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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Evaluation of the utility of Housing Sites in the city of Ardabil in terms of access to public services




 Housing is one of the basic human needs and achieving it is one of the developmental indicators. It is also lawful to have affordable housing for every citizen; therefore, the efforts of public and private sectors have always been in place. Mehr housing of Iran is one of those efforts. This plan has many advantages and also has disadvantages. Therefore, in this research, the present study will try to investigate the status of Mehr city of Ardebil in terms of access to urban services and infrastructure. Therefore, in this research, the present study will try to investigate the status of Mehr city of Ardebil in terms of access to urban services and infrastructure. In the present research, after identifying the effective parameters in assessing land suitability for the location of Mehr housing sites, the layers of each of the criteria were prepared, evaluated and standardized using ARC GIS software and used in the final analysis. In order to measure the utility of seafarers' access to public use, the combination of the AHP model and GIS capabilities has been used in the form of Index Overlay, Weighted Overlay, and TOPSIS. Ultimately, using experts 'and experts' views, they scaled and prioritized each of the models used. The final result of each of the above methods, proportional to their importance in assessing the utility of accessing Mehr Housing Sites, was integrated with the Raster Calculator plugin in the ArcGIS software environment and presented as a final map. The results of the findings indicate that the site of Maskan Mehr Andisheh (Pileh Saharan) is in a very bad condition; the sites of Maskan-e Mehr Azadar housing and inappropriate prayer in the range; Mehr Farhangian's housing (Kowsar) in the medium condition; Housing sites Seal of Hazrat Abbas (Sina Town), Imam Ali (Zarnaz Township) and Vatan Yolliari (Baharabad) on the appropriate floor, and finally, Maskan Mehr Sites of Mirashraf, Malek Ashtar and Faizieh (Resalat) Housing Housing Sites, in terms of access to infrastructures and The public utilities of Ardebil are in a very good position.


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    APA: Copy

    GHAFFARI GILANDEH, ATA, Firouzi mojandeh, Ebrahim, AZIZI, ALI, & Nikfal Moghanlou, Sasan. (2020). Evaluation of the utility of Housing Sites in the city of Ardabil in terms of access to public services. GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE, 10(37 ), 157-174. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/951655/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GHAFFARI GILANDEH ATA, Firouzi mojandeh Ebrahim, AZIZI ALI, Nikfal Moghanlou Sasan. Evaluation of the utility of Housing Sites in the city of Ardabil in terms of access to public services. GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE[Internet]. 2020;10(37 ):157-174. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/951655/en

    IEEE: Copy

    ATA GHAFFARI GILANDEH, Ebrahim Firouzi mojandeh, ALI AZIZI, and Sasan Nikfal Moghanlou, “Evaluation of the utility of Housing Sites in the city of Ardabil in terms of access to public services,” GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE, vol. 10, no. 37 , pp. 157–174, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/951655/en

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