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21st century Faced with the huge flow century of competition in national and international markets, lifestyle changes, the emergence of new issues in the field of social and political and also incidence environmental issues. That all these, forcing organizations to sensitive in contrast the world of turbulent, complex and threatening their environment and show a remarkable response. More than any other time, organizations must prepare system to anticipate emerging issues also active and effective response to these issues. Also handling of innovation, need to learn more and faster of the nature of the current environment and the future in front. Among the various techniques to accomplish these purpose. Environmental scanning techniques can be cited. Environmental scanning Provide context expression capabilities of the organization and opportunities, resources, interactions and other conditions and the areas of survival and innovation for the organization. According to opinion of some experts, environmental scanning is main issue for senior executives in many today, s organizations. Golas of environmental scanning system generally includes targets for follow-up events and scientific, technical, economic, social and political trends that these are important for organizations to determine the opportunities and threats that each of these bring to trends the organization

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The concept of "malignant issues" has been used since the 1970s in the literature on social sciences, economics, and management, and has grown widely since then. Some of the major issues of public policy in Iran are more or less similar to malignant issues. Issues such as the environment and water, the banking system, the tax system, the status of retirement funds and withdrawal from the recession have somewhat similarities to malignant issues. Literature and knowledge produced on malignant matters can help improve our understanding of public policy in this field. A simple database search reveals that there are a handful of fingers of malignant issues in Persian, and the main books and articles in this field are not translated into Persian.

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Since the city is a dynamic complex system and it has many uncertainties, can not be expected to schedule for that only by rational approach and based on linear processes. This study used a system analysis with an emphasis on the need to identify the factors influencing the system, seek to understand and extract the structure of the system for development planning at the neighborhood level. In terms of methodology, the study of cognitive research. Data, including library data and documents and data related to the perception of residents and decision-makers. Using cross-impact analysis on the basis of important factors and uncertainties, examined the association of these factors with the development of the neighborhood. The results showed that, among the 30 factors examined, four trans-local roles and functions of Sanglaj and lack of incentives for burnout section's repairment, insecurity and lack of space for community recreation and social services for spending leisure time of residents have the highest impact and effectiveness on the system. These factors form the main axes of development scenarios neighborhood Sanglaj form. The authors of this article believe that the process outlined in this study a high degree of realism, responsiveness and flexibility compared to the current process of strategic planning on offering alternatives subjective and without considering the context and the key factors affecting structures and guidess impact on the environment is planned.

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Achieving good governance in the country is one of the important purposes in societies and for governments around the world. To do this, they need to allocate resources to diverse goals effectively and efficiently. Since the budgeting system is the main means for allocating the resources to policies and plans in every country, its importance is undeniable for good governance. In this study, we are seeking to identify and describe the components of a policy making in Good Budgeting system for our country by which we meet good governance in our country. To meet this goal, we adopt a qualitative method called Theme Analysis by which we analyze data from three sources: the literature review, interview with experts, and comparative study budgeting system of selected countries. The result of our study is a good budgeting system that components in form of 8 categories and 61 related themes, That is followed.

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Banking crises is a widespread phenomenon in developed and developing countries. In this paper, a specific definition of banking crises is provided and accordingly it is shown how prevalent is systemic banking crises across the world. Then, the paper reviews short run and long run policies for confronting banking crises including Suspension of convertibility, Deposit freeze and/or bank holidays, Regulatory capital forbearance, Government guarantee of depositors, Liquidity support, recapitalization and bank restructuring. Subsequently it describes trade-offs between different approaches and reminds conditions for being effective. It is argued that for the containment of crises and resolution of crises, different sets of policies should be adapted. The role of introducing foreign bank to contain and restructure of banking sector is discussed. Finally it is argued that recently fiscal policy in addition to monetary policy has played an important role in crisis resolution as an effective policy tool. Last section concludes.

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Infrastructure supply is one of the most important concerns of managers and programmers in countries in many parts of the world, especially in the field of water supply that is determined as a main limiting factor for development due to severe shortages in various parts of Resources, Energy and funding. Today, water supply for various parts is the most basic challenges ahead in Iran. Accordingly, water transport from other regions and implementation of the projects is one of the solutions along with the nonstructural activities. These projects consume a huge part of the national budgets. Now, Mashhad plain has faced to serious challenges in surface and ground water resources besides population growing and water contamination. In this research, challenges and opportunities of Mashhad water supply projects are investigated and a consistent method for assessing the risk is presented. Therefore, it is perused risk factors in Mashhad water supply projects in the first part of this article, based on brainstorming, and the average of risk is calculated for each option. Results show, although Hezar Masjed project has the lowest risk, waste water transfer to the east of the plain for replacing with agricultural water has the lowst possibility domain of risk. In fact, Results say using a range of risk areas to prioritize options (managerial decisions) can be more helpful. The paper also re-prioritizes various options of water supply based on the parameters of the project cost, the volume of water for each project; risk factor and water are recycled index.

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This paper proposes a new notion for power. The Rarest power sources that can be hidden behind political messages. There are different puzzles of power in terms of political actors. In the unsorted Rubik of power the representative sides are Showed as individuals or organizations that have the power arrangement. The Rubik levels from the perspective of this research are: 1. Government offices and security forces and Army troops 2. 3. Lay out of the subsidiary organizations and the judiciary, including Justice and Attorney 4. Parliament as a representative of the Supreme Leader Amamjmh 5. 6. 7. governors as torque or driven Rubik's people. Therefore, this study answers the question that political connections cast as power levels, how ideas form the Rubik's Cube? on another level where it is and complicated equations. Distinguishing feature of this idea for the space and power of adding depth to its communication, rotation level homes as assets and trade-offs between power levels in line asked.

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Todays, society and states no longer accept following trends of globalization because of its contradictions. In fact, exacerbating challenges such as extension of poverty, underdevelopment, crime, environmental pollution, ethnic and religious conflict in different regions of the world, role of local actors especially cities alongside other nongovernmental actors have been considered seriously both in terms of place of administrative activities and hidden inner potentials of institutions and civil society associations in them. The new approach called "glocalization" has been proposed. It is a compound approach of two phenomena of localization and globalization in which local actors can play an effective and important role against regional and global challenges such as conflict prevention and management, peace negotiations initiation, efforts for sustainable development promotion and poverty reduction, convergence increasing between ethnicity and nations and environmental crises solving in regional and global scale. This study in analytical-descriptive method and according to reliable sources seeks to answer the question of what factors and grounds are needed by local actors to play their roles and what are the economic, social and political effects and consequences of glocalization? . Results of this study indicated this approach will have an important role to make more inclusive and integrated development, peace and security and develop more stable economic and political environment at the world, if administrative requirements of the approach including traditional diplomacy reforms, focusing on cultural issues, urban governance, democracy and civil society, resource management and financial mechanisms are considered.

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Regionalization-globalization link has been investigated by thinkers in recent years. Central Asia is among regions which have regional-integration potential. Collapsing USSR and independence of Central-Asia countries could be imagined as a new era subjecting them to globalizing processes. Meanwhile, Iran has accessed appropriate opportunity to develop her relationships with Central-Asia countries. The article aims to study potentials of Iran and the countries in the deepening of their relations under the regional international society. Main question is how Iran and Central Asian could constitute a regional international society. It is assumed that they could constitute the society based on their historical integrations and increasing functional relationships. It seems that English School theory could be explaining in the case examined here. According to the theory, there are contrasting views of how an international society comes into being. Wight believes that an international society ‘ will not come into being without a degree of cultural unity among its members. ’ On the other hand, Bull assumes ‘ a minimal desire for order’ is a basic requirement for international society. Lastly, regarding the cultural-historical relations between Iran and Central-Asia countries in one hand, and their increasing functional-economic interactions on the other hand, there are some grounds forming a regional international society.

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Although ethnic issues and the right of independence – advocacy by secessionist groups is usually said to be an outcome of globalization in third world countries, still the activated identity splits in developed nations has turned secessionism into an international issue to an extent that one might speak of the globalization of secessionism. Two centrifugal tendencies in the regional analysis level (divergence in the European Union) as well as national level (independence – advocacy within members of the European Union) have preoccupied minds of politicians, researchers and experts in recent years. Through bringing up the question on what are the driving forces and main causes of identity cleavages activation in Europe, and by a comparative study of two separatist tendencies in Scotland and Catalonia in Spain and adapting to the rational calculation theory, the authors tried to analyze the hypothesis that economic constraints stemming from financial and economic crisis in the West is the main cause of identity splits activation, ethnic mobilization, and politicization of ethnic attachments as well as divergence tendencies in Europe. The data gathered on the two case studies confirms the key point that in both regions, economic situation and indexes are in a much better shape than in other regions in Britain and Spain. Accordingly, despite and at the contrary to what many secessionisms – related theories emphasize on, the emergence of separatist tendencies in those regions has not been a result of their poverty and exclusion compared to other regions

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London’ s failure to meet the goals of foreign policy within the European Concert on the one side and revising the cooperative approaches with great powers due to dependency of the League of Nations and reduction of British imperialist power and plunging into moderate power on the other side has led to fluctuation of Britain’ s voting behavior in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). In fact, desisting from idealism and plummeting of its level and quality of representation in the SC during the cold war and pragmatist orientation in the new international order motivate the author to analyze the UK’ s voting behavior in the UNSC. The main hypothesis for the above question is that Britain tries to survive the national interests at different levels based on maximalist activism and international management. In other word, the synthesis of liberal internationalism and Europeanism are the main sources of British voting behavior in the SC. The current paper will analytically-comparatively test the hypothesis according to the theory of collective security and responsibility.

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More than 100 years have passed since the discovery of oil in Iran. Although this industry has a decisive role in the country's economy, Iran has never been among the technology developers of world's oil industry. Also, after all these years Iran couldn’ t stablish the ability to develop and commercialize new and applied technologies in oil and gas sector. Comparative study, emploeyed in this research, is one of the methods to understand weaknesses to achieve technogical capablities. So, in this article, by applying historical and analytical approach we try to study the technological development processes of Iran and Norway oil industries. Paying attention to subjects such as: exploit the existing potential of the industries at the birth of the oil industry, the role and policies of the government in creating effective institutional mechanisms in oil industry, building technological absorption capacities, research and development in oil industry, creating knowledge through oil contractor companies, technology transfer and development through manufacturing in oil industry within the framowrk of a comparative study of these two countries, some recommnedations will be offered to improve and facilitate the technological development of the oil industry in Iran and to enhance the competitive advantage.

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Abstract: The Persian Language is the official language of Islamic Republic of Iran. It is also one of major elements of Iranian culture. The Persian language is facing many challenges during modern world. The lack of distribution of new words which were made by National Academy of Persian Language and Literature among the ordinary peoples is main challenge. The writing skills also are depleted among Iran’ s young generation. During recent decades, Persian Academy and Sa’ adi Foundation were established. The main goal of these institutions refers to remove such problems and to enhance new strategies for expansion of Persian language in West Asia and all of the world. Still weaknesses and problems exist. This article is going to propose few policy recommendations to decision makers to remove problems and encourage peoples to be familiar more with pure Persian language advantages.

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توسعه صنعت نفت و نقش آن در پیشرفت ایران یکی از مهمترین پرسشهایی است که شاید بیشتر از پاسخ آن، نحوه تحقق آن مورد سوال است. این مقاله به دنبال بررسی بخش بالادستی صنعت نفت و چالشها و آسیبهای توسعه این بخش از صنعت است. در این مقاله سه هدف برای صنعت بالادستی نفت معرفی شده است: نفت به عنوان موتور محرکه پیشرفت، ایجاد شرکتهای نفتی بین المللی، تولید نفت و گاز به ویژه از میادین مشترک. ظرفیتهای کشور برای تحقق این اهداف در چهار دسته توانمندی های درون شرکتی شرکتهای داخلی، زیرساختهای قانونی و سیاستگذاری، ظرفیتهای تعامل با شرکتهای خارجی و ظرفیتهای حقوقی قراردادی معرفی شده اند. چالش موجود برای تحقق اهداف فوق عبارتند از چالشهای مرتبط با برنامه ریزی، چالشهای مرتبط با ساختار حاکمیتی، توانمندی شرکتهای داخلی، سرمایه انسانی و تحریمها و تعامل با شرکتهای خارجی. پیشنهادهای سیاستی نیز در در هشت دسته پیشنهادهای ساختاری، پیشنهاد برنامه جامع، شناخت و بررسی توانمندی های داخلی، تعامل با شرکتهای خارجی، تعامل با شرکتهای داخلی، زیرساختها، توصیه های کلی و توجه به سایر حوزه ها تبیین شده است.

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The article argues the strategic importance of oil resources has faded in each internal or global scope and as result oil is not as important commodity as it was before. The increment in resistance of both national and world economy to the volatility of Iran’ s oil supply indicates it is not such important either to Iran or to the world anymore. Another change is the upward risk of unprecedented plunge in oil demand, a risk which is always sensed in recent years. The worry about supply security has been declined while of demand security raised. The concept of peak oil is reviewed in this vein and a theory to a paradigm shift is proposed; a shift from the idea of supply peak to demand peak. As consequences of the changes the oil leverage as a tool in pursuing political will has been handed over from suppliers to the consumers. Moreover, economic security and future oil market have been challenged in long term. Yet, on the other hand, nations with cheap oil resources are gifted by an extra competitive advantage. The article gives policy recommendations to Iran over the new status.

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Energy is one of the country developing key factors. Determining appropriate strategies and accomplishment them in all related domains of energy utilization are facilitating elements for national sustainable development. Transportation as the final energy consumer is categorized in this study field. It is essential to find national policies for improving the basket of energy career in transpiration sector, as a dominant energy consuming sector around the country. It seems that tools and techniques of modern policy making can be fruitful in this aspect in order to provide suitable conditions for sustainable development. This article is going to analyze macro policy making in this sector as well as the correlation of energy used in transportation sector in one side and sustainable development in another side. Technical and financial evaluations including environmental analysis in the overview of desired and endurable development are essentially required and must be rousted by strategic planning and managerial arts.

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پیرحیاتی علی

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در آستان هی بیست و پنجمین سال ظهور کشورهای مستقل به جا مانده از اتحاد شوروی سابق نشست یک روزه با عنوان «تاسیس کشورهای مستقل مشترک المنافع از دیدگاه نمایندگان ایران در این کشورها » در مرکز بررس یهای استراتژیک ریاست جمهوری برگزار شد. در این نشست دلایل سراشیبی تند بخ شهای مختلف در اتحاد شوروی شناسایی و نیروهای پیشران در روند واگرایی واحدهای سیاسی و قومی برای جدا شدن از شوروی تبیین شد. در پایان نشست همچنین برای سیاس تگذاری مطلوب برای روابط ایران و کشورهای آسیای مرکزی و قفقاز پیشنهاداتی ارائه شد. مدیریت این نشست بر عهده عباس ملکی بود.

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