Hermes, who is known as Akhnun and Idris in religious texts and as Tat and Hushang in Mythology, was one of the early prophets and, according to some, the founder of many sciences and wisdom. The character, works, and thoughts of Hermes were discussed not only in religions texts but also in historical, mythical, and philosophical ones. They also affected many nations, individuals, and thoughts. Hence, he can be considered as a focal point in comparing religion, mythology, and philosophy and then explore the rise of each of these fields and the interactions among them. Therefore, this paper first deals with Hermes in religious texts and refers to the similarities between Idris and Akhnun. Then it studies Hermes, Hushang, and Tat in the myths of Greece, Iran, and Egypt and explains their similar identities, roles, and times, finally, by resorting to Hermetic and philosophical texts. It refers to schools of philosophy which not only discuss the origin of human thought but whose language is also similar to that of religion and mythology.