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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


Information Journal Paper


Prioritizing the Geopolitical Components of Iranian Relatives Affecting National Security in the Light of Globalization Discourse (Case Study: Turkmens in Golestan Province)




 Prioritizing the Geopolitical Components of Iranian Relatives Affecting National security in the Light of Globalization Discourse (Case Study: Turkmens in Golestan Province) Today, the influence of the political geography of the Iranian ethnic groups on the National security is not overlooked. Therefore, this research has been formulated for the importance of the Turkmen ethnic groups in the National security of the country in the light of Globalization and, finally, solutions to increase National security. This research is in terms of purpose, applied research and according to the method of data collection (methodology) since it examines the degree of consensus of the group's votes on weighting and prioritizing the geopolitical components of Iranian ethnic groups affecting National security using ANP hierarchical analysis method., Is a survey research. Data collection tool in this research is ANP questionnaire made by researcher and interview with experts. The dependent variable of National security research and its independent variables are political, economic, demographic, and geographic factors. The statistical population consists of 20 political and geographic experts. The method of analyzing information using the multi-criteria ANP decision method, which was applied to categorize and prioritize these factors. For data analysis, Team Expert Choice and EXCEL software have been used. The results show that the political factor (A) with the relative weight of 0. 306 ranked first and then the economic factor (D) with a relative weight of 0. 279 in the second and demographic (C) with a relative weight of 0. 211 in the third rank and geographic factor ( B) With a relative weight of 0. 204, the fourth rank is the importance of the geopolitical factors of Turkmen in Golestan province.


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    APA: Copy

    Molaieefar, Mohammad Bagher, Ab Niki, Hasan, Mortazavi, Seyed Khodayar, & Keshishian Siraki, Garineh. (2020). Prioritizing the Geopolitical Components of Iranian Relatives Affecting National Security in the Light of Globalization Discourse (Case Study: Turkmens in Golestan Province). GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE, 10(37 ), 231-244. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/951177/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Molaieefar Mohammad Bagher, Ab Niki Hasan, Mortazavi Seyed Khodayar, Keshishian Siraki Garineh. Prioritizing the Geopolitical Components of Iranian Relatives Affecting National Security in the Light of Globalization Discourse (Case Study: Turkmens in Golestan Province). GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE[Internet]. 2020;10(37 ):231-244. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/951177/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohammad Bagher Molaieefar, Hasan Ab Niki, Seyed Khodayar Mortazavi, and Garineh Keshishian Siraki, “Prioritizing the Geopolitical Components of Iranian Relatives Affecting National Security in the Light of Globalization Discourse (Case Study: Turkmens in Golestan Province),” GEOGRAPHICAL PLANING OF SPACE, vol. 10, no. 37 , pp. 231–244, 2020, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/951177/en

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