The general trend of political, military and economic power of Iran in a period of time which started by the fall of Safavids and ended up to Constitutional Revolution, has negative slope and is usually referred (interpreted) as declining of Iran. During this time, the continuation of expanding relations of Iran with other countries which was begun beforehead, had prepared an appropriate context for creation of travel accounts by those who came to Iran with different attitudes. The creators of these accounts regarding above mentioned time, were carriers of west modernity, accordingly, although the majority of them are involved in orientalism detriments and using concepts such as oriental despotism, decline of east and that of backwardness of east, however, they saw the problems of Iran from a new perspective which is absent in Iranian documents. They posed different reasons for this, which is important. The dominant side of these reasons were political, particularly, the policy of Iranian government. According to this viewpoint, the rulership and centralization of political and economic issues in the form of monocracy, has provided a background for appearance of corruption, cruelty and oppression, insecurity and foreign intervention, which in turn resulted in declining of Iran in this period. Examining the viewpoint of foreign travelogue writers may reveal the faults of oriental view; on the other hand it may open a new lookout toward better understanding of the Iran history.