One of the most challenging debates among historians and biographers is "the area of the Prophet's authority in canonization of divine decree", which one of its issues "delegating the religion's orders to prophet theory" is being challenged among Shia and Sunni Ulemas, has been argued in this article, with the emphasis on Sunni ulemas' opinions. From this point of view, giving over the authority means: turning over and entrusting all your works, authority, credit, and position to a person who has sufficient knowledge, ability and prudence and there is no doubt about him.The basic question is: in the area of canonization of divine decree, especially in the fields which there is no specific text, have the religion and religious law been consigned to the prophet, or not.In order to examine the above question, viewpoints of Sunni ulemas and scholars have been investigated and we have briefly comprehended that despite of differences and disagreements, such as conditioned and constrained delegations, the absolute majority of Sunni scholars accept them. However, it seems that by providing some conditions, this theory can stabilize its position in canonization of divine decree and the area of prophet's authorities in canonization of divine decree. It is noteworthy that Shia scholars have officially recognized the position of this theory and its specific conditions.