Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

هادی اصغر

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    4 (پیاپی 38)
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طب روحانی یکی از سه دیدگاه مطرح در برخورد با مسائل اخلاقی در میان دانشمندان اخلاق اسلامی است؛ در این دیدگاه، روح انسان همچون جسم انسان، گرفتار انواع بیماری ها می شود و برای درمان آن باید از طبیب روحانی و داروهای معنوی بهره گیرد تا روحی سالم، پرنشاط، و ملکوتی پیدا کند. پژوهش حاضر در صدد پاسخ به این پرسش است که: تبیین روایات از اخلاق اسلامی بر اساس طب روحانی چیست؟ و به روش تحلیلی استنطاقی، تبیینی متفاوت از اخلاق، برگرفته از روایات ماثور و با نگاه طب روحانی ارائه می دهد. در این مقاله پس از بیان چیستی طب روحانی و طبیبان روحانی، رابطه طبیبان روحانی و بیماران روحانی نیز از دیدگاه روایات، تبیین شده است. نتیجه این تحقیق آن است که اخلاق اسلامی با این نگرش، از اخلاق با اهداف مادی و صرفا دنیوی متمایز می گردد، چرا که در این نگاه، ثمره اخلاق، قلب سلیم و هدف آن قرب به خداوند و لقاء الله است، و اخلاق بندگی و ویژگی های معنوی که در دیگر مکاتب اخلاقی از آن خبری نیست، برجسته می گردد.

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    4 (پیاپی 38)
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مساله سعادت از دیرباز اذهان اندیشمندان حوزه اخلاق و فلسفه اخلاق را به خود معطوف داشته است. از دیدگاه فارابی و علامه طباطبایی سعادت، لذت، کمال و خیر مفاهیمی هستند که بسیار به هم نزدیک اند و سعادت انسان امری اختیاری است که با توجه به ابعاد وجودی اش، به سعادت حقیقی و مظنون و دنیوی و اخروی تقسیم می شود و انسان با کسب فضائل از طریق تلقین علمی و تکرار عملی می تواند بدین مهم دست یابد. از دیدگاه هر دو متفکر، سعادت امری مشکک و ذو مراتب است و بالاترین مرتبه آن قرب وجودی به خداست که در جهان آخرت و بعد از مرگ و مفارقت از این عالم برای انسان حاصل می شود. ایمان، توحید و نیت در نظام اخلاقی مرحوم علامه با تاثیر پذیری ایشان از قرآن، جایگاه مهمی را به خود اختصاص داده اند در حالی که فارابی به تبعیت از فیلسوفان یونانی، بیشتر به فضائل چهار گانه شجاعت، عفت،حکمت و عدالت پرداخته است.

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شه گلی مراد

Issue Info: 
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    4 (پیاپی 38)
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امروزه حجم انبوهی از چالش ها و تهدیدها، کانون خانواده را در معرض تضعیف و اضمحلال قرار داده است. آموزه های دین اسلام کامل ترین راه حل برای برون رفت از مشکلات پیش روی خانواده معاصر است. در این راستا آموزه های رضوی مجموعه کاملی از این معارف و احادیث گرانقدر است که می تواند بهترین و جامع ترین الگوی مطابق با فطرت برای خانواده معاصر باشد. آموزه های رضوی از یک طرف به آسیب شناسی روابط زوجین می پردازد و از طرف دیگر راهکارهای تقویت روابط طرفین را برای دستیابی به سعادت بیان می فرمایند. از آنجا که زن و شوهر رکن اصلی خانواده را تشکیل می دهد. بهبود این دو، سبب تقویت شالوده خانواده می شود. لذا در این پژوهش وظایف مشترک و مختص هر یک از زن و شوهر براساس احادیث حکیمانه امام رضا (علیه السلام) ذکر می شود.

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Happiness problem has long focused the minds of scholars in the domain of ethics and moral philosophy about it. From points of view farabi and Tabataba'I, Happiness, Goy, Perfection and Goodness are concepts that are very close together. Happiness is voluntary and divided into real or unreal and wordly or other-wordly and human being can obtain it by achievement Virtues. Happiness has degrees and the highest degree is nearness to God. Faith, unity and Intention have an important place in the moral order of Tabatabai that influenced by Quran but Farabi deals with the fourth virtues of courage, modesty, wisdom and justice Following of the Greek philosophers.

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This research has been done with the aim of analyzing the effect of spiritual treatment education from Islam point of view on psychological well-being and study performance of high school girl students in Yazd town. Research Statistical population includes second grade high school girl students in human science major in second half of 2013-2014 educational years. Due to performing this research, 50 girl students were selected according to multistage cluster random sampling and were divided to experimental and control groups with a quasi-experimental design, in pretest-posttest type. (25 students in experimental group and 25 in control group) Related Interventions to educate spiritual treatment were done on experimental group, but there was no education on control group. Both group completed RSPWB, once before experiment and once right after experiment. The archived data was analyzed according to Covariance analytical statistical method. The result showed educating spiritual treatment has a meaningful effect in increasing psychological well - being and study performance in experimental student group. In face the results of this research show that we can use spiritual treatment to improve psychological well- being and study performance in students.

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One of the most challenging and critical issues of our times, that arises in the field of applied ethics, is discussion of principles and ethical issues in the mass media. Mass media, as influential polar in society, are a powerful tool for advertising, so that they affect the culture, audience behavior and the decisions of them. Advertising, that it has a long history in human society, with the advent of the industrial revolution and the rise of consumer surplus production, is thriving. Therefore, in the contention competing production companies, advertising companies emergence and development of tools such as statistics, psychology, sociology, art, graphics, and so on, neglect of moral and cultural effects of the commercials may have, dishonest and unethical techniques are used to increase sales of goods result, the action for those who are illiterate messengers, expensive, and in some cases endanger their lives. The present article is descriptive - analytical expression after Generalities about commercials, seeking answers to the following questions are raised. 1) Who are the victims of advertising? 2) In order to reduce the possible damage caused to the audience in advertising, what solutions are there? 3) What is the true advertising from view point of Islamic teachings?

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the scientific production in the field of “applied ethics” in the world according is to the citation index ISI. Web of Science (ISI) is most prestigious international databases in the field of science survey research. Method of doing this study was “Panel-Survey” and Applied Research. All researchers in the scientific production indexed citation database (1763 degrees), the research community is formed. For collecting information, was used advance search in ISI database and all backgrounds in the areas of subject matter, language, country, author, publication year, document type, journal and institutes and top universities worldwide, this area has been identified and analyzed the data. The results showed 61 countries writing papers in the field of “applied ethics” at the global level which the countries of America, England, Canada ranked first to third and Iran was ranked 42. Also, it was found more than 90 percent of the evidence available to show the abuse of the English language is the base language to be English.

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    4 (38)
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Today, organizations involved in something called a moral dilemma and must do just the opposite and redefine their. Special features of the moral dimension of human individual possesses the kind thoughts, words and actions shape. But there may be organizations, causes the thoughts, words, show a different behavior These properties affect the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. ethical behavior or not of the organization is positive or negative performance. consequences. Director must be a moral standpoint healthy atmosphere for the employees in the organization to create until they could all be more productivity. This will require leadership and high moral intelligence Moral intelligence is the ability to understand unlike, having strong moral convictions and act on them. Has done the right thing and actions are in harmony with the values and beliefs And increase the efficiency of observing the moral principles. In this paper, the influence on the ethical behavior of employees has been discussed Then conscious and moral intelligence of Management and Organization Review, and ultimately moral intelligence training and communication within organizations and how enjoying it is proposed.

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