is emphasized. The non-governmental or minimal intervention approaches also include the views of liberals, postmodernists, and Anarchists and environmentalists emphasize the limited and minimal role or lack of involvement of governments in the field of the environment and collaborative approach, that is the most appropriate and logical approach emphasizes the role of NGOs and the role of local organizations as public sector supplementing organizations on the environmental issues of countries.

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Background and Objective: Citizens' satisfaction is one of the main means of measuring the performance of municipalities today. Therefore, in this paper, it will be tried to use the citizens' opinions to measure their satisfaction with the performance of the municipality of Shiraz, district 1, so that, by recognizing the weakness and weakness of the municipality's performance, there are solutions to improve the performance The organization provided increased citizens' satisfaction. The main purpose of this project is "to investigate the extent and factors affecting the satisfaction of citizens of Shiraz from the services provided by the Shiraz municipality Material and Methodology: This research was applied in terms of its descriptive-analytical nature and survey type using questionnaire tool. Reliability of the research tool was based on Cronbach's alpha coefficient for Cano questionnaire (0/70). Data were then analyzed using spss software. Findings: The results of the Chi-square test showed a moderate to high satisfaction rate of 70. 82. Also, the results of the Chi-square test showed that men had less satisfaction than the performance of the municipality, and each level of education and age increased Satisfaction was lower, and satisfaction of staff and students was also lower than other jobs. Also, the results of the Kano test showed that the level of satisfaction of citizens (basic needs with satisfaction coefficient (0. 35) at low level and functional needs with satisfaction coefficient (584 / 0) is at a moderate level and emotional needs are at a higher level with a coefficient of (723/0). Discussion and Conclusion: Due to the low quality of services provided in the basic needs which are considered to be the intrinsic duties of the municipality, this has had a negative effect on the behavior of the landlords, especially in participating in urban activities.

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Background and Objective: The purpose of this study was to explain the impact of corporate social responsibility and environmental orientation variables on green marketing performance (green internal marketing orientation, green marketing tactics and strategic green marketing orientation) and then the impact of these variables on Marketing performance was examined. Material and Methodology: This research is in the category of applied research in terms of purpose and is in the category of descriptive-survey research in terms of implementation method and the data collection tool is a structured questionnaire. The statistical population of all health-oriented companies in Tehran province is about 1120 companies. In this research, the sampling method was a simple random method and the sample size according to the statistical population of 1120 was 286 companies, which was determined according to the Cochran's formula and at an error level of 5%. Findings: Based on the results of this study, only the hypothesis of the impact of corporate social responsibility on the trend of green internal marketing has not been confirmed and other hypotheses have been confirmed. Discussion and Conclusion: In the first hypothesis, considering that the t-statistic is equal to 1. 57 and this value is in the range (1. 96,-1. 96), so it is not significant. Therefore, it is clear that at the level of 95% confidence of corporate social responsibility has no effect on the trend of green internal marketing.-) is so it can be concluded that this hypothesis is not significant-13. 45. Therefore, it is clear that environmental orientation has no effect on green internal marketing orientation.

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