Background and Aim: Health and finding a comprehensive approach to it with an anthropological view are the serious problems of health domain activities in the history of medical sciences. After Renaissance and appearance of thoughts with modern weltanschauungs and empirical approaches, the reality of human being is reduced to the body and its physical dimensions. With these foundations, every medical and health intervention fenced to the bodily aspects. Islamic world-view believes that the reality of man is combined with both soul and body which there is an interrelation between them; so every intervention in the body of man needs considering of these two aspects. This article explains some of the Islamic teachings that effect on the meaning, interpretation of health and cure process and, in the foundations of relationship between curer and their patients.Materials and Methods: This article's method is an analytical one and its approach is semantically and, theoretical foundations of the relationship between statements are intra-religious. Islamic statements (Quran& Hadith) that relate to the subject have been analyzed and their relationship with physical and divine aspects of man and meaning of health and cure process elaborated.Findings: Based on the content of Islamic teachings, we conclude that: (a) Man is a two dimensions existent and its existence depends on his soul, thus, his body is not, but a means. This fundamental belief can help the curers to make true decisions and intervene into the process of cure. (b) Revelatory teachings declare that a holistic approach to the various human beings' needs is necessary. Therefore, forgetting human being's divine aspect to the process of health can be a lead to wrong decisions. (c) The process of cure must not be to construct of one aspect and ruin of one another; and finally, the view of health and cure would be comprehensive and correspond to the reality of man if the curers' approach to the man is divine. This process can make a positive and meaningful attitude to the curers' life, especially their job actives.Conclusion: Any efforts and struggles for the welfare of patients without considering of man's reality, especially in the situation that cure interventions near to the center of man's existence, can be destructive and defective. A comprehensive health can be achieved only with considering of two dimensions of man's reality.Therefore, it is essential to have earnest planning to include holistic religious view in the efforts of health care (service) providers.