Background: Nowadays, appropriate college design is noticed due to improve the quality of education and increase the creativity of students. Many environmental psychologists and designers believe that the physical environment of the university must be organized for different abilities of users so that each individual is encouraged to engage in activities and learning process. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the design and planning of architectural educational environments. To achieve this goal, comparative analysis of the affecting components on creativity in four campus is focused: science and technology, Islamic art of Tabriz, Bahonar Kerman Isfahan art. Method: The research was based on a semi-experimental method. The statistical population were the top senior students. Universities election were baces on, two traditional and modern examples also two different historical and natural categories. Were considered. Examination contains qualitative analysis. The final design of the top senior students of these universities was selected and the impact of the environments on the creativity of the projects was examined. Finding: By emphasizing the overcome of the creative needs of John. W. Santrock: (preparation, investigation, latency, persistence, insight), the generalization of young person`s behaviors has focused on different situations (child, adult, parent). In the next step, with sufficient understanding of how the behaviors are revealed, design criteria were disscusted. Finally, qualities that impact the creativity of an architect student determined as: "spatial clarity, accessibility, and obstruction", inner and outer geometry, spaces of collective interaction, new technology, and relationship with nature. They were used to analysis of stastics population. The creativity of every young student, especially in architecture, is influenced by indirect messages taken from learning environments. Where they have bring joy and freshness, will led to satisfactory feedback and the formation of creative ideas. Conclusion: renovated Campus communities in the old urban context provides a more suitable learning Environments and is more effective on the creativity of individuals.