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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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"Al-wujuh wa al-naza' ir" is a branch of Quranic science which studies commentaries of Quranic words by consideration of: 1. circumstances of descent (Asbab al-nuzul), and 2. rules of the Arabic language. There are many works written in this subject. The authors of these books evidently refer to their beliefs and special views instead of making use of definite principles of interpretation. Sunni commentators explain words from Sunni point of view, and so do Shiite commentators. This leads to arbitrary definition of Quranic words so everyone can employ them as he wishes to prove his opinion. Thus, it seemed necessary to study the manner of these books in order to distinguish the true from false.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This paper reviews the elegy themes of Imam Hussein (AS) in the epic of 'Eid Ghadir' composed by Christian poet boolos Salama, and begins with the introduction of the Ashura literature and especially poetry surrounding Imam Hussein. This article talks about the laborious life of poet and his compilations especially his great Islamic epic, which is famous in the field of literature, and also talks about his character representing the spirit of excellence, the dilemma beyond the endurance of spirit confined to writing poetry, especially writing on household of Imam and their eulogy. Salame believes that they are exemplary models that should be followed, this invitation from a Christian poet absorb more attention when we he composed this epic in the year of Palestine occupation.So he believes that Arabic nations need to follow former gallants at that time more than ever but the fascination of this poet appear in particular when speaking of the event of Ashura. He weeps and writs the event in the eve of Imam Hussein martyrdom and prepare others to cry. He expresses his feelings in writing and goes from the usual tradition of epic poetry to a form of non-self poetry. The output is not only a defect, but also an epic which absorbs astonishing critics. Finally, this article examines the elegy themes of Imam Hussein (AS) in his epic grandeur, including expression of the virtues of Imam and his ordeal and others mentioned in the this article.

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Exploring Saadi's literary character to gain insight of overall picture of Arab literature in his work is not entirely realized when dealing only with his Persian accomplishments, it is necessary to study his accomplishments in Arabic poems alongside with his Persian works to succeed in such venture.Saadi has a variety of purpose in his usage of Arabic language, such as Preaching, monotheism, intimacy, hope and elegy. Saadi has a unique poem among his Arabic poems, which deserves taking it into consideration, it is known as Rayyhe Qaside which is mourning for Baghdad after its destruction by Mongols, and the killing of Musta'sam and the loss of the Abbasid Caliphate.This wonderful poem is one of his finest Arabic ones. It is also the longest one among his Arabic and Persian works of poetry, which has not got a fair consideration.Quranhad a great impact on Saadi's works, and as primary source, Saadi managed to use his Quranic culture to express his various purposes, experiences and his different ideas and goals.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Certainly the meaning-letters play an important role in Arabic language, so that the correct understanding of Arabic prose and poetry and also the exalted meaning of the holly Quran is dependent on knowledge of these letters, their difference and guidance applications. The fundamental and important role of these letters is subject of this research.At the beginning of this paper the following questions are discussed: 1. Is "Loala" simple or complex.2. Is there any dispute related to this subject.The project concentrates on different types of Loala and their applications. For example there are five different types of Possible Loala and also we discuss on the different ideas related to the analysis of noun after Loala and analysis of pronoun after some of its applications.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In contemporary Arabic literature recalling of Quranic characters as the using of characters, events or historical periods in literary works are considered as the latest levels of connection between contemporary literature and his heritage. Holy Quran is one of the sources which its characters and stories have been used a lot in literature and this has resulted in the enrichment of literature. Because religious heritage has a special place in public opinion, after Arab defeat in 1967 poets and litterateurs have turned to this religious heritage and being inspired by it they have agitated the wills and have given a contemporary function to it.Like the other litterateurs, Tawfiq al-Hakim the great Egyptian litterateur has used Quranic themes. By relying on religious heritage he has utilized Quranic stories especially in his play "Inhabits of The Cave". Our goal in this article is to study the amount of accordance and difference between the play "Inhabits of The Cave" by Tawfiq al-Hakim and the story of Inhabits of The Cave in Holy Quran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Perhaps, the meditations of literati and poets about supernatural subjects would lead their poems to mysticism and asceticism. These meditations about death as life's permanent partner and also their points of view are among the discussions which has occupied a significant position in various aspects of world literature. Although this subject is considered of the common and potential experiences of human communities, but because of the closeness and historical relationship between Iranian and Arab nations and also the presence of sparks of nearing ideas among them, have resulted in a comparison between Sanai, Iranian poet, and Abu-l-' Atahiya, Arab poet, in the fields of asceticism and reflecting upon death. This comparison is done because of similar phases of lives of these two poets and also their profound influence from supernatural and psychological factors, it is a revolution which happens in their being and poetry. In addition, the effects of their spiritual and internal revolutions can be searched in poetical structure, main themes of their ideas and nearly similar reactions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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For many years many scholars made comments about Zaynab's burial place and each tried to approve or disapprove one of the places, until with the evidences that all of them are at hand for analysis, research and criticism, concluded to a definite result, but this is still in ambiguity and uncertainty.It is in author's mind for many years that Because of different views and disagreements, where is the real burial place of Zaynab and what about those places which thousands of people go to for pilgrimage and even percept she complies with their wishes? Which is the real one? For centuries, five places are considered as Zaynab's burial place. Among them two are famous, two other sites are less famous and the other one is not well-known. The two famed places are Ravieh in Damascus and Qantara-al-Saba' in Egypt, Two less renowned ones are Baghi' cemetery in Medina and Bab-al-Saghir cemetery in Damascus and the not prominent one is Senjar in Mosul in Iraq.In this paper zainab's burial in Egypt is researched, analyzed, approved and confirmed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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