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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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This research, entitled " A model for improving appointment and promotion system of staff and line managers in Education Department' ', examines the appointment of managers with regard to the effect of educational managers on productivity in Education Department.In terms of purpose, this study is applied and in terms of data, it is quantitative. Based on performance type, it is a descriptive survey. The statistical population consists of 103772 line managers (school principals), 7380 staff managers (principals, deputies, Bureau officials), and 958196 teachers of different programs.400 staff and line managers in addition to 400 teachers were selected as samples of the study by random multi-stage clustering using Morgan table. A researcher-made questionnaire was used for gathering data. It includes 95 closed-response questions. The reliability of the questionnaire is calculated 0/81.For data analysis, dependent t-test, Vilkakson and Mann-Whitney U tests and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were used. The findings of this study show that there is a significant difference between the existing criteria for managers' appointment in Education Department with the desirable criteria from the view point of teachers and managers and there is a difference between the viewpoints of teachers and managers in terms of existing appointment criteria but they have similar viewpoints regarding desirable appointment criteria. According to the findings of this study, a model was proposed for the appointment and promotion of managers in Education Department.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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The purpose of this study is to investigate the effective factors on motivation of training transfer and its prioritization using group AHP. This research has descriptive-surveying methodology. Statistical population of this study includes 360official staff of the National Petrochemical Company.186 people were selected as samples of the study by random sampling method. Data collecting instruments include 3 discrete questionnaires including effective factors on training transfer with 45 items, Holton motivations of training transfer with 4 items, and paired comparison questionnaire with 15 factors. Obtained results from Pearson test showed that there is significant relationship among self-efficacy, locus of control, opportunity to use, support of peer/supervisor, transfer climate, learners readiness, affective reactions, openness to experience, content relevance, cognitive ability, worked samples, accountability, questioning, organizational commitment, and motivation of training transfer. Obtained data from step by step regression showed that among 15 aspects of effective factors on motivation of training transfer, variables of support of supervisor predicts 0.213, opportunity to use, affective reactions, work samples presentation, openness to experience, transfer climate, and questioning predict 0.567 of motivations to training transfer. Finally, obtained results of using group AHP technique showed that support of supervisor, transfer climate, worked samples, accountability, questioning, organizational commitment, opportunity to use, learners readiness, affective reactions to training, openness to experience, self-efficacy, cognitive ability, locus of control, content relevance, and peer’s support have priorities from the first to the fiftieth on motivation of training transfer, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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The aim of this study is to present a Causal Model of the Authentic Leadership and Organizational Citizenship behavior with the mediating role of Academic Optimism by analyzing path among Abadeh Primary School Teachers. For this purpose, 210 people (153 women and 57 men) of the primary school teachers in the educational year of 2014-2015 in Abadeh were selected by simple random sampling. A self-report questionnaire consisted of authentic leadership scale (Avolio, Gardner and Walumbwa, 2007), Academic optimism (Wayne Hoy, 2005) and organizational citizenship behavior (Organ & Kanovsky, 1989) was responded. The method of study is correlational. The results showed that Authentic Leadership elements, (Self-awareness, Balanced processing, Internalized moral perspective and Relational transparency) via intermediary role of Academic optimism elements, affected the organizational citizenship behaviors of the teachers positively and indirectly. The findings also showed that among the elements of the authentic leadership, both relational transparency and the ethical leadership have the greatest indirect influence on the organizational citizenship behavior. Also, among the components of Academic optimism, efficacy has the highest direct positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior. Meanwhile 33/0 of the variance in the organizational citizenship behavior was explained by two variables including scientific leadership and academic optimism.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1910

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    1 (18)
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As science and technology grow, especially in information and communication technology, it has become an inevitable part of education in universities and educational institutes. The goal of this research is to find the relationship between using these information technology tools in theinformational literacy of students in Iran’s governmental universities. This research is applied in terms of goals, and it is qualitative regarding variables. The population of this study was chosen using the simple accidental approach. A Likert scale questionnaire was distributed among 384 students in different universities of Iran and the reliability of this questionnaire confirmed by Cronbach’s Alpha. This scale consisted of two parts including assessing the aspects of information literacy and the amount of using information technology tools among university students. The most important result of this research is that using information technology tools has a positive effect on the information literacy of graduate students, so that as a student uses these tools more, his/her information literacy increases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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The aim of this study as a part of a doctoral thesis was to develop a model for predicting educational vulnerability of undergraduate students in engineering disciplines in short term period (by semester). The method was data mining by using neural network algorithm. The statistical population, including all "Term- student" from the first semester in academic year 1390-91 till the second semester of 1393-94 in three Iranian technical-engineering universities (with a total of 53, 422 records). The needed data were used in the model by direct exploitation of MISs in all three universities. The results indicate that by using the available data in educational systems of universities and engaging the neural networks algorithm, it is possible to make a prediction by more than 95 percent accuracy and with validity over 60, in terms of semester results for allstudents. “GPA (Grade Point Average) of the last semester”, “total GPA”, “the condition of the semesters in the case of being an odd or an even one”, “type of units taken within the semester” and “engaging in extra activities”, were identified as the most effective predictive variables.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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The present study was made with the aim of improving organizational commitment from the perspective of distributed leadership and with a view to perceptions of organizational-based self-esteem. First the role of mediator, meaning organizational-based self-esteem in the impact of distributed leadership Principals on organizational commitment teachers was investigated. Then, continue to test the role of gender as a mediator in the model was reviewed. The current study is a descriptive-correlational research with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. The population of the study consisted of all elementary school teachers in Khorramabad city (1258 teachers), the selected sample included 278 teachers using Morgan table; and with a view to a maximum of free parameters in assumed routes structural equations models study; was chosen by random stratified sampling method. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed leadership, organizational-based self-esteem and organizational commitment that constructs validity and reliability using Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability was confirmed. The data were analyzed using the software SPSS23 and AMOS 23. Analyzing the role of organizational-based self-esteem as a mediator showed distributed leadership principals, in addition to their direct impact on organizational commitment teachers; by organizational-based self-esteem of teachers, has an indirect role in explaining their organizational commitment. Multiplegroups’ analysis also showed that the gender variable of teachers modifies the effect of distributed leadership principals on organizational-based self-esteem teachers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (18)
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The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between organizational support, innovative organizational climate and employees’ job enthusiasm of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. The method of research was descriptive - correlation. The population included all the employees of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (850 people). 258 employees were selected as the sample of research by random stratified sampling using Cochran’s sample size formula. In order to gather data, three questionnaire were used; Job Enthusiasm questionnaire by Schaufeli et al (2002) which is composed of three subscales including vigor, dedication and absorption , Innovative Organizational Climate questionnaire by Cigel and Kaumer (1987) and Perceived Organizational Support by Eizenberg et al (1986). The data were analyzed using Spearman correlation coefficient and path analysis (using statistical software LISREL). The results of the analysis showed that there is a significant correlation between organizational support, innovative organizational climate and job enthusiasm. These two variables predicted 51% of variance in their job enthusiasm. The acquired model for the prediction of work engagement with the organizational support and innovative organizational climate has a desirable fit.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (18)
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The aim of this survey research was to study the elementary school teachers’ attitudes toward the inclusive education. Using stratified random sampling method, 177 teachers (149 females & 28 males) were selected from primary school teachers of educational region 3 in Tehran, Iran in academic year of 2014-2015. Attitude Toward Mainstreaming Scale (ATMS) questionnaire was used as a research tool. The data were analyzed by One-Sample T test, Independent-Sample T test. Results showed that the primary school teachers have a negative attitude toward philosophy of inclusive education. They didn’t have sufficient knowledge in terms of the philosophy of inclusive education. In addition, such teachers have estimated weak performance regarding their abilities to teach SENs students. The results also showed that the teachers evaluated SEN students’ behavior negatively. There was no significant relationship between teachers’ attitudes, gender and receiving special training related to SEN (Special Education Needs) students. These findings have a critical value for educational policy makers and planners because of their effect on inclusion process in the system of education.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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