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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Superstitions have been overwhelmed in communities as devil force in the hell of social exclusion and supernatural. The purpose of this study is to discover social exclusion and its relationship with tendency to superstition. The method of this research is the survey and the data was collected from 200 peasants by a questionnaire. Population of this study is residents of villages such as: gole Suleiman Abad, Backtash, Yaryjan khalse, Shinave at Miyandoab in 2014. Findings of this study indicate that, there is a positive significant relationship between social exclusion and tendency to superstition. But relationship of tendency to superstition with civil rights and life satisfaction is negative and significant (p<0.05). Also, the relationship between social isolation and alienation with tendency to superstition is not significant. Moreover, the analysis of multivariable regression showed that satisfaction and citizen right of subscale social exclusion and social distress are the strongest variables for predicting tendency to superstition.

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The aim of the present research is studying and understanding of the factors related to the amount of social security feeling of users in virtual social networks. The research method was survey from analytical type. The Statistical Society of this research was all students of Tabriz Islamic Azad University in the academic year 93-94; the sample size was determined by using the Cochrane formula as 378 and for increasing confidence coefficient was raised to 400 people. Sample size was selected by simple random sampling from multistage cluster type to respond to the questionnaire. Data collecting tool was a researcher-made questionnaire and they were analyzed by SPSS software. The theoretical framework of the study based on the theories of “trust”, such as Bernard Barber, Nicholas loman, David Johnson, Cellass Ofeh", theories of "the sense of security," such as the school of Copenhagen, dorakim, Parsons, Marx, Mazlu, Merton, Bari Buzan","Theory of religious affiliations," David Dersler","the theory of participation by James Colman, John Alester, Gary Bekero. Findings of this study show that the level of social security feeling in virtual networks for majority of respondents is moderate (65 %). Also the most important results of this study show that: There is significant relationship between age, level of education, amount of presence of people in virtual social networks, religious affiliations of respondents, interpersonal trust between respondents, the amount of the use of content of shared materials and participation of respondents in the activities of a social network and security feeling that they have in a virtual social network. Also, there is no relationship between the marital state and gender of respondents and their level of adherence to cultural values and social security which they feel in virtual social networks.

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The purpose of this study was to explain the relationship between organizational justice with the quality of work life of elementary school teachers. The population of this research is all of the east Azerbaijan elementary teachers in 92-93 that are about 12136 individuals whom 706 of them were chosen through Cochran formula and multi-stage cluster sampling. In This correlational research, questionnaires of Valton`s quality of work life and Nyhvf and Mormon’s Organizational justice after the formal validity check (through the pilot study) and content validity check (through A comprehensive review of research literature and expert judgment) was used. Data analysis was done by SPSS statistical software with Pearson correlation test, Friedman test, F test and T test. The results showed that, there is a direct significant relationship between organizational justice and teacher`s quality of work life and it`s dimensions. The major components of quality of work life of teachers are constitutionalism in the organization, social integration in the organization, opportunity for continued growth and security, social dependency, human capacity development, environment, safe and healthy work conditions, total life settings and adequate and fair wage.

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In the present study, the satisfaction of citizens' rights, including the freedom of thought and of its subsidiary such as political participation, access to the political situation, the level of government assistance to vulnerable groups, the equal enjoyment of facilities, as well as gender, citizens’ living place in the city of Tabriz and education as predictor variables was examined.  The type of research is applied and the research method is survey and data gathered by questionnaires. The population is citizens over 15 years old in Tabriz (1390) that were 1,511,184 people. Stratified random sampling method was used in ten regions of Tabriz. Sample size was based on the formula (Cochran) is 384. Based on the results of tests, there is a meaningful relationship between the following variables: between freedom of thought and satisfaction, between political participation and satisfaction, between the rate of access to and satisfaction with the political situation, between the attitude of government assistance to vulnerable groups and the satisfaction of citizen’s attitudes towards equality, between the enjoyment of facilities and satisfaction. Also, there is a difference between male and female respondents in terms of attitudes to the satisfaction of the rights of citizenship. Finally, there is a difference between people with different educational level of satisfaction of the rights of citizenship.

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Language is not only a means of communication but it has also changed into a social and cultural basis in its evolution direction that contains facilities and limitations for recognizing, establishing and directing social, legal and cultural relations. In this study, the facilities and limitations of language were analyzed in the beam of language relativity theory perspective to survey some proofs in the field of sociology and anthropology of language which are the effects of language on ideology, social and cultural relations and cognitive direction of the speakers of that language. The language relativity theory is established by sociolinguists such as Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf and claims that the direction of thought, cognition, object classification, ideology, judgment, and reasoning in natural, biological, social, legal and cultural categories are affected by the structure and content of the linguistic elements of the speakers of that language. In the current study, the foregoing claim of this theory is surveyed considering the proofs in the field of language sociology and anthropology.

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The present study aims to investigate the social factors associated with early marriage in Naghadeh city. In this study, 292 women were selected by systematic random sampling method. Statistical methods were Pearson correlation, t-test and Anova test. The social factors which their relationship with women’s marriage were measured are the use of mass media, traditional customs and behavior of families, easy selection of the partner, women's sense of security and the distrust of women. Also, there are some underlying factors such as, social status, economic and educational levels among women. The results show a positive and meaningful correlation between the rate of mass media (the level of significance 0.017) ,traditional customs and behavior of households (0.000), easy selection of the partner (0.000), the amount of social security for women (0.000) and the distrust of women (0.000) with  marriage age. Also, there is a positive and meaningful relationship between underlying variables such as the social and economic base (0.002), education (0.000), marriage age and living place (0.001).

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Present research is a comparative study of females broadcast quality on Iranian TV (channel3) and on a satellite Gem TV. To reach our goal we have benefited from two methods of content analysis and reverse questionnaire. statistical population of this study consists of 140 broadcasted commercial ads on channel 3 and on Gem TV at 6pm and 11pm everyday over the months of January, February and March 2012 and April, may, June 2013.The figures obtained showed ultimately that both channels additional to displaying female routine functions, have been attempted to make changes in the way of their reflection and the channels have not utilized the females only as a factor for attracting audience.

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Despite increasing requirements of rural and tribal communities to use new technologies, the adoption of this technology in rural areas is very low. Surveys show that, the reason of this rejection is the incompatibility of technology with the rural environment. Scientists believe that, to accept the new technologies, it should be referred to indigenous knowledge. In this field study, the indigenous knowledge of the use of oak tree components in Rustam tribe from Mamasani tribe of Fars has been evaluated. Some regions of the territories of Rustam tribe were selected and among those regions, villages that have rich indigenous knowledge in the use of oak were selected. The subjects of the study were selected by snowball sampling method. In this study the techniques of participant observation, free observation and semi-structured interviews were used, and in some cases, documents were also used inevitably. It was found that, in the study area according to the modernization theory based on the compatibility of indigenous knowledge and development, indigenous knowledge has not only been incompatible and an obstacle at the times it was governed, but also it was sustainable in development. The example of this, is the use of oak products by people in their lives and living with this tree for many years. But the arrival of modernization program, caused fundamental changes in the structures of the studied population, and with the lifestyle changes in this area, the utilization of indigenous knowledge has been weakened.

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