A disputable concept and a controversial issue in Iranian culture is the notion of wisdom which covers an array of meanings, wide in range, and sometimes contrary to each other. Therefore, different schools of thought have presented different definitions.This essay investigates the style of two intellectual groups (mystics and philosophers) about wisdom. By analyzing the verses of two outstanding representatives (Naser Khosrow and Sana-ee), we found out that Naser Khosrow's poems, in terms of concept, image and structure are without any preliminaries, based on wisdom and logic. In spite of him, Sana-ee has brought some couplets in Hadighat ol Haghighah on expressing and defending wisdom, yet, because his mental structure does not match with his intellectual logic, the result of his work is contrary to wisdom.In this regard, it can be stated that the usage of the appellation of 'Hakim' for Sana-ee, is not accepted just by tolerance, whereas, Naser Khosrow truly deserves the title of 'Hakim'. The reason is that Naser Khosrow’s wisdom includes both material and spiritual aspects, whereas Sana-ee's wisdom is completely spiritual and lacks the material facet.