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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: the main objective of this study is to examine the effect of individual initiative and skill variety on creativity, with the moderating role of knowledge specificity and creative resource. Method: this study is an applied and servey research. For this purpose, 220 staffs of bojnordmunicipal, according to the morgan table and based on random sampling were selected as case study. A questionnaire was used to collect data that its content validity assessted by the expert and its construct validity by the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. its reliability confirmed by the Cronbach's alpha. The analysis method used in this study is based on structural equation model and amos 16 software. Findings: in relation between individual initiative and skill variety with creativity, regression and p-value are 0. 45, 0. 18, 3. 260 and 2. 014 confimed a significant positive correlation between these two variables with creativity. Results of analysis moderating didn’ t confirmed the moderating role of creative resources in affecting of individual initiative on creativity and the moderating role of knowledge specificity in relationship between skill variety and creativity. But In relation between individual and creativity, creative resource ( =0. 387) and in realation between skill variety and creativity, knowledge specification ( =-0. 288) have had moderating roles. Results: the results show that individual initiative and skill variety positively affect creativity and high knowledge specificity complement the deficiency of the high skill variety, while abundant creative resources strengthen the effect of high initiative in performing creativity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Nowadays, appropriate college design is noticed due to improve the quality of education and increase the creativity of students. Many environmental psychologists and designers believe that the physical environment of the university must be organized for different abilities of users so that each individual is encouraged to engage in activities and learning process. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the design and planning of architectural educational environments. To achieve this goal, comparative analysis of the affecting components on creativity in four campus is focused: science and technology, Islamic art of Tabriz, Bahonar Kerman Isfahan art. Method: The research was based on a semi-experimental method. The statistical population were the top senior students. Universities election were baces on, two traditional and modern examples also two different historical and natural categories. Were considered. Examination contains qualitative analysis. The final design of the top senior students of these universities was selected and the impact of the environments on the creativity of the projects was examined. Finding: By emphasizing the overcome of the creative needs of John. W. Santrock: (preparation, investigation, latency, persistence, insight), the generalization of young person`s behaviors has focused on different situations (child, adult, parent). In the next step, with sufficient understanding of how the behaviors are revealed, design criteria were disscusted. Finally, qualities that impact the creativity of an architect student determined as: "spatial clarity, accessibility, and obstruction", inner and outer geometry, spaces of collective interaction, new technology, and relationship with nature. They were used to analysis of stastics population. The creativity of every young student, especially in architecture, is influenced by indirect messages taken from learning environments. Where they have bring joy and freshness, will led to satisfactory feedback and the formation of creative ideas. Conclusion: renovated Campus communities in the old urban context provides a more suitable learning Environments and is more effective on the creativity of individuals.

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Background: This research is focoused on strategy implementation component of strtgic management. Despite the importance of strategy implementation, previous researches mainly focused on strategy formulation, and strategy implementation have been ignored. Therefore, current study focused on strategy implementation. Objective: This study aims to examine the influencial factors on proper strategy implementation and performance. Methodology: The study population consisted of the university president and all the deputies and managers of one branch in Islamic Azad University in Iran. PLS software was used for statistical analysis. Results: The results show that significance coefficients of z are more than 1. 761 for independent variables, and for moderators variables including “ strategic principles training” is calculated 2. 62, for“ strategic creativity and flexibility” is calculated 3. 14 that is confirmed, and all other hypotheses are confirmed as well Conclusion: The statistical results showed that variables of resource allocation, organizational leadership, and employee participation are effective on proper strategy implementation. The results revealed that strategy planning principles training moderates the impact of employee participation on proper strategy implementation, and strategic creativity and flexibility moderates the impact of strategy implementation on the university performance of Islamic Azad University. Keywords: Strategic Management, Creativity, Strategy Implementation, Performance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Context: Looking at the complexity of community change, organizations in the near future will only be able to survive when they are able to take advantage of their capabilities, commitment, and manpower at all levels of the organization. Aim: Therefore, in this research, the aim was to investigate the effect of social network tie and organizational commitment in organizational development Agricultural Extension Experts on the incidence of individual and organizational creative behavior with the presence of the component of organizational commitment in Isfahan province. Method: The statistical population of this research were 170 people from agricultural extension experts of Agriculture Jihad in Isfahan province. The data collection tool was a standard questionnaire with Likert's five-point option and for determining the validity of the face validity method, with the opinion of the professors as well as the validity of the construct. In order to measure the reliability of the research instrument, the reliability of the combination (CR) and also the Cronbach's alpha method were used. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient for individual creativity dimension (0. 827), organizational creativity (0. 937), organizational commitment (0. 719) and social network tie (0. 871) was calculated. In this research, the information obtained from the questionnaire in the descriptive section was analyzed using software and then in the inferential part by structural equation modeling (SEM) using SMART PLS software. Result: The results show that the relationship between social network tie and organizational commitment on individual and organizational creativity was positive and meaningful. It was also found that providing a model for the development of individual and organizational creativity based on the effect of social network tie on the mediating variable of organizational commitment with a coefficient of 0. 153 on individual creativity and a coefficient of 0. 236 on organizational excellence that has an indirect effect in the society under study. Therefore, it can be said that the social network tie with organizational commitment has a positive and significant relationship, due to organizational commitment, has a positive effect on the incidence of creative behavior in the studied population.

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Purpose: The relationship between knowledge management and strategic entrepreneurial innovation-based mediation organization. Method: Research method, descriptive-correlational and population consisted of all staff members of Shiraz Education Organization who were working in this organization in 1396. Using random sampling method, using the Morgan table, 100 of these employees were selected. The research tools were Hemati Knowledge Management Questionnaire (2010), Organizational Innovation Questionnaire Jurfi et al. (2013) and Robbins & Coltter Organizational Entrepreneurship Inventory Questionnaire by Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient. /86, . /78 and. /78 And the validity of these three questionnaires has been confirmed by experts. Findings: The main results of the research indicated a positive and significant relationship between knowledge management and organizational entrepreneurship and between knowledge management and organizational innovation. And the causal coefficients of the paths between the three research structures indicate direct effect and the indirect effect of knowledge management on the strategic organizational entrepreneurship of the employees. The general indicators of good fit of the model presented are based on data. The results of stepwise regression analysis showed that the variables of knowledge creation and knowledge application had the highest correlation with the prediction of organizational innovation as well as the variables of knowledge sharing and the application of knowledge, have the highest multiplicity of correlation with the prediction of organizational strategic corporate entrepreneurship. Conclusion: The results of independent t-test on gender variable and ANOVA regarding age and work variables showed that in terms of strategic organizational entrepreneurship and organizational innovation that there was no significant difference between male and female employees at the level of 0. 05 But according to the variable of employee education moderation, there is a significant difference between the mean strategic organizational entrepreneurship score and the organizational innovation of the staff at the level of 0. 05 and Turkey's post hoc test showed that people with a master's degree, organizational entrepreneurship, and organizational innovation were higher than other employees of the Fars education organization.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1982

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Purpose: The impact of types of intelligence on performance in different domains has been investigated. In the meantime, spiritual intelligence and its dimensions are an interesting topic that has recently been investigated in the field of behavioral finance and its impact on different variables. In this research, the quality of financial statements is considered as a dependent variable. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between accounting intelligence and the quality of financial statements. Design/methodology/approach: To collect theoretical foundations of information about literature explanation, the subject matter of the research has been used through library and documentary studies. To obtain the required information, in order to collect the research hypotheses, data was collected for the variables in addition to the questionnaire of the codal site. The hypothesis testing method in this study is using structural equations using Smart-PLS software. Findings: The hypothesis test showed that there is a significant relationship between the spiritual intelligence of accountants and the quality of financial statements. Also, there is a significant relationship between consciousness, internal orientation, meaning and concept, truth and honesty, and the integrity and integrity of accountants with the quality of financial statements. There is no significant relationship between goodness and the existence and character of accountants with the quality of financial statements. Conclusion: According to the findings, it can be concluded that the dimensions of spiritual intelligence in accountants affect the quality of financial statements, which requires that corporate managers, through innovation and innovation, enhance the dimensions of spiritual intelligence that can be matched in line with Improved quality of financial statements.

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This research aimed to examine the relationship between knowledge management and creativity of primary school educational assistants in district 4 of Tehran and the correlation method was used. The statistical population consisted of all educational assistants in primary schools in district 4 of Education Organization in Tehran and sample size was 180. Using Morgan table 118 was determined as the sample size and were selected by simple randomized sampling. In order to collect data, two questionnaires of Sharon Lawson knowledge management and research made creativity questionnaire were used. Validity of questionnaires was measured using opinion of respected professors, study of scientific resources and observing of similar questionnaire and its reliability was measured through Cronbach's alpha (knowledge management was equal to 0. 722 and creativity was equal to 0. 858). In order to analyze research data, different single sample analyses and Pearson correlation coefficient, structural equation modeling that is a combination of confirmatory factor analysis and T path analysis was used. The results showed that the mean of all aspects of knowledge management was significantly lower than the standard mean. Of all aspects of knowledge management (knowledge creation, knowledge capture, knowledge organization, dissemination of knowledge, and application of knowledge except knowledge storage) had a positive and significant relationship creativity of educational assistants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Perpose: This study aimed to investigate impact Transformational Leadership and organizational indifference with the role of creativity in employees. Method: This research is of descriptive correlational study. Research community is included all employees of lorestan university in the year of 1396 in khorramabad city whom were 575 people. The statistical sample was 234 people. Finding: For data collection questionnaires, Transformational Leadership Bass and Avolio (2000) with alpha (0. 92), organizational indifference danaeefard, hasanzadeh & salariye(1389) with alpha (0. 95) and creativity Torrance (1974)with alpha (0. 97) was used. For data analysis of structural equation modeling using pls was used. The results show that Transformational Leadership directly (β =-0. 446) is effective on organizational indifference. Transformational Leadership directly (β = 0. 426) is effective on creativity. creativity directly (β =-0. 456) is effective on organizational indifference. also the impact of Transformational Leadership on organizational indifference indirectly(β =-0. 446) and indirectly(β =-0. 194) by mediator variable creativity (β =-0. 64). Conclusion: In this regard, when the employees' creativity as a mediating variable in the equation is treated with more power. In other words it can be said that Transformational with role mediator creativity by decrease organizational indifference between employee.

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Context: Architecture is an impressive event in human life with the nature that returns to the design process in any way, and therefore, the significant role of creativity is inevitable in its various aspects. Generally, the design is a motivated effort to satisfy human needs, which focuses on two main principles, form and function, on huge scale view in architecture. Thus, the relation between them is the matter always considered due to the architectural essence. Accordingly, it is important to pay attention to the prominent role of architectural creativity in recognizing and redefining this fundamental connectivity. Objective: the main aim of the present research is investigating the quiddity of the form-function relation and identifying its affecting factors based on a recognizing approach to the existence levels of human as the main user of architecture, focusing on the niche of creativity. Method: This research was conducted with a descriptive method and subsequently a qualitative content analysis equipped with a comparative-interpretative approach to identify key variables involved in related theories. Furthermore, we tried to make adequate and redefine this relationship between these concepts with logical reasoning and critical thinking. Since the analytical scrutiny of our research is developed based on the previous theoreticians’ analytical processes, it could be considered as a qualitative meta-analysis study focuses on the related anthropological dimensions. Conclusion: According to the content unity of concepts design and creativity, particularly in art and architecture, it seems to be logical that apply the concept of creativity to explain the form-function relation comprehensively. Finally, a conceptual model and associated manifest were presented that covers all of the studied theories. Explaining that the form is created on the basis of various human demands and makes possible to satisfy the basic and higher needs of mankind, by affording the functions and meta-functions in corresponding to the different dimensions of creativity used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1977

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