Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

حریری نجلا

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    2 (پیاپی 6)
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یکی از مهم ترین آفات پایان نامه ها و مقالات دانشجویان استفاده از نوشته های دیگران بدون استناددهی و یا با استناد غیردقیق و نادرست است. حتی به جرأت می توان ادعا کرد که درصدی از مقالات منتشرشده نیز حاوی خطاهایی از آن نوع است که اصطلاحا سرقت علمی یا ادبی خوانده می شود. هر چند که این مساله خاص دانشجویان نیست، به نظر می رسد استفاده بدون استناد از نوشته های دیگران در نگارش پروپوزال ها و پایان نامه ها امر رایجی است که البته درصد بالایی از این خطاها با تذکر استادان راهنما رفع می شود.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (6)
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Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the quality level of services of Hamedan Medical Sciences University libraries through gap analysis.Method: This study is applied based on survey -analytical method which evaluates the quality of provided services by means of the questionnaire a “I.A. LibQual”.  The population of this study consists of the active users of Hamadan Medical Sciences University libraries based on a random stratified sampling, using the Kerjcie and Morgan, which a sample size equal to 367 persons was obtained.Results: The quality level of services provided by the libraries equals to 2.987 according to the users; and these libraries have, in general, been able to meet the minimum expectations of the users and there is a big gap for them to reach the goal of meeting the whole expectations of the users. From the users’ perspective, the scopes of “hiring”, “staff” and “information station” have received the highest degree of preference and importance respectively. And “publication”, “press” and “audiovisual resources” received the lowest level of importance. On the other hand, the result of the first five hypotheses show that from the users’ perspective, there is a meaningful importance between the level of importance of the basic five main components of quality and the performance level.Conclusions: The gap between the level of importance and the quality level of current services in five components is negative. In other words, to achieve the level of users’ satisfaction and to increase the quality of existing services, Hamadan Medical Sciences University libraries need more effective planning and efforts.

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    2 (6)
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Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine the amount of media and information literacy among Isfahan University of Medical Sciences' students using Iranian Media and Information Literacy Questionnaire (IMILQ).Methods: This is an applied analytical survey research in which the data were collected by a researcher made questionnaire. The questionnaire was provided based on specialists' viewpoints and valid scientific works. Its validity and reliability were confirmed by Library and Information Sciences specialists and Chronbach's alpha (r=0.89) respectively. Statistical population consisted of all students at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences (6000 cases) and the samples were 361. Sampling method was random stratified sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: The findings showed that the mean level of media and information literacy among Isfahan University of Medical Sciences' students was 3.34±0.444 (higher than average). The highest mean was promotion of scientific degree with 3.84±0.975 and the lowest mean was difficulties in starting research with 2.50±1.08. The mean of use dimension was more than others with 3.63±0.608 and the lowest mean of dimensions was for access dimension with 2.90±0.710. Comparison between gender age and the amount of media and information literacy among Isfahan University of Medical Sciences' students showed no significant difference, but there was significant difference between educational degree, college type and family's income and amount of media and information literacy.Conclusions: The results showed that the ratio of media and information literacy among Isfahan University of Medical Sciences' students was higher than average. But students did not have enough skills in starting the research, defining the research subject as well as determining a website validation. In general, all students and education practitioners should pay special attention to factors affecting the improving media and information literacy as a main capability in using printed and electronic media.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (6)
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to analyze the children’s story books illustration during 80’s. Four factors are analyzed in this research: 1. Appearance 2. Relation between illustration & content 3. Relation between illustration & primary school children needs 4. Quality of illustrations.Method: The research method is conceptual content analysis. The criteria of The Children Book Council and The Children & Young Adult Intellectual Center are adopted in this research. According to the criteria, a checklist is prepared. On the whole, 335 books during decade 80's, were accidentally analyzed by the checklist.Findings: The findings show that, the first factor (Appearance) with 55.38% were in good conditions & 30.7% were not good enough. The second factor (Relation between illustration & content) with 70% were in good relations & 2% were not good enough. The third factor (Relation between illustration &children needs) with 60.3% were in good relations & 16% were not good enough. The fourth factor (quality of illustrations) with 44.73% were in good quality and 27% were not good enough.Conclusions: According to the findings, the published books of 80's for primary school children had a good status regarding appearances and their relation with the needs. The relation between the content & the illustrations was considered, but the quality of the illustration was less considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (6)
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Purpose: The purpose of this research is to determine index of information technology maturity in the university libraries of Iran, and evaluation of Tehran University libraries using this index.Method: The methods conducted in this research were documentary research, Delphi method and survey. “Nolan Model” was used to determine index. A questionnaire based on the model was prepared and the degree of importance of each one of the elements of the index was determined by Delphi panel consisted of specialists of library and information science. Findings: 88 indice were determined for maturity of information technology in the Iranian university libraries consisted of four dimensions of: “Application portfolio, Users, Resources, and Management”.Conclusions: The index for maturity of information technology which determined and introduced in this research are management tools that can be used by the university libraries for assessing their status in terms of maturity of information technology.

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    2 (6)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges and barriers to encourage graduates of library and information science to entrepreneurship and job creation.Method: The society of this research was 150 graduates of library and information science (employed or unemployed) who were randomly selected. After collecting the questionnaires, 122 questionnaires were returned. The data collection tool is researcher made questionnaire. To determine the status of data the binomial test and to rank the influencing factors of entrepreneurship Friedman test was used.Findings: The most important barrier to encourage entrepreneurship and job creation among graduates of library and information science is lack the proper training of professional skills to earn money. Also they believed that lack of formal and informal proper institutions for entrepreneurship is the least effective.Conclusions: The results show that its necessary to revised on outlines of education and entrepreneurship training course to be added, removed Specialized courses from theoretical and, students become familiar with practical aspects of that, offer appropriate training in entrepreneurial skills, Students' view of the nature of field change by teachers, knowledge-based economy and its importance in business education should be taught by teachers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (6)
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Purpose: The paper investigates the impact of social capital and social entrepreneurship in the academic libraries of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in Tehran.Method: This study is an analytical survey. Data collection is conducted through a questionnaire which was distributed among 140 librarians with a bachelor's degree or higher in the academic libraries of 13 universities affiliated to the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Descriptive and inferential statistic methods were used in this study overall multivariate regression.Findings: Results showed the levels of social capital (39.51) and social entrepreneurship (41.99) are in the average level in research libraries and social capital had a positive impact on social entrepreneurship. Among the indicators of social capital (Trust, relationships, reciprocity, capacity, diversity and structure), all except diversity had positive impact on social entrepreneurship.Conclusions: According to the results of the study, considering the social capital and social entrepreneurship (Identification of the opportunities and using of it), is very effective in the relationship between scientific societies, information exchange in libraries, and scientific networks.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (6)
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Purpose: The aim is identification and ranking of influential factors in site selection for public libraries.Method: In this study, as a practical research, combined survey methods (descriptive-analytical) are used. In order to identify the influential factors in site selection for public libraries, with library, archival studies and consideration researches, conducted in the field, identified influential factors. Then, a questionnaire was used to collect experts viewpoints. The rank of influential factors designated by distributing another questionnaire. In order to calculate the results of the paired comparisons of criteria and indicators extracted expert Choice Software in order to analyze the spatial libraries with the chosen criteria, and identify new areas Arc GIS Software were used.Findings: The results indicated that respondents view the importance of the criteria are different. The public library location was identified through 34 indexes in six main criteria of centrality, compatibility, and predictions of future facilities, library local orientation, physical conditions and the competitors. Conclusions: Assigned points based on 13 indexes of the low correlation, 12 indexes of the average correlation and 9 indexes have a high correlation. The variable that had the highest weight in each group was determined and the model of the factors presented locate public libraries.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (6)
  • Pages: 

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Purpose: This research is going to compare internet results derived by technical and engineering groups, factual sciences and economics in G.G.O† with restriction at URL, and also the keyword's appearance in the internet URL.Method: The research population consisted of 90 experts of Hamedan G.G.O that are divided in to three groups. They searched their desired keywords (one or more words) in the URL and determined the amount of relevance retrieval result in the check list that provided for this reason. For classifying and data analysis, descriptive statistics (frequency, mean, base of sample and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (univariate Kalmvgvrf Smirnov Test, Duncan’s Post Hoc Test, Chi-square independence Test, paired t-test, correlation Coefficient Pearson and Spearman’s test, ANOVA and Chi Krvksa L- Wallis Test) were used.Findings: The results indicated that with the increase of search keywords scale in the URL will reduce and there are meaningful difference between numbers of present thematic keywords at URL researched groups and search engines can increase weighting to present keywords in the URLs rank the more correlative results and provision for users.Conclusions: The difference of the relevance of search results from URL between subject groups is resulted from the nature of vocabulary of the subjects, and the control of the number of keywords can affect the search results.

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