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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Health and finding a comprehensive approach to it with an anthropological view are the serious problems of health domain activities in the history of medical sciences. After Renaissance and appearance of thoughts with modern weltanschauungs and empirical approaches, the reality of human being is reduced to the body and its physical dimensions. With these foundations, every medical and health intervention fenced to the bodily aspects. Islamic world-view believes that the reality of man is combined with both soul and body which there is an interrelation between them; so every intervention in the body of man needs considering of these two aspects. This article explains some of the Islamic teachings that effect on the meaning, interpretation of health and cure process and, in the foundations of relationship between curer and their patients.Materials and Methods: This article's method is an analytical one and its approach is semantically and, theoretical foundations of the relationship between statements are intra-religious. Islamic statements (Quran& Hadith) that relate to the subject have been analyzed and their relationship with physical and divine aspects of man and meaning of health and cure process elaborated.Findings: Based on the content of Islamic teachings, we conclude that: (a) Man is a two dimensions existent and its existence depends on his soul, thus, his body is not, but a means. This fundamental belief can help the curers to make true decisions and intervene into the process of cure. (b) Revelatory teachings declare that a holistic approach to the various human beings' needs is necessary. Therefore, forgetting human being's divine aspect to the process of health can be a lead to wrong decisions. (c) The process of cure must not be to construct of one aspect and ruin of one another; and finally, the view of health and cure would be comprehensive and correspond to the reality of man if the curers' approach to the man is divine. This process can make a positive and meaningful attitude to the curers' life, especially their job actives.Conclusion: Any efforts and struggles for the welfare of patients without considering of man's reality, especially in the situation that cure interventions near to the center of man's existence, can be destructive and defective. A comprehensive health can be achieved only with considering of two dimensions of man's reality.Therefore, it is essential to have earnest planning to include holistic religious view in the efforts of health care (service) providers.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: There is a need in different spheres of social justice in Islam for theoretical literature applicable to policy making. Principles of social justice are the foundation on which the construct of social justice is based. The influential principles of social justice fall into two categories: principles with direct and specific influence and principles with indirect and general influence. In this paper, the role of will power and moral justice among principles of anthropology, as related to social justice, are discussed.Materials and Methods: To this end, drawing upon Koranic verses and hadith, a descriptive-analytic approach was adopted.Findings: Results of analysis reiterates the idea that Free will is the prerogative bestowed on human beings.Human beings, by nature, seek justice and change and out of own determination stand by justice. Regarding moral justice, human being deserves justice and must be signified with this quality. In the social realm, only those who already enjoy the quality of justice can discuss issues pertaining justice and ways of its promotion for it is an undeniable fact that if a quality does not exist in someone, they cannot carry it over to others.Conclusion: It can be concluded that Free will (freedom of human beings) and liberty (moral justice) are the two specificanthropological principles of social justice and from an Islamic perspective man’s freedom is to be interpreted in light of the relationship between man and God. From this point of view, freedom comes in degrees: one degree of freedom is man’ choice to befree; another degree of freedom has to do with nonexistence of setbacks and being in the right conditions. Still another degree of freedom which is over and above the other two is a value whose attainment leads to man’s self-realization. All three degrees need to be seen within the boundaries of religion (shariah) as human being’s freedom is along accepting God’s guardianship. The first two types of freedom have instrumental value but the third one, though a value in it self, is the highest rank and a social virtue.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: This study examined the relationship of strategies human resources with professional ethics among staff of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences.Materials and Methods: this study was correctional research. To this end, 315 employees were selected as a sample from 1750 staff of Medical Sciences in university of Mazandaran by random sampling method and Cochran formula. Data was collected by human resources strategy research-made questionnaire and Oregon& Kavinsky professional ethics questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS software, Pearson correlation and Regression.Findings: The finding showed that the performance management, compensation and labor relations strategy had relationship with professional ethics while the procurement, training and development strategy had not relationship with professional ethics. As well as 33 per cent influence on professional ethics by human resource strategies explained.Conclusion: Given that performance management, compensation and labor strategies was related with professional ethics and it is an appropriate predictors for professional ethics so to enhance professional ethics recommended apply people based on the abilities needed in their jobs and expertise, activate education, development scientific and technical and circulation systems and offer bonuses to revive the team. All feedbacks is associated with the development of skills and organizational culture change to ensure a constructive function in the organizational structure.

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Bioethics Journal

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The environment and climate ruling learning has a significant role in the process and quality of teaching.Medical ethics is a structured system toward presenting appropriate solutions for solving ethical problems in Medical Sciences and dentistry as one of the branches of medical sciences is not excluded from this rule.Peoples’commitment to professional ethics and making decisions according to ethical framework which places priority on apatient’s health, are among the responsibilities of a professional person; however, according to the existing evidences, still there are some problems in this regard.The aim of the present study is to examine the extent of ethical skills of students of School of Dentistry of Shahed University by using Moral Skill Inventory in academic year of 2014– 2015. Research method of this study is a cross-section-analytical method and statistical population of this study is consisted of all the students who have entered School of Dentistry of Shahed University during the time frame of 2009 to 2013.For data collection, questionnaires with close-end structured questions were used and for data analysis SPSS20 statistical software was used. Research findings indicated thatstudents’ general perception from four ethical dimensions (moral sensitivity, moral reasoning, moral integrity and moral courage) have a lower level than the ideal level and among them, emotional sensitivity has a better level comparing to other dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: In order to investigate the accuracy of sport researches conducted by physical education experts in Iran, especially North-West states, this study aimed at determining the status of the research ethics compliance in academic members of physical education and sport sciences faculties in State Universities of Northwest of Iran.Materials and Methods: 41 academic members of physical education and sport sciences faculties’voluntarily filled out theSheikhalizadeh’s modified research ethics questionnaire (2013). One Sample t test, independent t test and ANOVA were used to analyze the data.Statistical analysis of data indicated that academic members of physical education consider research ethics in above average (t=3.268, sig=0.002).Findings: Also academic members of physical education consider component of the individual characteristics, sponsors and associates, other researchers, research subjects and data gathering and analysis in above average and component of the report of results in average and research topic and attention to the needs of society indices in below average.Conclusion: It could be generally concluded that in this research physical education academic members pay attention to the research ethics in the field of physical education and sport sciences and consider the frameworks in above average level.

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Islamic Work Ethics is an important Factor for trend toward Job, and Job as a virtue in Human life.The aim of this research is evaluation of effect of relationship between Islamic work ethics and organizational commitment of public sector accountants parcititioner in Fars and Kohkiloye va boyer ahmad medicine science university.Materials and Methods: The research sample included 270 public sector accountants of Medical Sciences University. In order to measure the variables questionnaire was used. We used Pearson Correlation Coefficient andSpearman Correlation Coefficient to analyze research data.Ethical Considerations: Whereas that the questionnaire was used to collect data, personal information was retained.Findings: One main hypothesis and three sub hypothesis are presented for testing relationship between Islamic work ethics and organizational commitment are used in order to perform this test. Statistical society for this research are common section accountants. Based on the results obtaind none of the preposed hypothesis relationship between Islamic work ethics and organizational commitment of common section accountants confirmed. This research showed that Islamic work ethics has no effect on the organizational commitment and its dimensions (except effect positive Islamic work ethics on normative commitment in Fars medicine science university) in Fars and Kohkiloye va boyer ahmad medicine science university.Conclusion: According to the results of the study should provide efficient management system and Universities must be more attention to active, talented, skilled, innovative and creative public sector accountants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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State crime, the organized behavior of a country's government towards reversal or ignorance of citizens' rights, is one of the concepts receiving little attention in the criminology literature. One of the reasons related to this problem is the definition of crime by every country's government - accused of committing state crime.Explaining this concept by using the principles of the Bioethics is helpful because the principles are common and general and applicable to all people and all communities regardless of race, nationality, religion etc.therefore, the aim of article is use to principals justice, satisfaction, not harmful, and respect as four principals of the most important Bioethics principals to explain the state crime. This article is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in terms of data nature and used methodology is descriptive-analytical. We conclude that state crime - in all types committed - occurs following the reverse of one or more aforementioned principles.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bioethics Journal

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Background and Aim: Consumer rights protection against industrial goods is important, so that in modern law is considered a heavy burden for producers. However, the legislature defined the first time the term of "consumer" in 1382 and then in 1388 Hijri. With the first generation of GM crops in the decade of 1380, the need for further legislation was needed in this field and so, the legislator has formulated a "Biosafety Act" at the end of this decade.Materials and Methods: This article mentions comparative bio-safety law with EU regulations Europe, to reflect shortcomings and gaps in biosafety law on the rights of consumers of GM crops.Findings: Although the "Biosafety Act" has been written on the model of rules the day, but there are shortages in it, compared with the laws and regulations of European Union. Therefore, since the last two decades of this law, and rapid developments biotech field, in particular, further production and commercialization of GM crops, it is necessary to redouble its reform.Conclusion: Unlike European Union (EU) regulations, Iran Biosafety Act does not define defective GM crops, and it does not clarify the compensation system and how compensation is provided, and therefore consumer rights couldnot be properly protected.

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