Study skills are well known as an educational improvement factors. Hence, this study aimed to determine students’ study skills in Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. The research population of this descriptive and cross-sectional study was the students of various disciplines at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences. Sample size was calculated 268 members that were categorized through random method. Moreover, data gathering tool was Congos study skill questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean and frequency), Pearson Correlation analysis, independent t, and ANOVA tests. Accordingly, the mean score of students' study skill was 2. 34± 0. 4. The results’ finding indicated that 16% of research population's skills assessed poor, 78. 4% moderate and 5. 6% good. There was a positive and significant medium association between mean score of study skills and their educational performance score (P< 0. 001, r= 0. 31). Students with different gender, marital status, education level and accommodation also showed significant difference in some study skills, although such differences were not observed in study sample with different employment status and age group. The study skills status was estimated moderate at that University. Considering study skills' importance in students’ performance and their educational progress, therefore, the administers priority is to notice specific planning to improve students' skills and study methods among students.