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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Heavy metals are one of the main factors in pollution of soils around roads and highways. This pollution is a serious environmental problem worldwide. The metals are released by different ways, such as wear and corrosion of various parts of the vehicle and tires, as well as combustion. These products could contaminate roadside topsoil. Thus, the purpose of this research is to determine the contamination of roadside soil by heavy metals in the Rasht-Qazvin Freeway. Methods: The 30 soil samples from 0-20 cm depth at three distances (0-5, 5-15 and 15-30 m) of roadsides were collected. Concentration of heavy metals in samples was measured using ICP-OES. The Ecological Risk Index was calculated for assessing the biological hazard level of metals in the soil. Results: Mean concentration of Zn, V, Cr, Pb, Cu, Co and Ni were 48. 89, 46. 63, 23. 76, 20. 05, 18. 47, 11. 11 and 9. 48 mg kg-1, respectively. The results of potential ecological risk index showed that study area were of low ecological and biological risk. Conclusion: Agricultural activities, climate conditions and vehicles traffic changes in the study area are important factors influencing the accumulation of heavy metals in the roadside topsoil. In order to pay attention to public health and food safety, it is suggested to evaulate concentration of heavy metals in agricultural products and rivers water in the study area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Mosquitoes transmit the important diseases such as Malaria, West Nail, Yellow Fever, Dengue fever, Rift Valley Fever, Sand Biz and Dirofilariasis. Sand Biz and Dirofilariasis disease were reported from North regions of Iran. The aim of this study was the determination of fauna and distribution of culicidae family larvae in Ardabil province. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the year 2016. Thirty-thrre areas were randomly selected from 10 counties. Larvae samples were collected during the seasonal activity of mosquitoes 2 times per month. After the collection of mosquitos, microscopic slides were prepared and identified using valid keys. Results: In total, 2087 larvae were collected from 33 different areas that included 13 species from 4 genus (Anopheles, Aedes, Culex and Culiseta). Most observed genus were Culex (82%) and the lowest genus were Aedes (2. 43%). In this study, Ae. flavisence was reported for first time in the Ardabil province. Conclusion: The Culex genus was the most common larva collected in this study and Culex Pippins with 59% was the dominant species of Ardabil province.

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Journal of Health

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Background & Objectives: Self-efficacy is a person's confidence in his ability to control the disease and maintain his duties. Health beliefs include assessing the risk of a health problem and assessing the benefits and barriers to health behaviors. The purpose of this study was to investigate the predictive role of health beliefs and cardiovascular self-efficacy in smoking patients with coronary artery disease CAD). Method: In this cross-sectional study, 103 patients who were candidate of CABG and PTCA in Tehran Heart Center were selected by convenient sampling method. They were asked to complet the Sullivan`s cardiac self-efficacy questionnaire and researcher designed health belief questionnaire. Results: The result of Logistic regression analysis showed that from tow predictor variables, only cardiac self-efficacy able to predict smoking (β =0. 14) in patients with CAD. The high value of Wald's statistic indicates the usefulness and potency of self-efficacy variables in predicting cigarette smoking. This finding suggests that the cardiac self-efficacy is one of the determinants of smoking in patients with CAD. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to increase self-efficacy of these patients in smoking cessation interventions and prevention. The results of logistic regression analysis showed that only the self-efficacy of the two predictors was able to predict the history of smoking (β =-0. 44) in CAD patients.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Today soil pollution by heavy metals especially in industrial regions is one of the major health problems. This research was done to investigate the effect of pistachio residues biochar on decreasing soil cadmium (Cd) stress in shallot in a soil treated with Zarandieh municipal waste compost. Methods: The present study is an experimental study has been done on the Cd polluted soil as a factorial experiment in the layout of randomized completely block design. Treatments were consisting of applying municipal waste compost at the rates of 0, 10 and 15 t ha-1 and applying pistachio residues biochar (0 and 15 gr kg-1) and the cd polluted soil at the rates of 0, 10, 20 and 30 mg cd kg-1 soil. The Zarandieh municipal waste compost and pistachio residues biochar were added to the soil and after the end of the experiment; root and shoot Cd concentration and catalase enzyme activity were measured. Means comparisons were done by LSD test at a probability level of 5%. Results: Applying 15 g kg-1 pistachio residues biochar in a Cd polluted soil (20 mg Cd kg-1 soil) treated with 15 t ha-1 municipal waste compost caused a significant decrease in root and shoot Cd concentration by 12 and 9%, respectively. In addition, the root and shoot catalase, enzyme activity was also decreased. Conclusion: The results of this experiment showed that applying Zarandieh municipal waste compost with pistachio residues biochar can decrease the plant Cd stress. However, the role of type and plant variety on the amount of decreasing Cd stress cannot be ignored

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Prevalence of obesity and overweight is higher among females than males studying in Iranian elementary school students. Unhealthy food habits have been nominated as a risk factor for obesity. This study aimed to investigate correlation between nutritional behavior, overweight, and obesity in female students of elementary school in Anzali in 2016. Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 210 female elementary school students were randomly selected by double stages sampling in 10 schools. Data were collected by a researcherdesigned questionnaire including demographic data and nutritional behavior with three sections: nutritional condition, nutritional habits and food classification. Anthropometric measurment were done by scales and meterbar. Content validity and relablity of questionnaire was evaluated and confirmed by 10 experts from school of health and Cronbach's alpha index (a= 0. 75). Data were analyzed with SPSS (ver 16) using chi-square, correlation and fisher tests. Results: There was a significant correlation between elimination of main meals, obesity and overweight (p<0. 01). There was also a significant correlation between eating junk foods and overweight with obesity (p=0. 002), also there was correlation between the choosing healthy food and body mass index (BMI) (p<0. 002). Conclusion: Because the nutritional behavior of female elementary school is related to obesity and being overweight; therefore using healthy foods in main meals and elimination of eating unhealthy and junk food is essential.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Heat stress at workplaces can cause several problems including decreased thermal comfort and increased heat strain; moreover, it can effect negatively on worker performance and productivity. The present study aims to investigate the effect of heat stress on performance loss among outdoor workers in a hot and dry climate. Methods: An analytic study was conducted during four months from June to September 2013, in one of the provinces of Iran (Qom). Environmental parameters including dry temperature, surface temperature of soil, solar radiation, relative humidity and air velocity were measured in weather stations every ten minutes between 7 am and 7 pm (in total, 8598 measurements). Potential labor performance losses based on WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) heat stress index provided by Australian Bureau of Meteorology were determined using a graph presented by Kjellstrom. SPSS 16 was applied for all statistical analysis. Results: The total average of WBGT was 27± 2. 57 ° C. The maximum WBGT (28. 59° C) was obtained between 3 and 4 pm. The average performance loss in jobs with power of 200, 300, 400 and 500 watts was 1. 6%± 0. 43, 9. 6± 1. 94, 19. 65± 2. 68, 65. 53± 2. 68 and 29. 1± 2. 5 respectively. A statistically significant relationship was found between WBGT values and percentage of performance loss. Conclusion: Outdoor workers in warm seasons with hot-dry climate experience the loss of performance, which can effect adversely on labor health and economy growth of country.

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Journal of Health

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Background and Objectives: Health promotion school project has been conducting on some schools in Iran. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of health promotion school (HPS) project on community sanitary behavior of elementary school girls in Karaj 3rd educational zone. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on 378 elementary school girls of Karaj 3rd educational zone. The researcher designed questionnaire was used to measure efficacy of the variables used in the study. The professionals approved content validity of the questionnaire. Reliability of the questionnaire estimated based on the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (%91). Data were analyzed by SPSS using independent-T test statistic. The significance level of probability was 0. 05. Results: The results were significantly different between HPS and non-HPS for the community sanitary variables. The variables include environmental sanitary, clinical services, case finding, sanitary education and school safety (p<0. 01). However, significant difference was not observed between HPS vs. non-HPS in terms of parental involvement, teamwork behavior and interactive communication and student participation. Conclusion: The results showed successful HPS in much of the studied variables of the community sanitary behavior. Therefore, it is suggested to run this project in all schools.

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Musculoskeletal disorders are one of the common causes of occupational injury and disability among various occupations. Hairdresser in their careers faces many harmful factors, including musculoskeletal disorders, especially in the neck, waist and shoulder areas. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of individual and occupational risk factors on the prevalence and consequence of musculoskeletal disorders in female hairdressers in Qazvin with a structural equation modeling approach. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 153 participants were recruited from Qazvin female hairdressers. The structural equation modeling in LISREL software (version 8. 8) was used to determine the effect of risk factors on the prevalence and consequence of musculoskeletal disorders, Results: Based on modeling results, age, body mass index, weight and work experience showed a positive relationship. On the other hand, work ability index showed negative relationship with musculoskeletal pain and its consequences. Demographic and occupational variables are main predictor of (82%) of musculoskeletal disorders, absence from work and visiting a doctor among female hairdressers. Conclusion: Considering that more than half of the hairdressers are suffering from neck and waist discomfort and about one-third of them suffering from shoulder discomfort, so modifying their work situation are necessary. 82% of the pressure on the limbs can be reduced by reducing the retirement age, maintaining proper weight, and increasing the ability to do work. The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders, visits to the doctor, and the absence from work can be reduced.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Armoun a. | SATTARI S. | Namvar Y.


Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: Today, in educational organizations, especially universities, the development of knowledge sharing culture is one of the most important factors for success in achieving organizational goals. This research was conducted with the aim of identifying and explaining the factors affecting knowledge sharing among faculty members of the Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This qualitative study was of exploratory type. Sampling framework was all faculty members of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. Fourtheen of who were selected in a targeted way. Subjects included 14 deputies, educational managers and key experts who had experience in management or studies in this field. Research Data were collected through semi-structured deep interviews and continued until information saturation. Data analysis was performed by qualitative content analysis method based on open and axial coding. Results: According to the findings of this study, the main factors affecting knowledge sharing are six factors: individual-humanistic (eight components), organizational-institutional (nine components), cultural (six components), technological (five components) and leadershipmanagement (six components). These are the most frequent and more important factors in sharing knowledge than other factors. Conclusion: The results indicate that the individual and organizational factors of the university have the most impact on knowledge sharing in Ardabil University of Medical Sciences. This finding suggests the need to pay more attention to individual and organizational factors during the development of knowledge culture among faculty members in the university.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Journal of Health

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Background & objectives: A high percentage of musculoskeletal injuries are usually related to the lack of physical fitness. The most important performance of hand when doing work is grip strength and force in manual works. Work ability is a complex concept that can be assessed using the Work Ability Index (WAI) questionnaire. Because of the importance of making a balance between grip strength and work ability, the authors attempted to evaluate the relationship between grip strength and WAI. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out among 120 kitchen workers. For the measurement of grip strength, pinch strength and WAI, by dynamometer, pinch gage and Iranian version of WAI have respectively been used. Data analysis was carried out by using SPSS 20. It is noteworthy to mention that p<0. 05 was considered significant. Results: in this study, maximum and minimum data for grip, pinch and WAI obtained 55 and 22 kg. f, 14 and 6 kgf, 49 and 27, respectively. Spearman's test showed no significant relationship between the WAI and pinch strength. However, the relationship between WAI and grip strength, was significant and direct (p<0. 05). Conclusion: In workplaces where grip strength is required, workers, weaknesses and their early withdrawal can be prevented by increasing WAI. It would consequently result in the reduction of the related diseases, lead to an increase in efficiency, and thus promote the health of the country's workers.

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