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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The difference between Habermas and other positivism critiques lies in his belief of unfinished modernity, which occupies a particular position in most of his theoretical views. There exists an obvious andhidden quarrel between some elements and fundamental beliefs of logical positivism paradigm and Habermase’s system of theories and his general concepts of sociology that finally clears his position toward this paradigm. Habermas distinguishes the logical positivism as a product of modernizing society in its capitalistic dimension. He tries to modify the project of enlightenment by discussing the theory of ‘unfinished modernity’ and other theories as well as propounding the dichotomy of rationality which entails instrumental and communicative rationality. In order to do so, he tries to expand Webber’s purposeful rationality. This rationality as Thomas McCarthy, philosopher, commentator and Habermase’s translator to English, says focuses on world patronage in order to make it work for human being. This is the instrumental rationality which is honored by logical positivism and is recruited by capitalism. This rationality entails insanity in Habermase’s view. Habermase’s pathology of instrumental rationality, separates him from Webber and other intellectuals of critical school. He sees the instrumental rationality and its concluding paradigm, logical positivism, as a ‘system’ and declares communicative rationality against it. From now on his path toward completing modernity begins. So, if unfinished modernity was depending on Descartes’ ‘individual intellectual’, the complete modernity is depending on Habermase’s ‘social intellectual’.In this article we try to distinguish the obvious and hidden quarrel between some elements and fundamental beliefs of logical positivism paradigm and Habermase’s system of theories. This situation shows most in his ‘recognition and human interests’ theory. But before Habermas, we look at some Marx and Marxist positions on positivism paradigm. This is executed because the kind of relationship between Marxist attitudes and positivism gets clearer and also Habermase’s ideas as a neo-Marxist which first was dependent on critical school and then stood far from it gets better recognized.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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This study analyzed the effects of watching Domestic television channels (The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) and the dimensions of social capital and its components among youth and some variables that influence the relationship between media consumption such as media, using the theoretical framework of theory and the theory of implant use and satisfaction have been written. In the present study, individuals with a low level of social capital in their domestic TV channels and some variables - such as gender, place of residence, social class and level of students' media consumption, media consumption patterns, levels of trust media and to encourage a sense of community involvement by the mass media, mass media and consumer awareness of the feelings of the preferred media consumption has been associated with cable or satellite television. Based on those results in terms of media consumption patterns, which are the quality of social capital are higher than those of common consumption, are being. The respondent’s subjective study of social capital and subjective than objective social capital enjoys. Regular viewers of television audience of social capital are more expensive. Both objective and subjective factors in social capital, general audiences are consuming the highest average audience. Beta coefficients of the independent variables in the analysis of media influence social capital variables of trusting the media, media consumption, media usage, place of residency, gender, sense of awareness of the media, encouraging a sense of social and political participation by the media and media consumption patterns in order to have the most to least impact on students' social capital.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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Social identity is very crucial for the youth because this stage contains the emergence of independent identity. In this regard, the day by day expansion of computer usage among the youth is an inevitable phenomenon in the world and also in our country. It seems that the extension of information and communication technologies and satellite networks and internet cafés in our region and the development of urbanization are among those phenomena which are critical in changes of attitudes, life styles and values and also changes in identity. This article tries to evaluate and recognize this issue with this assumption that internet affects all dimensions of identity. The research method is survey and the technique was questionnaire distributed among 15 to 29 year old people in Khalkhal city in the size of 364 individuals gained by Cochran’s formula and a cluster sampling method. The analysis of data is executed by appropriate parametric and non-parametric statistical methods. The results show that the amount of internet usage affects the identity dimensions (individual identity, group identity, national identity and familial identity) and does not affect religious identity. The socio-economic base of internet users affects individual identity and familial identity, and the higher the socio-economic base the higher the personal and familial belongings and also the lower the religious and sexual belongings. The internet usage empowers the individual identity and conversely decrease the familial, group and national identity.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (18)
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According to Konig, the family system as a small group that is located between two systems, and there are two basic attitudes about family. This type of attitude is refers to the macro and micro sociological analysis. In this paper, the family as a primary group has been studied by macro and micro survey method. Questionnaires were used Hemphill's group that includes 12 variables, Participation, Cohesion, Satisfaction, Homogamy, Permeability, Independency, Flexibility, Control, Power, Intimacy, Stability in the family(childbearing and their sex), and Stratification. The aim of the study was investigating the role of Hemphill's variables in marriage stability. The Sample volumes selected of married people of Tabriz (N=386). The data were analyzed discriminant method. We found that discriminant function of marriage survival is included these variables: Participation, Coherence, Satisfaction, Homogamy, Independency, power, Intimacy, Stability (childbearing), and Stratification. In other words, these variables can be determining a marriage survival. Thus, the socialization process by attention above variables, in the survival of marriage has an important role.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1858

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (18)
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The purpose of this study is evaluating the viewpoint of Zanjan. Sport and Tourism managers and authorities in the context of Sport Tourism in Zanjan. For this purpose, sport managers and authorities from managers and board sports, tourism managers and experts in physical education that were accredited by the organizations were selected, which were active related to tourism, and were confirmed by mentioned organizations which were confirmed by cultural heritage, handcrafts and tourism, were selected as sample and genuine (N=n). A questionnaire has been used for research, which consists of four parts; Part I (Information) the second part (about the push factors, attention and inhibitory control), third (about attractions, natural and physical pole), fourth (open question), respectively. In this study, validity and reliability as measured by Cronbach's alpha sub-scale factors that pushed the 71%, pulling factor of 79%, inhibiting factors 72% of the holder and the natural attractions and sports hub/89, respectively. After gathering information using software spss17, data were extracted, edited and analyzed through X2 tests statistical. Research results indicated that among the push factors, inhibitors, natural attractions and sports hub of tourism development at national sporting events from the perspective of those involved in sports is related to Zanjan. While the pulling of a significant relationship was observed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2667

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    2 (18)
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According to WHO, Iran has achieved remarkable progresses in health and medicinal services in recent years but it seems that we can’t discuss the balance of health and medicinal services in different provinces of Iran. This article tries to explore the geographical distribution of health and medicinal services (according to the population of provinces) and with the usage of DEA Master Software evaluates the proficiency of this distribution in different provinces. In this process variables such as the inverse death rate of maternal fatality and the inverse death rate of under 5 year old children are considered as input and variables such as population devised by bed, population devised by surplus value, number of physicians and number of medical centers are considered as the output. The research findings show that between 2004 and 2010, Ardabil, Tehran, Khorasan Razavi, Semnan, Kohghilouyeh, Kerman, Gholestan and Yazd provinces had perfect proficiencies and other provinces appeared below the proficiency line. The least amount of proficiency were in Kermanshah, South Khorasan, West Azarbayejan, Zanjan and Sistan and Balouchestan. These results show that these health and medicinal services is not enough for the populations in the later provinces.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (18)
  • Pages: 

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Women empowering has been an important dimension of development in recent decades. Among many programs executed in large parts of the world in order to empower women is micro credits. This program, regarding the different cultural beds, had different outcomes which were not necessarily concerted with the planners’ purposes. Among these, different kinds of traditional micro credits have been spotted in Asia and Middle East. There have also been kinds of traditional micro credits Iran which one of its most prevailing were of interest-free loan funds. In this article, we try to answer the question: can these funds have a role in empowering women? This research is executed by a qualitative method regarding the research subject. Four kinds of unofficial interest-free loan funds were recognized which seemed to have the potency to empowerwomen in social and economic levels.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (18)
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Higher education institutes and universities have an important role in sustainable development and a more colorful role in regional sustainable development. Therefore the evaluation of a university role in sustainable development of a city can help urban management and also help the university planning. This research is executed by a survey method with a researcher-made questionnaire distributed among activists in different economic, social, cultural, urban, cultivating and civil sectors in Islamshahr. The statistical population were estimated about 5000 and a sample of 352 individuals were selected. In order to test the hypotheses a one sample t-test and a Friedman test is used. The research findings show that Islamshahr Islamic Azad University has had a role in this cities’ sustainable development and respondents confirm this universities’ role in environmental, economic and social development with.99 confidence level and also confirmed its role in cultural development with.95 confidence level. According to the ranking of elements there stands social, environmental, economic and cultural dimensions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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