Objectives: The present article aims at clarifying art education from view point of the founder of Islamic revolution of Iran imam Khomeini. Fostering the artistic creativity and artistic production in line with the values of Islamic-Iranian and developing the artistic taste is one of the goals of education. Given that one of the fundamental objectives of the Islamic Revolution, the spread of Islam in society is an all-round education, paying attention to all aspects of education, including arts education, as an effort is necessary. Due to the great influence of artistic education in the promotion of our culture and explaining the policies drawn up by the great founder of the Islamic Revolution (RA) is necessary. Methods: The method of the paper is analytical method, after clarification of "art education" as one of the new subjects in the works of philosophers of education, objectives, and principles of art education in light of the views of Imam Khomeini (RA) review. Results: Art is considerd as a cultural content and a necessity in the process of social development, to establish meaningful relationships between concepts, structures prior knowledge transformation and transfer of learning in a new context and artistic growth process thinking skills. Conclusion: Ethical, religious orientation, independence of thought and attention to national interests, fundamental place in the reading of Imam Khomeini enjoyed the artistic education. In this context, artistic education, an essential tool for the success of Islamic education and the purification of art diversion, corruption, isolation, rigidity, also sees the development of critical knowledge.