Information Journal Paper
CopyFIROOZI, MOHAMMAD ALI, Roostaei, Shahrivar, Kameli Far, Mohamad Javad, & Maleki, Saead. (2020). Urban governance components impact’ s recognition and evaluation in terms of knowledge management approach: A study in Tabriz Metropolis. GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE, 10(37 ), 73-90. SID.
CopyFIROOZI MOHAMMAD ALI, Roostaei Shahrivar, Kameli Far Mohamad Javad, Maleki Saead. Urban governance components impact’ s recognition and evaluation in terms of knowledge management approach: A study in Tabriz Metropolis. GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE[Internet]. 2020;10(37 ):73-90. Available from:
CopyMOHAMMAD ALI FIROOZI, Shahrivar Roostaei, Mohamad Javad Kameli Far, and Saead Maleki, “Urban governance components impact’ s recognition and evaluation in terms of knowledge management approach: A study in Tabriz Metropolis,” GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE, vol. 10, no. 37 , pp. 73–90, 2020, [Online]. Available: