Objective: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is recognized as one of the most critical health issues and leading causes of death worldwide. This disease is associated with macro-vascular and micro-vascular complications. The prevention of DM and its complications is always essential. In recent years, due to the known biological properties of some foods, the tendency to consume these foods has increased. This narrative review showed the effect of cinnamon, ginseng, thyme, sesame oil, fenugreek, saffron, aloe vera, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and green tea on improving insulin sensitivity, reducing blood sugar, blood lipid, and blood pressure, and regulating metabolism. Therefore, it is suggested that these nutraceuticals could be considered in the special food formulation of diabetic patients. It seems that the anti-diabetic properties of nutraceutical interest of diabetic persons specify their potential role in improving insulin sensitivity, lowering blood sugar, blood lipid, and blood pressure, and regulating metabolism.