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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this study was to investigate multimedia presentation of philosophy for children and its effect on the thinking faculty of the sixth grade elementary students in Javanroud town. To achieve the research aim, quasi-experimental method using the pre-test and post-test design between experimental and control group was used. The statistical population included all the six grade elementary school students in Javanroud town studying in the school year of 2014-2015. The statistical sample was selected via available sampling. Thus, one school was selected which was equipped with the necessary facilities for Multimedia Teaching and two classes of six grade students in this school were chosen as experimental and control groups. The tool used in this study were researcher made questionnaire, the content and face validity of which were verified by professionals, and the reliability of which was measured through Cronbach’s Coefficient Alpha which was 0.82. Both groups were given a pre-test, and at the end of the course a post-test was performed. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics including covariance analysis and Independent t-tests.The findings showed that multimedia presentation of philosophy for children is effective on improving the thinking faculty and its components (problem solving, critical thinking and creative thinking).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main objective of this study was to measure the effect of variables associated with critical thinking in educational system of Iran. The study was a meta-analysis. To find and collect all research reports, internal databases were used. Sample case studies included 15 studies conducted from 1378 to 1394 across Iran that included 4625 participants. The collected data from the 15 studies using Pearson's correlation coefficient's size effects mode were gone under meta-analysis. All statistical analyses were performed using the second edition. Of a comprehensive meta-analysis. Results showed that the mean of the general size effect for fixed effects model is equivalent to 0.517 and for the random effects model is equivalent to 0.521. Both of which are meaningful in 0.001 level. Therefore, the mean size effect for this study (0.517) can be interpreted as the moderate size effect to high critical thinking. Of hard work, educational achievement, happiness, self-regulation, creativity, motivation for imrovement, argument maps, self-efficacy beliefs, cognitive approaches, rethinking in the practice, problem solving skills, evaluation, thinking styles, personality traits, and the quality of teaching exist with critical thinking of meaningful size effect.

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The main goal of the present study was to identify elements of philosophical thought in the National Curriculum document. The current study had practical objective and was based on content analysis. Statistical population was the National Curriculum Document of the I.R. of Iran and the Section of Detailed objectives in Fifth mapping of document. Recording unit was Sentence and the data collection tool, was Checklist whose validity was determined over 86% through the content validity and its reliability by a factor of William Scott agreement. For data analysis, descriptive statistics and to ensure greater results, the Shannon entropy methods were used. The results indicated relative attention of the document, but unevenly in different parts of the elements of philosophical thought. "Curiosity" component record with 69 units equivalent to 26% and factor importance of 0.244 has the highest frequency and is of utmost importance. The element of the "unity of personality" with 9 units equivalent to 3% and factor importance of 0.024 has little been paid attention. Other components in order of frequency and importance are: "Interest in human values" with 52 units equivalent to 19% and importance factor of 0.202; "Comprehensiveness" with 41 units equivalent to 15% and factor importance of 0.157; "Contemplation" with 38 units equivalent to 14% and factor importance of 0.156; "Independence opinion" with 31 units equivalent to 11% and factor importance of 0.079; "Innovativeness" with 18 units equivalent to 7% and factor importance of 0.072 and "flexibility" with 13 units equivalent to 5% and factor importance of 0.024.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main aim of this study has been an analysis of the approach on Philosophy for Children (P4C) in comparison with other common approaches in moral education. To this effect, according to different aspects of human beings, the approaches in moral education were divided into approaches based upon belief, emotion, will and behavior, where the most important theories for each of them were explained briefly; the value clarification theory and Piaget-Kohlberg 's moral development theory under belief-based approach, Gilligan 's caring theory under emotion-based approach, the traditional Aristotelian theory under will-based approach and Skinner' s behavioral theory under behavior-based approach were briefly explained, then the advantages and disadvantages of each, especially their criticisms from the perspective of Philosophy for Children, were discussed. Afterwards, we have attempted to offer a comparative study to show what similarities and distinctions exist between existing competing theories and Philosophy for Children 's approach in moral philosophy, which briefly has been called “the Community of Ethical Inquiry”. Therefore, “the Community of Ethical Inquiry” is different from all approaches and theories in moral education and the founders of the program consciously attempted to provide a theory of moral education that also covers all aspects of human beings, embrace all benefits of competing theories, and prevent their deficiencies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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tendencies to critical thinking, creativity and innovation are among significant challenges of third millennium schools which pave the way for development and promotion of students in their educational and vocational successes. The present research studies the effect of school social climate on critical thinking, creativity and innovation among third-grade female students of high school through describing the schools in two states of open and closed social status. The method of this research is of causal-comparative type. Statistical population of the research consist of all third-grade female students of second period of Tabriz high schools in the school of 2013-2014, of whom 365 students were selected using multistage cluster random sampling method. Social climate questionnaires of Halpin and Kraft, critical thinking of Ricketts, creativity of Abedi, and innovation of Koolze and Vanden Brooke were used for collecting data. Questionnaires validity has been reported using Cronbach’s alpha. Multivariate variance analysis test (MANOVA) was used for analyzing data. Results showed that there was a significant difference between open and closed social climates based on components of tendency to critical thinking, creativity and innovation, of which schools open social climate had the most effect on the tendency to creativity of female students.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This research aimed at preparing, accrediting, and ranking the indexes of children philosophy teachers (CPT) which include personality and professional indexes. To achieve this goal, we have used Delphi method and documentary analytic methods. In the first stage, i.e. the library research, samples include books, magazines, dissertations, and related websites with the subject of teaching philosophy to children. This research also includes interviews with experts of teaching philosophy to children throughout the country in the next stage, i.e. the field research. The tool for collecting data in this research have been taking notes in the library research. It also includes semi-structured interview forms in the field research. To analyze data in the library research, the method of analyzing concepts was used while statistical-descriptive methods (tables, mean, percentage, standard deviation, etc.) and inferential statistics (T-test and Friedman test) were used in the second stage, i.e. the field research. The research findings of the library study include 19 personality indexes and 30 professional indexes for the children philosophy teachers (CPT). In the field research, all experts have confirmed the collected indexes. They believed that among personality indexes,, spiritual dispositions for teaching, liberality, being eager for discussion and doing research and the skill of active listening have priority, while among the professional indexes, dedicating appropriate time for participation of each student, being curious about the meaning of the children's expressions, and being interested in philosophy are of utmost importance. The indexes related to the personality indexes were given higher priority compared to the indexes of professional indexes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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