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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The purpose of this paper is developing a framework and entrepreneurship vision in sport of Iran from the view point of sport experts. The research is applied in nature and a descriptive_ analytic. Data was collected by interview and a questionnaire that its reliability is obtained with Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient (a=.96) after validity verification (by professors) and finally questionnaire was distributed among the statistical sample (64 subjects out of 79) including top managers of physical education organization, and professors of sport management, entrepreneurship management and strategic management. From descriptive and inferential statistical methods including Kaiser, Bartlett and Factor analysis were used. All analyzed using the SPSS software. Result from data analysis introduces the existing of vision elements, Factor analysis tests are used too (x2=325.799, r£.001, KMO=.821). Findings of this study introduce a vision for entrepreneurship that it's most important factor is employment in sport. Finally vision for entrepreneurship was developed "an entrepreneurship in sport is effective in employment". As a result, the vision for entrepreneurship organizes the sport community and employment that can help to format the entrepreneurship in sport.

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The purpose of this study was to quality of recreational facilities evaluation in Golestan province parks with condition, maintenance and safety dimension based on Gaps model. As a result, a questionnaire (Marlo et al. 2004) was distributed among 180 park users, 21 management and 27 employees. In this way, park users must represent their perception and expectations from park but manager and employees should represent their perceptions from user's expectations. In this study, the numbers of 21 parks were selected among total number of parks in the Golestan province in 15 cities according to Simple random sampling. The Result showed that there were significant differences between perception and expectations of park users in every three dimensions, in the other word, there are gaps between perception and expectations in the users park. On the other hand, there were significant differences between employees and park users only in safety dimension; therefore there was one gap in the safety dimension between employees and park users. There was significant difference between management and park users according to the condition and safety dimensions. In other words, a gap was indicated in the condition and safety dimensions between manager's perceptions from park users expectation and park users expectations. The findings suggest that there were no significant differences between managements and employees perception from expectations of park users, as a result, there is no gaps between perception of managers and employees from expectation of park users. Conclusion: Although in all dimension (condition, maintenance and safety dimension) there was significant difference in between employee's perception and expectations from quality of the recreational-sport spaces in Golestan province parks, however, fortunately, there was no significant difference in managements and employees perception from real expectations of park users.

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The aim of this study Comparative attitude, organizational structure and organizational climate components with information technology diffusion in the sport organizations of IRAN. In this study which is descriptive, 176 principals and 194 experts were randomly selected as the sample of the study and responded to the research-made questionnaires on attitude, organizational structure and organizational climate. To measure the face and content validity (panel of expert),construct validity (exploratory and Confirmatory factor analysis) and the reliability (Alpha Cronbax)was used. The reliability indices of the questionnaires in the pilot study were a=0.91, a=0.78, a=0.93, a=0.93 respectively. For statically analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics (ANOV A, MANOV A) were used. The finding showed that there is a significant difference between attitude, organizational structure and organizational climate of the testes in PE organization (P=0.006), sport federations (P=0.001) and the putty of education and physical education (P=0.013). In addition, the results of MANOVA showed significant differences among micro scale of mental perception of usefulness, ease of use (F4,686 = 4.129, P£0.003, Wilks lambda= 0.945, Eta= 0.24), formalization, concentration, complexity (F4,686= 7.170, P£0.001, Wilks lambda= 0.885, Eta= 0.34), managers support and open communication (F4,486 = 10.791, P£0.001, Wilks lambda = 0.885, Eta = 0.019) in three organizations. To sum up, it can be said that LTD, by decreasing the cost of conducting research and modifying the procedures and standards in using the organizations resources optimally increases efficiency and innovation in organization.

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In the competitive marketing, brand loyalty is a strategically necessary that clubs and sport teams utilize it for attracting and maintain fans. So they reach durable competitive advantages by this way. In regarding to importance of fans brand loyalty, this study aims to determinate of important difference of fan's brand loyalty on based of demographic traits of fan in the Iranian. By using a researcher developed questionnaire that was extracted Gladden and Funk's Team Association Questionnaire (2002), data's was collected a sample of fans (N=797). Cronbach's alphas (0.88) and Kendall coefficient (0.79) estimated reliability and established validity of measures for this study. Results of t-test and one-way variance analysis showed a significant important difference of fans' brand loyalty with marital status, education and history of attendance in stadium, but age and monthly incomes didn't have important difference with fans' brand loyalty significantly among Iranian Football super league fans.

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هدف تحقیق حاضر ارزیابی کیفیت اماکن تفریحی-ورزشی پارک های استان گلستان بر اساس مدل تحلیل شکاف در ابعاد وضعیت، حفظ و نگهداری و ایمنی است. به همین منظور، پرسشنامه در میان 180 کاربر پارک، 21 مدیر و 27 کارمند دفاتر فضای سبز استان گلستان توزیع و جمع آوری شد. کاربران باید ادراک و انتظار خود را از پارک و همچنین کارکنان و مدیران باید درک و برداشت خود را از انتظارات کاربران بیان می کردند. در این مقاله تعداد کل پارک های استان گلستان 83 عدد بود که طبق نمونه گیری تصادفی ساده به 21 پارک در 15 شهر مراجعه شد. نتایج بیانگر این مطلب است که بین ادراک و انتظارات کاربران تفاوت معنی داری در هر سه بعد وضعیت، حفظ و نگهداری و ایمنی وجود دارد؛ به عبارت دیگر در هر سه بعد بین ادراک و انتظارات کاربران شکاف وجود دارد. از سوی دیگر، بین انتظارات کاربران و کارکنان فقط در بعد ایمنی تفاوت معنی داری وجود داشت؛ بنابراین یک شکاف در بعد ایمنی بین انتظارات کاربران و کارکنان مشاهده شد. علاوه بر این، بین انتظارات کاربران و مدیران پارک ها هم در بعدهای وضعیت و ایمنی هم تفاوت معنی داری مشاهده شد؛ به عبارت دیگر در بعدهای وضعیت و ایمنی شکاف وجود داشت. یافته های دیگر مقاله بیانگر این مطلب است که بین درک و برداشت کارکنان و مدیران از انتظارات کاربران تفاوت معنی داری مشاهده نشد؛ در نتیجه می توان اذعان داشت که هیچ شکافی بین درک و برداشت کارکنان و مدیران از انتظارات کاربران وجود ندارد. با وجود اینکه در همه ابعاد (وضعیت، حفظ و نگهداری و ایمنی) میان ادراک و انتظارات کاربران از کیفیت اماکن تفریحی-ورزشی پارک های استان گلستان اختلاف معنی دار (شکاف) مشاهده شد که نشان دهنده نارضایتی کاربران بود، ولی خوشبختانه میان ادراک مدیران و کارکنان پارک ها از انتظارات واقعی کاربران اختلاف معنی داری (شکاف) مشاهده نشد. هر چند در این خصوص کارکنان، در مقایسه با مدیران درک بهتری از انتظارات کاربران داشتند.

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هدف این پژوهش، تدوین چشم انداز کارآفرینی در ورزش کشور از دیدگاه صاحبنظران ورزشی است. روش تحقیق توصیفی پیمایشی است. جهت جمع آوری داده ها از مصاحبه و پرسشنامه محقق ساخته استفاده شد. پرسشنامه مورد نظر پس از تایید روایی (توسط استادان مدیریت ورزشی، کارآفرینی و استراتژیک) و پایایی توسط ضریب آلفای کرونباخ (a=0.96)، بین نمونه آماری (64 نفر از بین 79 نفر جامعه آماری) شامل مدیران ستادی سازمان تربیت بدنی، اساتید مدیریت ورزشی، مدیریت کارآفرینی و گرایش مدیریت استراتژیک توزیع شد. برای تحلیل داده ها، از روش های آماری توصیفی و استنباطی از جمله آزمون های کایزر، بارتلت و تحلیل عاملی استفاده شد. نتیجه با در نظر گرفتن عناصر تشکیل دهنده چشم انداز و با استفاده از آزمون تحلیل عاملی (c2=325.799، r£0.001 و KMO=0.821) به دست آمد. کلیه تجزیه و تحلیل ها با استفاده از نرم افزارSPSS  انجام گرفت. بر اساس یافته های این پژوهش چشم انداز کارآفرینی در ورزش کشور با محوریت سازمان تربیت بدنی، در توسعه اشتغال، اثربخش عنوان شد. اثربخشی، زمینه سازی و اکتشاف فرصت های کارآفرینانه جهت توسعه اشتغال برای هر کشوری به منظور ایجاد ثروت ضروری و مهم تلقی شده است. بنابراین تدوین چشم انداز کارآفرینی در ورزش می تواند جامعه ورزش و اشتغال را در آن سازماندهی و به شکل گیری کارآفرینی در ورزش کمک نماید.

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The propose of this research was identifying the factors influencing fan's loyalty toward the most popular teams brand in football professional league of Iran. This study was descriptive -survey that accomplished in field study and used Gladden and Funcks questionnaire (2001) for data collection. Validity of this questionnaire resulted in survey from specialists that were expert at this field. Moreover factor analyze was used for this questionnaire, and reliability was resulted by Cronbach's Alfa (p=0.748). Morgan's table was used for sampling for each of three teams Piroozi, Esteghlal and Teraktorsazi, there were 387 people selected for each team as sample, which overall samples were 1161. The Simple random method was used for this study. Samples were collected from fans in Azadi stadium in Tehran and Yadegar Imam Stadium in Tabriz. Factor Analyze, One Sample Kolmogorov Smirnov test and Multiple Regression were used for data analysis. Results showed that in attribute factor's head coach, manager and logo had a positive influence on fan's loyalty. However in benefit factor's escape and fan identification had a positive and peer group acceptance had a negative influence on fan's loyalty. In attitude factor's important and knowledge had a positive influence on fan's loyalty. Finally according to the results, it seems that this research could give some guidance for club managers to attract more fans about Brand loyalty factors.

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between Leadership Styles of Coaches with Achievement Motivation and Sport Commitment of Judoka in Iranian pro league. Statistical population of this study comprised the entire Judokas (N= 162) of pro league in Iran. Statistical sample set includes entire judo players of pro league in Iran (n=162). In order to collect information Leadership Scale for Sport of Chelladurai & Saleh (1993), Sport orientation Questionnaire of Gill (1988) and Sport commitment Questionnaire of Scanlan & (1993) were used. Descriptive methods were used to analyze the data and in order to determine the relationship a multiple variable regression was used. Data analysis results showed that there is a significant relationship between the Leadership Styles of Coaches and the Achievement Motivation and the Sp0l1 Commitment (p<0.05). Also, findings showed that there is a significant relationship between leadership styles of democratic, positive feedback and social support on the one hand, and Achievement Motivation(p<0.01) and the sport commitment, on the other(p<0.05). But, there was no relationship between the styles of training and instruction and authoritarian types of leadership on the one hand and the Achievement Motivation, Sport Commitment of the players, on the other (p>0.05). Generally Leadership styles of coaches are important and predictive factor in athlete's Achievement Motivation and Sport Commitment.

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Sport clubs to be successful and effective must attract coordination and communion of people. To achieve this, they must focus on customer satisfaction. The purpose of this research is modeling customer satisfaction factors in social-sport complexes of Tehran Gas Organization (TGO). The research used descriptive-survey. The statistical sample was 90 customers of educational services in sport complexes of TGO. Data was collected using a researcher made questionnaire to assess the service quality and satisfaction. Analysis of data was carried out using Pierson correlation and multivariate regression analysis. Results showed significant and direct correlation between the Quality and management of customer satisfaction (p<0.05). Also significant and indirect correlation exist between accessibility, security, design and attraction, health and other variables with customers satisfaction (p<0.05). In multivariate regression analysis, the management (Beta=0.238, P=0.041) and quality (Beta=0.282, P=0.016), are meaningful anticipated variables. Due to these results, the sport recreation managers should notice on meaningful relation of service quality and management with customer satisfaction.

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Taking the stairs instead of escalators or elevators is a free and beneficial physical activity that can be done by most people in most places including malls, worksites, libraries, and other such facilities. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of using health-promoting posters to encourage people to use stair instead of escalators in the five underground metro stations in Kuala lumpur, Malaysia. The posters were placed the point-of- choice between the stairs and ascending escalators at eye level and the number of people who selected stairs or ascending escalators recorded. Accounts were done at the same time, on the same weekday and 5 consecutive weeks. Observations took place in five stages of baseline, First intervention, First post-intervention, second intervention and Second post- intervention. During the study in all five stations, the total number of 48635 choices between the stairs and the ascending escalator were observed. There were significant increase in stair use between baseline and the first intervention phase (from 4.5% to 19.3%), and between the first post intervention and the second intervention phase (from 6.6% to 22.8%) when the posters were introduced for the first and the second time. I addition, there were significant decrease between the first intervention and the first post- intervention phase (19.3 to 6.6%), and between the second intervention and the second post intervention phase stair use decreased significantly (from 22.8 to 8.7%) when the posters were removed for the first and the second time. However, the level of stair use after the second post-intervention phase significantly exceeded the baseline level (8.7 vs. 4.5%). The results of this study showed that using posters significantly increased the percentage of stair users. Based on these results, it suggests that public health promoters use simple and low-cost tools such as posters to promote lifestyle based health-enhancing physical activity by encouraging individuals to opt stairs.

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The purpose of this study was to examine relationship between perceived leadership behaviors of coaches, achievement goals and athlete's satisfaction of the Iranian elite female basketball players. Statistical society of this study was included from all super leagues' female basketball players. Sample society was equal to all 1 74 athletes of statistical society and the method of research was descriptive. The personal information leadership sport scale (LSS), Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ), and athlete satisfaction questionnaire (ASQ) were used to measure the variables. Descriptive methods were used to analyze the data and in order to determine the relationship a multiple variable regression was used. The results showed that leadership behaviors coaches with achievement goals are correlated (p<O.05). And there is significant relationship between leadership behavior of social support on the one hand, and ego orientation and the other (p<0.05). Leadership behavior and athlete satisfaction have significant linear relationship, also instruction and training behavior and positive feedback have linear relationship with athlete satisfaction and even predict it (p<0.05).Generally Leadership behaviors of coaches are important and predictive factor in forming of achievement goals and athlete's satisfaction.

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The purpose of this study was to describe the power sources of coaches and its relationship with group cohesion of participations at the First Iranian Students Olympic. The population of the study (n=1264) involved the entire athletes, participated in the first student Olympics of the high school grade. The sample (n=348) was selected on the basis of stratified random sampling method (different sports teams from futsal, handball, basketball, football and volleyball). Sussman and Dip's (1989) Power sources questionnaire and Group Environment questionnaire GEQ (1985) was used to Data collection. The face and content validity of these questionnaires by 6 Professor of sport management And coaches were studied and The requested amendments were reviewed. So the reliability of the Group Environment questionnaire and Power sources questionnaire by a Pilot study, a= 0.78 and a=0.72 obtained. Results showed that the expert power was the most important way in the using the coaches' power from the players viewpoint. Also the coercive power had the least application among the coaches. The results indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between the expert and referent powers with the task cohesion and group cohesion (p:S0.05). Also there was a negative relationship between reward power and task cohesion (p:S0.05). With regard to the findings of this study highlight the role of expertise in team sports, can utilize. it in the selection of qualified instructors.

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The purpose of the present study was to determine the situation of organizational justice and relationship between organizational justice and employees empowerment in physical education administration of Khorasan Razavi Province. Statistical population was employees of physical education administration of Khorasan Razavi province. Research population includes 237 persons and sample size is 153. Two standard questionnaires in the field of organizational justice (Niehoff & Moorman 1993) and empowerment (Spreitzer 1995) were used to collect data. For data analysis, have been used K-S test, Pearson correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results indicate that the score of organizational justice is medium and there is significant relationship between the organizational justice and its aspects with the employees empowerment of the Administration. According to the research findings, it is suggested that sport organizations directors pay a greater attention to organizational justice in order to elevate employees empowerment level.

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The purpose of this study was 0 examine the relationship between sport participation motivations with students physical activity in Shahid Chatman University of Ahwaz. Methodology was correlative descriptive, which was done by field study. Statistical population included all undergraduate students in the 90-89 school year (N=9175). Sample size was determined randomly (n=370). Instrument for gathering data was demographic characteristic questionnaire, and sport participation motivation questionnaire included 27questions in 6 subscale. Construct validity of questionnaire via factor analysis, and Reliability via alpha Cronbach was calculated 0.752 and 0.92 respectively. For data analysis descriptive and inferential statistics methods (pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression) was used, significance level was determined (a=0.05). Results showed physical health motive in both female and male students was most important motive for participation in physical activity, but rate of physical activity in girls and boys was (46.52), (68.12) minutes per week respectively. Moreover there was a significant positive relationship between social interaction, vitality - freshness and physical health motives with rate of physical activity. Multiple regression tests showed the vitality - freshness and physical health motives were strongest factors for prediction rate of student's physical activity. According to results of this research it is recommended, university officials to develop and enhance sports facilities, especially in dormitories proportional with the student's motives, because through enhance sport contributions, physical and mental health of students will be increase.

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