During the early Islamic centuries, immigration and settlement of Alavi sadat in frontier areas of islamic empire, made enable them to found governments. Transoxiana, as one of these frontier aeras and the center of gathering of sadat, too, was the field of dynamic presence of these sadat on political and social changes, in fifth century A.H. In spite of scarcity of historical data, one can realize of traces of activity bustles of sadat to found an Alavi government in the region.By a descriptive- analytic method and by asking about the little existing data, this article seeks to make much clear, if possible, these bustles of Alavi sadat to lay the founation of government, in transoxiana. The results show that in this case, Alavi sadat, while conflicting to rule power, took advantage of change of social conditions of that area, in fifth century A.H., began to found independent government, and laid the foundation of the first Alavi government- even if temporarily- in that area.