The goal of this study was to identify the effective factors in development of marketing in university sport of I.R. Iran. The study uses a correlatinal design, and, in view of objective, is practical. Study population consisted of 5 groups (230 people), including previous and present executive committee members, administrators of provincial committees, experts and employees of National University Sport Federation, heads and experts of departments of sport administration, and sports directors of higher education universities, including public universities, Islamic Azad University, Payam-e-Noor University, University of Applied Science and Technology, medical science universities, and some faculty members. In regard to limitation of population, sampling method is all-counting. The results showed that the confirmatory factor analysis model has the necessary fitness. The results showed that factors affecting marketing capability of National University Sports Federation of I.R. Iran were, in order of significance: management capability variables, marketing staff, marketing strategy, marketing information system, marketing organization, and branding capability. Also, marketing capability has a positive significant effect on marketing performance of National University Sports Federation. According to the results, it seems that university sport of Iran can disconnect itself from the general state budget by doing marketing activities, and holding regular and high-quality leagues in various sports and attracting sponsors could provide more funds for different parts of Iran university.