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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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In this study to assess and identify the characteristics of the basin drought Hendijan-Jarahi is used statistics a climatic period (30years). To determine the best indicator of drought in a correlation matrix using Pearson correlation coefficient values of PN, DI, SPI, SZI, CZI, MCZI with a confidence level of 99% and 95% review and were compared. Indices SPI, SZI, CZI together had a strong correlation more than 0. 9. the SPI drought index among them have ability to better identify the start and end time of drought, and based on the drought division into 4 groups: mild, moderate, severe and extreme. based on SPI index five characteristics of the drought were extracted; many with years of drought, the longest continuity, number of events, the years and the frequency of extreme events. In order to normalize the data of the method was applied Cox box. Among the deterministic and geostatistical interpolation methods according to the spatial dependence data Ordinary kriging was used. Then, to examine the spatial correlation between measurement data and assessment methods of estimation and modeling, drawing and analysis of semi-variograms were used Based on different methods, spherical, exponential and Gaussian features vario gram on the basis of Nagget and Sill, the variance structured to non-structured Proportion, the Mean, RMS, ASE RMSS, a suitable method was chosen for zoning. The results based on the five characteristics of the study due to the large difference topography and variety of terrain and other natural and climatic diversity, characteristics of drought in the basin does not follow of a certain order. But overall abundant number of years with the drought and the highest occurrence of severe drought are more than half of its eastern extreme in the West basin that most have occurred in recent decades.

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Study of geometric style of folding and their deformation analysis is one of the most important Geological topics of Zagros orogenic belt. Khaviz anticline is located in Khuzestan province and in the Zagros folded-thrust belt in the hanging wall of mountain front fault (MFF). This anticline is one of the most important anticlines of the Zagros; its importance is due to the Maroon's permanent river that passes from the middle of the anticline and divided it into two halves. This anticline has been studied by using morphometric forms such as triangular facets, win glass valleys and index of sinuosity of mountain front, Morphotectonic. The purpose of this study, is check the status of anticline Khaviz in terms of tectonic activity especially present age activities; with the help of the results of this study the status of constructed buildings on this anticline and in its vicinity, especially storage dam of maroon in terms of geological hazards can be evaluated. This shapes and indicators were studied in two anticline limbs individually; According to the results of this study it was found that mentioned Morphotectonic indicators has a direct relationship with the amount of tectonic activity and accordingly can be said that Khaviz anticline is in active status in terms of relative tectonic activity and also its northeastern limb than southwestern limb, it shows of own more activity. This feature can be due to existence Mansourabad subsurface anticline in the south west of Khaviz anticline and with distance less than a kilometer from it that has been leading to formation of back thrust in northeastern limb of Khaviz anticline and create more tectonic activity in this limb

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به منظور ارزیابی و شناخت ویژگی های خشکسالی حوضه آبخیز هندیجان-جراحی از بارش دوره آماری 30 ساله استفاده شده است. با توجه به ماهیت داده ها از بین شاخص های مربوط به ارزیابی خشکسالی، شاخص های خشکسالی هواشناسی استفاده شد. برای تعیین بهترین شاخص خشکسالی هواشناسی در یک ماتریس همبستگی به روش ضریب همبستگی پیرسون مقادیرشاخص های PN، DI، SPI، SZI، CZI، MCZI با سطح اطمینان99% و 95% بررسی و مقایسه گردید. شاخص هایSPI، SZI، CZI همبستگی قوی بیش از 9/0 با هم داشتند که از بین آنها شاخص خشکسالی SPI که توانایی بهتری برای شناسایی شروع و پایان به موقع خشکسالی را دارد، انتخاب و بر اساس آن خشکسالی ها به 4 گروه خشکسالی خفیف، متوسط، شدید و فوق العاده شدید تقسیم شد. بر اساس این شاخص 5 ویژگی خشکسالی؛ فراوانی تعداد سال های همراه با خشکسالی، طولانی ترین تداوم، تعداد رخدادها، سال های مواجه و فراوانی رخدادهای شدید و فوق العاده شدید، استخراج شد. برای نرمال سازی داده های خشکسالی از روش کاکس باکس استفاده شد. بین روش های درون یابی قطعی و زمین آماری از روش زمین آمار کریجینگ معمولی استفاده شد. سپس به منظور بررسی ارزیابی روش های برآورد و مدل سازی، از ترسیم و آنالیز سمی واریوگرام استفاده شد. برای تعیین اندازه گام، از تابع تحلیل گر مکانی GIS استفاده و اندازه آن بر اساس حداکثر فاصله بین ایستگاه ها 24015/0 با 12 گام برآورد گردید. بر اساس متد های مختلف؛ اسفریکال، نمایی و گوسی، ویژگی های واریو گرام بر اساس معیار های اثر قطعه ای، مقدار آستانه، نسبت واریانس ساختار دار به غیرساختاردار، میانگین، ریشه مربع خطا، متوسط خطای استاندارد و ریشه مربع خطای استاندارد، متد مناسب برای پهنه بندی انتخاب گردید. نتایج نشان داد؛ بر اساس پنج ویژگی مورد مطالعه با توجه به اختلاف زیاد توپوگرافی و تنوع عوارض طبیعی و غیر طبیعی و تنوع اقلیمی، ویژگی های خشکسالی در حوضه از نظم خاصی تبعیت نمی کند؛ اما در مجموع فراوان ترین تعداد سال های همرا با خشکسالی و بیشترین رخداد های خشکسالی شدید و فوق العاده شدید، در غرب حوضه آبخیز بیشتر از نیمه شرقی آن می باشد، که بیشتر در دهه اخیر رخ داده اند.

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Since the beginning man has tried to improve the quality of life in their environment. Effective of socio-economic indicators in urban development are one of the effective factors in the quality of life of people. Therefore, Consider and importance to opinions of people could create suitable conditions for achieving the desirable environmental quality. General purpose from this study was to determine the satisfaction of the quality of the living conditions of people in different areas in Gorgan from the viewpoint of people. For this purpose, a questionnaire developed and then are distributed and completed. The data were analyzed in the software Spss 20 and were prioritized using a classification rating. Method of present study in its objective is applied, and, in perspective of method and theoretical basis is, descriptive-analytical. Identification of Influencing factors and indicators have been done on the basis of library studies. Assessment and analysis of data showed that the region 3 with a score of 886. 34 is better quality than other areas and region 5 with a score of 540. 45 compared to other regions is the lowest quality. Additionally gathered data converted to map using Thiessen interpolation method afterward the urban expansion map, was classified into four categories based on the socio-economic and ecological indicators. Since the development of urban areas in the future is inevitable, the need to understand the people's opinion is necessary in order to implement effective management by the urban planners in the field of improving the quality of life of people.

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The heterogeneous urban development and the lack of proper forecasting of urban development cause many problems in cities. Among these problems, there is a shortage of urban amenities such as a hospital, fire station, etc. The 22nd district of Tehran, which has witnessed a growing trend in recent years and includes high-rise towers and buildings, has a large population, so it is believed that the lack of urban amenities, including stations Firefighting. The purpose of this research is to investigate the status of allocation of demand to existing fire stations in the region with the VAOMP unified approach (a completely new approach to location and allocation) with the goal of minimizing time in the GIS environment. Considering that location and allocation issues are among NP-Hard issues, solving them in deterministic methods is almost impossible. For this reason, in the present research, metaheuristic algorithm was used to solve the problem. After sensitivity analysis and implementing the new VAOMP model in the study area with 7 existing stations and a population of 150, 000, the results of the research showed that existing stations with the goal of minimizing time (up to 5 minutes) are not able to provide the entire population of the region with services And 28040 calls will remain without access to the services, which means that at least two other stations are required for optimal service provision in the region. . Also, despite the difficulty of the VAOMP model, it was found that this algorithm is capable of solving satisfactorily solvable problems in a short time.

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کاربری اراضی شهری و چگونگی توزیع فضایی-مکانی آن یکی از مهم ترین کارکردها به منظور استفاده بهینه از فضاهای شهری است. ازآنجاکه کاربری های اداری-دولتی مورد مراجعه روزانه بسیاری از شهروندان است، چنانچه این نوع از کاربری ها به صورت نامناسب در شهر توزیع شده باشند نقش اساسی را در ایجاد سفرهای زاید شهری خواهند داشت. با توجه به اینکه این کاربری ها در شهر زابل در بخش مرکزی تجاری شهر واقع شده و بار ترافیکی سنگینی ایجاد می کند، بنابراین هدف این پژوهش مکان یابی بهینه کاربری های اداری-دولتی در شهر زابل با استفاده از منطق فازی در محیط GIS است. روش تحقیق توصیفی-تحلیلی و مبتنی بر مطالعات کتابخانه ای و اسنادی و بررسی های میدانی در سطح شهر زابل انجام می گیرد. در مرحله تحلیل، ابتدا عوامل مهم در تعیین مکان بهینه شناسایی شد و نقش و میزان اثرگذاری هریک مشخص گردید، سپس اقدام به جمع آوری مجموعه ای از کاربری های سازگار و ناسازگار مرتبط با کاربری های اداری-دولتی و تعیین حریم مربوط به آن ها نمودیم و با به کارگیری مجموعه ای از اپراتورها فازی مانند Sum، Product و Gama در پهنه کلی شهر زابل از لحاظ تناسب اراضی به منظور استقرار کاربری های اداری-دولتی، به چهار سطح مناسب، تا حدودی مناسب، نامناسب و کاملا نامناسب تقسیم شده درنهایت به مناسب ترین پهنه ها در قسمت شمالی شهر زابل با مساحتی برابر با 1634473 مترمربع یعنی معادل 17/9 درصد و بالاترین همبستگی از اراضی تحت اشغال شهر زابل دست یافتیم. تا علاوه بر حذف عنصر ازدحام و ارتقا امنیت لازم باعث تسهیل در رفت و آمد شهروندان شوند که نمونه هایی از این نوع کاربری ها را در شهرهای دیگری مانند اردبیل و ارومیه تحت عنوان شهرک اداری مشاهده می کنیم.

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The main objective of the present study is to investigate the realization of knowledge-based urban governance in Tabriz metropolis which pursue with two sub-goals including: the recognition of the main factors of the knowledge-based urban governance approach and the effect of each factor on the realization of this approach. In this regard, the methodology of the study is "descriptive-analytic". For collecting data a survey method was used as a questionnaire tool. Our sample is experts in urban affair fields from Tabriz universities and municipality. To analyze the data in accordance with the research objectives, the statistical tests of exploratory factor analysis and linear and logarithmic regression were used in AMOS and SPSS software. According to the result of analysis, based on factor analysis of 25 variables, 5 factors including: Knowledge-based empowerment with a 16. 25 variance percent, knowledge-based transparency with a 13. 91 variance percent, knowledge-based creativity with a 12. 29 variance percent, knowledge-based learning with a 13. 55 variance percent and knowledge-based innovation with a 14. 9 variance percent and total aggregate variance of 0. 71 was identified as the main indicators of knowledge-based urban governance in Tabriz metropolis. On the other hand, using linear and logarithmic regression, it was determined that “ knowledge-based learning” and “ knowledge-based transparency ": by obtaining the highest degree of multiple correlation and acceptable level of significance, could have the greatest impact on achieving knowledge-based urban governance in Tabriz metropolis. by obtaining the highest degree of multiple correlation and acceptable level of significance, could have the greatest impact on achieving knowledge-based urban governance in Tabriz metropolis.

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Most geomorphologists have tried to explain the shape of the change of roughness in a predictable way. In this case, the shape of the earth acts so that it reflects the situation. Historical studies describe a set of landforms based on the various influences arising from its transformations. The morphology of river basins and network changes in response to environmental changes. The basic principles of cell modeling in geomorphology are that landforms are represented by a network of cells and their interaction using simple rules based on physical controls. The evidence of the sequence of four geonorons of Bijar, Zanjan, Miyaneh, and Tarom in the Ghezel-Owzan basin and their connection with the Mahneshan, Hashtchin and Miyaneh-Tarom geonorons indicate that each of them was an independent basin. The independence of each of the geonorons depends on the separate climate, lithology, tectonics and base level cells. In order to obtain the domino process in the Ghezel-Owzan basin, DEM extracted from the USGS site and topographic map, geology maps were used. Then ArcGIS and Arc map software was used to digitize layers such as drains, lithology, and faults. Strategic areas were characterized by drawing lithology maps, isohyet maps, isothermal maps, topography maps, quaternary water and ice equilibrium lines, and dispersion of faults maps along the river. Wright method was used to estimate the Quaternary snow line. There are 6 sub-basins in the Bijar area, near the source of the Ghezel Owzan, which have a convergent river network. Such a function shows the geonerotic basin, which discusses the local base level of the rivers of Ghezel Owzan. The geoneurotic network of the basin is due to the influence of various factors that are the focus of those factors in one place as a cell. The distribution of the climatic cells is a function of the distribution of geomorphic cells and brought the renewal of matter and energy to the Ghezel Ozan Basin. Distribution of lithological and tectonic cells has more effect on river behavior and erosion of the line or line at the level of the river.

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Current cities all around the world are considered to be places for creating challenges as well as environmental opportunities. On the one hand, cities possess considerable potential to offer environmental sustainability solutions while providing the residents with increasing life quality. On the other hand, urbanization has added to the environmental threats. Therefore, to alleviate the adverse effects of cities on the environment, the concept of sustainable development has been proposed. According to forecasts, over the upcoming decades, the importance of sustainable development will become more significant for the world’ s cities. Accordingly, having enough knowledge about forthcoming urban sustainability challenges can be an important step in planning processes. In this regard, the study is conducted with the goal of environmental sustainability challenges in 9 metropolitan areas with a population of more than 20 million that constitute 25% of the country’ s population and 33% of total urban population of the country. Consequently, main sustainability challenges for developing cities are derived from authentic sources and delivered as mutual interaction matrix to 54 managers and planners of the studied metropolises. In order to select suitable indicators for understanding the challenges ahead of sustainable development of Iran’ s metropolitan areas, extensive studies have been conducted in credible resources. In this research, in order to identify probable challenges in developing countries, the United Nations reports of different periods as well as other international organizations including UNESCO, the World Bank and Agenda21 are employed. The result of these studies is identifying 19 main challenges related to social and institutional sustainability and 18 challenges related to economics. The obtained results are analyzed in MICMAC.

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In recent years, in order to exploit and organize as many tourist attractions as possible, the creation of a tourism sample area has been selected as a pattern of tourism development. Determining the capabilities of the regions to plan tourism development is essential in order to achieve sustainable development. This research was conducted with the aim of determining the areas of tourism sample by fuzzy logic method. The research method in this research is descriptive-analytical approach, library and field studies, and criteria based on expert opinion including environmental factors, climate, attraction, access and specific facilities. And the value value of each criterion was estimatedKeyword: Tourism Development, Sustainable Development, Fuzzy Logic, Typical Tourism Area Then, the database of criteria was created in the GIS environment. By fuzing and then evaluating the layers according to the experts' opinion and combining them with gamma operator and weight overlay, the final map was obtained and the results of the final map show that 13375. 5 km2 in a very suitable range is equal to 43. 4% and 7875 An area of 25. 5% in the proper area, the average area of 2379. 4 km2 is 7. 7%, and the inappropriate zone is 7167. 3 km2, equivalent to 23. 2% According to the experts' opinion of the attraction and service facilities and tourist facilities with a score of 9 /. The highest score is, the communication and climate paths are 8 /. And the topography layer with a score of 7 /. Are prioritized. Using fuzzy logic can identify more potential and capabilities than other techniques.

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Urban unsustainable development and growth of the industry in recent decades, and as a result, the physical expansion of cities, is a pivotal factor in environmental degradation and exerts a heavy pressure on the environment and is changed land cover vegetation and urban land use Managers and authorities of the country's energy resources are currently facing with a serious challenge in identifying the causes of the formation of thermal islands and the way to reduce this destructive phenomenon, and for this purpose, it is necessary to collect accurate and reliable spatial information about the location of the focal points of thermal anomalies. Land surface temperature (LST) is one of the key parameters for controlling and evaluating the physical, chemical and biological processes of the earth's surface and an important factor for studying the climate in urban areas. However, the temperature data recorded by the synoptic stations are not suitable in terms of spatial resolution. On the other hand, access to information in the shortest time and at the lowest cost is one of the important factors influencing decision making. In recent years, the use of modern, low cost and fast methods, such as remote sensing (RS) technology, has always been of interest to experts, managers and decision makers due to the ability to identify phenomena. In this study, LST values have been calculated using LANDSAT images with a single-band algorithm based on normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). In ZABOL city case study, LST values have been calculated between 1986-2016 Period of ten years. Land use maps are also computed using the precise neural network method, and the relationship between surface temperature changes and land use as well as vegetation changes are calculated. The results showed that temperature variations correlate inversely with vegetation changes and the highest temperature corresponds to the built areas and waste land zones.

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Housing is one of the basic human needs and achieving it is one of the developmental indicators. It is also lawful to have affordable housing for every citizen; therefore, the efforts of public and private sectors have always been in place. Mehr housing of Iran is one of those efforts. This plan has many advantages and also has disadvantages. Therefore, in this research, the present study will try to investigate the status of Mehr city of Ardebil in terms of access to urban services and infrastructure. Therefore, in this research, the present study will try to investigate the status of Mehr city of Ardebil in terms of access to urban services and infrastructure. In the present research, after identifying the effective parameters in assessing land suitability for the location of Mehr housing sites, the layers of each of the criteria were prepared, evaluated and standardized using ARC GIS software and used in the final analysis. In order to measure the utility of seafarers' access to public use, the combination of the AHP model and GIS capabilities has been used in the form of Index Overlay, Weighted Overlay, and TOPSIS. Ultimately, using experts 'and experts' views, they scaled and prioritized each of the models used. The final result of each of the above methods, proportional to their importance in assessing the utility of accessing Mehr Housing Sites, was integrated with the Raster Calculator plugin in the ARCGIS software environment and presented as a final map. The results of the findings indicate that the site of Maskan Mehr Andisheh (Pileh Saharan) is in a very bad condition; the sites of Maskan-e Mehr Azadar housing and inappropriate prayer in the range; Mehr Farhangian's housing (Kowsar) in the medium condition; Housing sites Seal of Hazrat Abbas (Sina Town), Imam Ali (Zarnaz Township) and Vatan Yolliari (Baharabad) on the appropriate floor, and finally, Maskan Mehr Sites of Mirashraf, Malek Ashtar and Faizieh (Resalat) Housing Housing Sites, in terms of access to infrastructures and The public utilities of Ardebil are in a very good position.

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This paper with the selection of regional in the western part of the country (the border of the Iraqi state), seeks to examine the role of soil and vegetation degradation in the emergence of dusts. That way, by using satellite imagery and topographic maps, geology and soil ecology, along with field visits and sampling, vegetation maps (canopy percentages, drought resistance, soil protection against degradation And fire authority), soil resources maps (erosion, drainage of soil, maternal materials, soil depth, soil gradient, percentage of gravel, permeability and texture). Then each of the maps was weighted according to the MEDALUS model and in the GIS software, it was prepared as a raster structure and finally by using the fuzzy logic operators, the zoning map of the land degradation scale was prepared on a scale of 0 to 1. The results show that the area can be classified into four very high, medium, low, and very small classes. The area that is in high class has the largest role in the production of dusts in the country, which should focus on deterrence and management in this area.

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Municipalities in Iran that serve as local governments in urban affairs must use local financial resources to cover their costs. One of these local financial resources is the cost of a building. Since the basis for calculating the charges have been the value of a real-estate transaction, the correct estimate has been very important. The aim of this paper is to use artificial neural network model for estimating residential property prices in district 2 of Tabriz; to achieve the regional value that is the basis for calculating the trading value. The approach of this research is applied and development researches. Statistical population is the residential property in district two of Tabriz which is 24638. Cochran formula was used to estimate the sample size and estimate 378 as samples. For desirable estimation 400 units were randomly selected. To remove the effect of time, only data from June to August 2018 were used. The data were collected through survey and inquiry from real-estate agents. In this research, were used MATLAB 2013 and ArcMap 10. 4. The results show the high accuracy of the artificial neural network in estimating property prices. The trading value approved by all the blocks in district two of Tabriz is lower than the estimated value of the artificial neural network. The highest difference in estimation is in 13, 7 and 24 blocks (respectively-3050380,-2752550 and-2430850 Rial) and the lowest difference is in 9 block (-399850 Rial). Thus, the total trading value is “ 11, 056, 920” Rials less than the estimated value.

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Landslide zoning based on the risk of landslide hazard using one of the proper algorithms is one of the land management methods. So far, the effectiveness of many algorithms and algorithms for landslide hazard zonation has been investigated in order to use the best and most efficient method and algorithm. In this research, the efficiency of the newest least squares algorithm for support and colony of artificial bison was evaluated in Golestan landslide zonation. The research method was based on quantitative and analytical method and in the environment of two software GIS and MATLAB and 13 parameters including slope, tilt direction, digital elevation model, distance from fault, land use, geology, landscape, gender and type of soil, Valley Depth, Water Power Index, Earth Hardness Index, Moisture Index, Land Curvature, were selected for implementation of the model. The results indicate that the overall accuracy criterion for educational and evaluation data is 84. 4% and 81. 4%, respectively, which indicates that the mentioned model is validated in terms of validity and validity of modeling. Finally, the study area was categorized into five classes of very high, high, moderate, very low and low sensitivity. All of the results of the evaluation showed high performance and good predictive capacity of the least squares model of artificial support binoculars in identifying areas with high slip potential. Which can be used for better management in Golestan province. landslidSlide classification is 70. 57% in very low class, 0. 46% in low class, 15. 44% in middle class, 3. 61% in high class and 9. 41% in very high class.

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Prioritizing the Geopolitical Components of Iranian Relatives Affecting National Security in the Light of Globalization Discourse (Case Study: Turkmens in Golestan Province) Today, the influence of the political geography of the Iranian ethnic groups on the national security is not overlooked. Therefore, this research has been formulated for the importance of the Turkmen ethnic groups in the national security of the country in the light of globalization and, finally, solutions to increase national security. This research is in terms of purpose, applied research and according to the method of data collection (methodology) since it examines the degree of consensus of the group's votes on weighting and prioritizing the geopolitical components of Iranian ethnic groups affecting national security using ANP hierarchical analysis method., Is a survey research. Data collection tool in this research is ANP questionnaire made by researcher and interview with experts. The dependent variable of national security research and its independent variables are political, economic, demographic, and geographic factors. The statistical population consists of 20 political and geographic experts. The method of analyzing information using the multi-criteria ANP decision method, which was applied to categorize and prioritize these factors. For data analysis, Team Expert Choice and EXCEL software have been used. The results show that the political factor (A) with the relative weight of 0. 306 ranked first and then the economic factor (D) with a relative weight of 0. 279 in the second and demographic (C) with a relative weight of 0. 211 in the third rank and geographic factor ( B) With a relative weight of 0. 204, the fourth rank is the importance of the geopolitical factors of Turkmen in Golestan province.

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In case of proper planning of tourism, it plays a major role in empowering local areas, especially in coastal villages. Based on this, the main objective of this study is to investigate the strengths and weaknesses as well as to identify the opportunities and threats facing the development of tourism and providing solutions for the development of mountain villages in the north of Iran. This research is in form of applied research and the method is descriptive, analytical and field study and Statistical population is the mountain villages of Larijan district in Amol County. After identification and design of indicators, a questionnaire has been set, by using the Cochran formula, two hundred people from villagers, tourists and authorities of the tourism sector has been chosen as sample and asked to answer the questions. Finally by using descriptive statistics and factor analysis in SPSS, data has been tested and analyzed. Results of the factor analysis shows that various factors has been detected as weak points and challenges into four categories (factors) and in overall have been within the scope of this research. Meantime, the infrastructure challenges with a specific amount of 6. 21 and 25. 18 percent of the specific variance value are considered as the most important challenges, and after that, the health and environmental challenges with 17. 38 percent of the specific variance value are the second factors. In addition to the mentioned factors, the economic challenges with 15. 19 percent of the variance and social and cultural challenges with 13. 06 percent of the specific variance are in the next ranks. Based on this, it can be concluded that according to experts and villagers, the studied components are totally 70. 81 percent of the variance of all obstacles of tourism development in mountain villages and about 29. 19 percent of the remainder are related to the factors that are not investigated in this study. Keywords: Tourism, ecotourism, rural development, Hydrotherapy, Larijan District.

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