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This essay deals with the decline of the Abbasids at the beginning of the fourth century, which culminated in conquering of Baghdad by Muiz ud- Dawla (334 AH). A major factor in decreasing the dynasty politico-military authority was the disturbance of equilibrium and balance between the elements of the Abbasid System, during the Caliph al-Muqtadir billah. In this essay, the factors influencing the functionality of the Abbasid political system will be assessed both diachronically and synchronically, in three levels of timing. The above factors will be emphasized specifically during the reign of al-Muqtadir billah. It seems that economic difficulties, their causes had been in work for a long time, together with changes in political and administrative structures, eventually led to a crisis. Inefficacy of bureaucracy and inability of the non-military actors in controlling it, led to disturbance of equilibrium and balance between the elements of the Abbasid governmental system and its inefficacy in facing the challenges. This issue resulted in interference of the military and their active involvement.

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Classification of sciences, in addition to ease of scientific tasks, makes a kind of intellectual discipline for researcher and define the amount and level of each science and helps describing the geometry of science in Islamic civilization, that is why in the Islam scientific community, the primary emphasis is always on this principle.‘Jame ul - olum’ written by Fakhr ud - Din Razi,one of the Ash’arit speakers in 6th-century A.H., has paid attention to classification of sciences and presented a new attitude toward science, through debating subsidiary branches of sciences as independent sciences in his classification, meanwhile, his classification became the pattern of many other scientists after him.Shams ul - Din Amoli who was a Shiite instructor in 8th-century A.H., focused on classification of sciences in ‘Nafayes ul - Fonun’ book. As Fakhr ud- Din Razi, he raised new sciences in his classification and through eliminating traditional classification of sciences rendered a new approach to the history of science.Above mentioned classifications have similar and dissimilar characteristics, both in kind of attitudes toward science and classification of sciences.During this review, along with comparison between the two mentioned classifications, the impact and importance of intellectual- verbal perspectives and historical conditions of these scientists in classification of sciences and presenting different classifications in history of science will be expressed.

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Various theories have been brought up about the way of capturing Iran by Muslim Arabs and the fall of Sassanid Empire. The issue of how and why Arabs could deprive the great Sassanid Empire, and so they could dominate Iran in those times during almost one century is important, but the subject of the present study is the role of Iranians in the victory over Iran and their degree of cooperation with conquerors. Iranians cooperated with Arabs due to such motives as preserving properties, spirits and status, fearing and under compulsion. The Iranians ' cooperation with Arabs includes receiving news, reporting, receiving, military cooperation and so on. The era which is discussed in the present study begins with the first victories in the time of Abu- bakr, and continues until Yazdgerd death and the end of the first century A.H.

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The general trend of political, military and economic power of Iran in a period of time which started by the fall of Safavids and ended up to Constitutional Revolution, has negative slope and is usually referred (interpreted) as declining of Iran. During this time, the continuation of expanding relations of Iran with other countries which was begun beforehead, had prepared an appropriate context for creation of travel accounts by those who came to Iran with different attitudes. The creators of these accounts regarding above mentioned time, were carriers of west modernity, accordingly, although the majority of them are involved in orientalism detriments and using concepts such as oriental despotism, decline of east and that of backwardness of east, however, they saw the problems of Iran from a new perspective which is absent in Iranian documents. They posed different reasons for this, which is important. The dominant side of these reasons were political, particularly, the policy of Iranian government. According to this viewpoint, the rulership and centralization of political and economic issues in the form of monocracy, has provided a background for appearance of corruption, cruelty and oppression, insecurity and foreign intervention, which in turn resulted in declining of Iran in this period. Examining the viewpoint of foreign travelogue writers may reveal the faults of oriental view; on the other hand it may open a new lookout toward better understanding of the Iran history.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Poetry and prose texts that have remained throughout history have been formed based on the predominant ideological, sociological and political backgrounds of that specific period of time. These texts have not only been affected by these circumstances, but also they have sort of influenced and directed the time in which they have occurred. As far as the lingual structures are concerned, most of these texts have ideological contents and besides their expressive effect, they also affect the reader in terms of meaning and influence.There are several approaches to the analysis and understanding of a text. The critical discourse analysis, which is a brand new approach in the criticism and analysis areas, suggests that issues like power and domination may lead to different expressive approaches with specific purposes. The advocates of this approach suggest that literature is full of hidden behind such surrealistic statements and thus, they tend to study literature beyond lingual forms and discover the new different layers of meaning and concepts.This research is going to study the of Ba’iyeh Ballade of Lady Fatima (PBUH), which was composed after the Fadak Sermon, with the analytic-descriptive research method and also by using the critical discourse analysis approach based on Norman Fairclough’s method. The research further goes to demonstrating Lady Fatima (PBUH)’s attitude and insight and explaining the ideological linguistic structures of the ballade at three descriptive, interpretative and expressive levels.Before getting into analysis, the real ballade text of all other documents is to be reviewed using the historic criticism method. Results indicate that in her ballade, Lady Fatima (PBUH) sought to rebuild and reproduce the Prophet (MGBH)’s dialogue (discourse) in the Islamic community by taking advantage of different linguistic forms and ideological structures as well as the necessary contexts for communicational effects in criticism of the predominant dialogues and emerging approaches. She criticizes the change and alteration of the society after the demise of the Holy Prophet (MGBH) and reminds the righteous approach giving reference to Prophet Mohammad (MGBH)’s lifetime period.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The Abbasid rulership which was the result of a revolutionary and idealistic movement, adopted a rough method against Umayyad survivors in the first stage of its establishment. It was no longer that the Abbasid Caliphs’ perception was changed and some Umayyad functionaries were summoned for the military, bureaucratic and judicial services.The metamorphosis of the Abbasid behavior, is a main question which the current study tries to explain it-under a descriptive and analytic method- and show that the Abbasid caliphate – after the course of the unstable chair of politics which, some Umayyad survivors were demolished- adopted an extensive policy in order to collect the Umayyad agents from the northern and southern Arab tribes under their extensive umbrella. This policy wanted to prevent the regeneration of ancient competition between them by recalling the Umayyad functionaries for the military, bureaucratic and judicial services.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Darye Shafiq was an active member of Egyptian women movement who began a great struggle in order to get the political right of Egyptian women during the 1950’s and1960’s. Although not being the creator of this movement, Darye Shafiq could be considered the most influential face in these activities. Intensifying the campaign for political rights of Egyptian women so seriously, she could conduct it to get real and objective results.The most outstanding achievement of Shafiq was that she could make the movement a daily matter for the government. A review of her only book that is, Mer’at al-Mesriye not only helps us to understand Shafiq’s ideology and political manner, but also demonstrates the current conventional of the Egyptian society during the time producing the text and historical course of the Egyptian women movement as well.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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